1941 with all units from 1940 1.0
This is a mod which adds the units that are not in 1941.
All new units act exactly as they would in 1940 2nd Edition. Note that battleships and carriers retain the rules from 1941. (For instance no bombardment still)
Setup the game as in the rules(make sure you are using the latest version which includes 6 infantry in Russia, an infantry in Northwestern China, a destroyer in SZ 11, and 17 IPCs for the US.
Now add:
Karelia: 1 AAA
Archangel: 1 mech.
Russia: 1 artillery, 1 AAA, 1 T bomber
Caucasus: 1 artillery, 1 mech., 1 AAAGerman:
Western Europe: 1 AAA, 1 T bomber
Norway: 1 AAA
Eastern Europe: 1 mech., 1 artillery 1 AAA 1 T bomber
Ukraine: 1 mech 1 artillery 1 AAA
North Africa: 1 artillery 1 mech
SZ 16: 1cruiser
SZ 5: 1 cruiserBritish:
United Kingdom: 1 AAA 1 T bomber
Egypt: 1 artillery 1 mech
India: 1 artillery 1 T bomber 1 AAA
Australia: 1 AAA
SZ 8: 1 cruiser
SZ 29: 1 cruiserJapanese:
Japan: 1 mech 1 artillery 1 AAA 1 T bomber
Coastal China: 1 artillery
Southeast Asia: 1 artillery
SZ 31: 1 cruiser
SZ 45: 1 cruiserAmerican:
Western US: 1 mech 1 artillery 1 t bomber
Hawaii: 1 AAA
Szechwan: 1 artillery
SZ 11: 1 cruiser
SZ 42: 1 cruiser -
I like the additions, how does these new pieces add to the game?
I have never liked how weak Russia is in 1941, where is that 16 million mobilized men? Ever with the huge losses suffered between June and October, the Russians had millions of men filling the ranks of the dead and captured. And Germany during those months had lost 600,000 men.
I understand that a weaker Russia allows for the game to be more balanced for the Axis.
It’s all great! Artillery is great for Russia, Mechs are great for Germany, crusier and tactical bomber are useful for Japan USA and UK, and AAA add nice defense.