The pandemic was awesome for Youtube with all the Youtube wars going on.
would any people like to join me in a new version of Youtube wars?
I’m trolling for a new game.
I’d prefer '41, no tech, no bid, with NO’s on, Abattlemap with forum dicey. I’d like to play the Axis if there’s someone who would likes to play Allies. I’m mostly a casual player, but I can probably offer a decent challenge if you don’t mind a leisurely pace.
I’m trolling for a new game.
I’d prefer '41, no tech, no bid, with NO’s on, Abattlemap with forum dicey. I’d like to play the Axis if there’s someone who would likes to play Allies. I’m mostly a casual player, but I can probably offer a decent challenge if you don’t mind a leisurely pace.
I’ve got a volunteer. Thanks!
looking for a game - '41, no tech, no bid, with NO’s. Let me know if anyone is interested.
Rohmm I’m up for that 41 scenario game if you’re still interested. Prefer to play the Axis but I’ll willing to play any side or roll for it.
With the bye in the tourny, I am available for another league game. PM me.
Anyone interested in playing an online AAP40 game?
Anyone interested in playing an online AAP40 game?
Hi im new to A&A but looking to get into it. I have played some A&A spring 1942 and realy liked it so i decided to go look for ways to play it more then once every half year or so. I have read alot about PBEM, TrippleA, ABattlemapp and stuff but never used it so I would like an opponent who´s okey with it taking some time. I could probably read up the rules on any other A&A version you might prefer.
Anyone intrested in getting me started?
Looking to start an Pacific 40’ game, any takers?
I’ll play you DangerMouse. Interested?
I would like to play a game if anyone is interested?
I would like to play a game if anyone is interested?
I’ll play you AAP40, me being allies without a bid.
Looking for a new Game AA50-42, +NO +Tech Abattlemap
I’d like to play a game of P40 as allies. Any interested?
Anyone for an AAP40 game?
Anyone interested in a Pac 40’ game?
I’m in.
PM me to set up details.
Anyone live in Oklahoma or surrounding states??? I want to meet up for some Axis, but no one seems to play out here. ANYONE?!?! :? :?
Looking for a 1942 game. I haven’t played on the forums yet but have a good grasp of the game.
Looking for a 1942 game. I haven’t played on the forums yet but have a good grasp of the game.
I’ll play you. Want to be axis or allies?