• Hi guys so I got the sarnia war room you tube updated with our first game we played yesterday. Camera work is mediocre and we all made mistakes. Please let me know what you guys think was done well and not well for the first ever full game. Thanks in advance.


  • Hi Vanerost,

    thanks for sharing this video with us. Seems like a nice game with some strange things happening.  :-D  In all the games I’ve hosted for our local group I’ve never seen Paris liberated so far. :-o And in general it was very interesting to see the course of a war going completely different from our games.
    Just one question: How did Italy get its navy into the Red Sea? (I’ve seen Egypt captured by the Axis but not Syria. Is this one of the occasional errors that appear when we are mixing up rules from several versions of A&A?)


    P.S.: As you’ve already mentioned, maybe just move the camera a little bit slower the next time; so I’ve get a chance to see some more details of your game.  :-)

  • the camera work made me dizzy. couldn’t watch more than about 30 seconds lol.

    im from london, so if you need an extra player i could make the drive down.

    as for the other guy, you dont need to control syria to use the canal.

  • You also need to control Transjordan.

  • Very nicely done guys.

  • Sponsor

    Hey Vanerost,

    Congrats… you got game #1 under your belt, it’s all live and learn from here on out. don’t worry about the mistakes your first few tries, it takes awhile to gain the experience and remember things like scrambling, although I’m sure those 3 planes may have helped you keep your transports during this game anyway. Felt a little sick from the camera work, but I’m sure you’ll get better at that… just remember when you’re showing us each area, we want to pause the video and count the units, it’s very difficult to do that when you move the camera away to fast and if it’s too up close to see the entire force. Other than that, great work and I look forward to seeing more game summaries in the future.

  • Thanks for the info on the naval fleet not having the option to leave the med. I have a friend that watched and informed me of my bombardment of Egypt also was wrong as we understand now after talking me and him is you can only bombard the land if you have a landing from sea going on and only one shot per ground unit landing. Let me know if that is now correct? I enjoy all the advice as we only wish to play better. Reason for Paris being taken back was the U.S. Spending all ipc’s in Europe as Japan did not threaten anything. Also Germany brought Russia in on round two as my friend came for the game and I felt bad he was sitting there for a couple of hours doing nothing. I will work on the camera thing, got to be carful as I only have so much room on it to record. Soon I think I will be making a table and I will record the build to post to the channel too. It is going to be a variation of young grasshoppers table as he has given me many good ideas in his videos. Have not decided on a printed map yet or just use the game board for now and upgrade to a print later??

    Thanks again guys and any advice is always welcome. Games should be fun to watch as we don’t seem to play the same tactics as most right now.

  • Hi Vanerost,

    you can only bombard the land if you have a landing from sea going on and only one shot per ground unit landing.
    Yes this is correct. But you only have one shot per battleship or cruiser on your very first cycle of the battle; and this only if there was no sea-battle in the SZ of the amphibious assault. (Our HR to this rule: In case of a naval battle the attacker has the choice to held cruisers or battleships back (Not engage them in the sea-battle) so that the can assist the Invasion by shore bombardment.)

    Have not decided on a printed map yet or just use the game board for now and upgrade to a print later??
    If you have the chance to print the map at a reasonable size (1x2 Meters or bigger) I strongly recommend this. It makes gaming much more convenient.
    Btw. YG: Many thanks for the map-file!

    Concerning the Suez-Canal: Page 9 of the A&A 1940 Europe (2nd Ed.) rules state that you (or you’re allies) need to control both Egypt & Trans-Jordan to use the canal.

    Greetings, Lars

  • Hessian, thank you for the info. That is a nice house rule on holding the ships back to assist and would make sense in real life for suck an event. I did know about the only one shot per ship and only once before the start of combat. Also units hit do get to fire back at units landing if I am correct in my reading. Thank you for all the info on the matter as it seems that is the one thing we really did mess up was the bombardment and the leaving/entering the med.

    As for the map the only thing I am not sure of is while the table I am going to make will be full size as my stairs go right into my basment in a strait shot so build in garage then bring in is no problem. I will not be able to leave it set up permanently as I don’t think I have the room to do so for now. So it will be place off to the side against a wall until I make a good home for it. So I will not be making trays yet to leave pieces and separate them as I will be using the original trays and at the end of a game putting everything back in the box:(. So then I would need to either glue down the printed map or fold it up or roll it up every time and I feel this may be my problem. Unless you guys have glued or attached the printed map down some how, I am not sure if or how I would do this yet??

    Thanks for the welcome and I continue to enjoy all the help.

  • Hi Vanerost,

    you’re welcome!

    Also units hit do get to fire back at units landing if I am correct in my reading.
    Yes you’re reading is correct. But remember defending ground Forces can’t the bombarding ships.

  • On the Allies liberating Paris….

    Have you guys ever played Fortress America?  Very good game.  Three invading powers invade the Continental United States from three different directions, from Atlantic, Pacific, and Mexico.  Only Canada sits it out on the North.  So the United States force retreat “Northerly” sort of.  But the goal is the US must hold on to 13 of 30 capital cities.

    Well a tactic the experienced invader makes in the game is to destroy all the US units in a Capital city but NOT to take it UNTIL they are sure they can hold it forever.  Andy why?  Because if the US recaptured one of the 30 capital cities from an invader, they get extra free reinforcements.  That is kind of like the Germans Recapturing Paris in A&A Global 40.  You get to re-collect all the French income again after the French have their turn, that is assuming that there are still free French territories that are still in the hands of the French that neither the Germans or the Japanese had already been collecting.

  • yeh the retake of Paris was a nice boost. On my last turn holland fell back to Germany and only six tanks remain in Normandy and all was well on the western front then. Problem was the Russians made too much money for Germany to keep going on two fronts. I would reclaim all of Europe only to have Moscow come and take Berlin. So that is why we called it. Japan just did not do anything and then lost all they did leaving them with only making 20 something ipc’s. Egypt didn’t change the corse of the game but could have so I am glad my mistake did not affect the outcome.

  • Sponsor

    Your video summary style is similar to bdwassom’s youtube channel where you could find yourself explaining the demise of your own nation, and it doesn’t help when your buddies are giggling at you behind the scenes… (lol). I’m guessing they were gonna gang up on Germany no matter what Japan did… just a hunch.

  • That is very true but next game is a all out random dice roll to see who gets what nation. No planing or going after me. Lol. Not that they really did. My friend told me he was coming for Europe since U.S. Had nothing to really do in the pacific and UK did nothing in Europe as Italy was left to spread unchecked for the most part. My mistake was not planing a reasonable defence against the U.S.

  • Sponsor


    That is very true but next game is a all out random dice roll to see who gets what nation. No planing or going after me. Lol. Not that they really did. My friend told me he was coming for Europe since U.S. Had nothing to really do in the pacific and UK did nothing in Europe as Italy was left to spread unchecked for the most part. My mistake was not planing a reasonable defence against the U.S.

    Tanks and aircraft are Germany’s bread and butter… not enough of either and they’re done for. I really like the sub purchases for ANZAC, never thought of that because I’m always buying transports to take away islands… I’ll have to look into that.

  • Yeh if left alone like they were Anzac can amass quite a fleet and then do some real work. Subs are cheep so if you can keep your transports alive they can be the backbone of a naval fleet to push and at the very least pull some Japan fleet away from other key positions.

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