Awesome news! I am already looking forward to the release!
Alternate 1941 Set-Up
Alternate game set-up proposal for game starting in 1941
Controls West Russia with 3 INF.
Evenk, Novo, Yakut all reduced 1 INFGermany:
Lacks West Russia.
Redeploy West Russia units as follows:
1 ART Belo
1 FIG Eastern
1 ARM Belo
1 INF Belo
1 INF Ukraine
1 INF Eastern
Add 1 INF each to Libya, Eastern, Belo, Ukraine
SUB Deployment: Germany may place their 3 starting SUBs as follows:
Up to 3 SUBs in: SZ5
Up to 2 SUBs in: SZ6, SZ7, SZ3
Up to 1 SUB in: SZ8, SZ9, SZ12, SZ11
Add 1 BB to SZ5
Allow Germany to purchase their first AC for 8 IPC (Graf Zeppelin under construction)UK:
Controls New Guinea with 1 INF
Redeploy 1 INF from Australia to New Guinea
Redeploy 1 DST from SZ35 to SZ47
Redeploy 1 TRN from SZ40 to SZ47
Remove 1 SUB from SZ40Japan:
Lacks New Guinea and Philippines
Redeploy 1 INF to Carolines
Redeploy 2 INF to Japan
Add 1 TRN to SZ61
Add 1 DST to SZ59
Add 1 INF each to Borneo, FIC, ManchUSA:
Pearl has not happened
Redeploy BB from SZ55 to SZ52
Add 1 BB to SZ52
Redeploy AC and 1 FIG to SZ53
Add 1 INF Phillipines
Add 1 TRN SZ49Axis has an additional initial forces superiority, but also is reduced $6 IPC’s at start. No bid should be required in this game.
Bismark still afloat. U-Boat deployment determined by German player each game. US Pacific Fleet still massive. Japan still fledgling in terms of income. UK still defending Pacific outposts.Feedback appreciated.
On first sight, I like it. How much have you played with it.
Never tested.
Concept only.
Very interesting, Switch, especially with the German player’s option for sub placement. I’m anxious to hear of any test games results. :-D