Breakthrough Chart 3 [Updated]

  • I’ve been working on a third breakthrough chart…just because.  :| I don’t know, I just think three charts is nicer than two.  Someone described the first chart as land tech, while the second was sea and air tech.  My third one is land, sea, and air.

    I guess you could call it my SEAL chart!  :-D… :-) Get it?  You know, SEa, Air, Land… :-(…Navy…Seals… :cry: guys…?
    Heckler1 8-): BOO!!!
    Heckler2 :mrgreen:: You suck!
    Tim the Enchanter :evil:: Get on with it!

    Fine, here it is.


    1. Heavy Artillery
    Your Artillery attack on a 3.

    2. Heavy Tank
    Your tanks now attack and defend on a 4.

    3. Increased Factory Efficiency
    All units now cost 1 IPC less

    4. Combined Bombardment
    Your surface combat ships can now fire in the first round of an amphibious assault, in addition to the Opening Fire stage.  Ships are vulnerable to enemy fire during the first round of combat.

    5. Naval Night Fighting Skills
    Your surface combat ships now fire twice in the first round of sea combat.

    6. High Altitude Bombers
    AA Guns now roll two dice for each of your bombers.  They hit on a combined roll of 3 or less (5 for radar).

    Well, what do you think?

  • Techs 3 and 5 are too much. Infs costing 2 is crazy, but the naval one is even more wacky  :-o

    And combine 3 with 2 … ouch!  :-D

  • tech 5 could could work,

    i could envisage a well trained night fighting crew being more accurate and faster while the hit count could be raised,

    2 rolls may be too devestating,

    i would raise the hit roll by 1 for destroyers and cruisers, and 2 hit’s for battleships

  • Yeah, I was thinking about the factory one.  I like it, but the argument can certainly be made that it’s too powerful.  It was inspired by the Industrial Technology tech in Classic.  Larry Harris said, in a series of articles he did for the release of AAR, was that it hurt his brain thinking about it, since he couldn’t figure out what exactly was being industrialized.  I quote Larry Harris, “2 IPC Infantry?  Holy Cats!!!  :-o 23 IPC Battleship… :| hold me back”, or something like that.

    The fifth one was inspired by one of Japan’s National Advantages in one of the Larry Harris Revised Tournament Rules.  It was strictly for Japanese battleships, and the historical note along with it said how the US had some “catching up to do”.  I wanted to give the US the ability to catch up.  Also, restricting it to battleships, however, just doesn’t make sense to me.  If on a Battleship, why not a Cruiser or Destroyer?  Yes, it does seem overpowered as well.

    Still, I’m tired of the land and air units getting all the cool upgrades.  It’s about time some decent sea tech gets developed.

  • @Upside-down_Turtle:


    1. Heavy Artillery
    Your Artillery attack on a 3.

    2. Heavy Tank
    Your tanks now attack and defend on a 4.

    3. Increased Factory Efficiency
    All units now cost 1 IPC less

    4. Combined Bombardment
    Your surface combat ships can now fire in the first round of an amphibious assault, in addition to the Opening Fire stage.  Ships are vulnerable to enemy fire during the first round of combat.

    5. Naval Night Fighting Skills
    Your surface combat ships now fire twice in the first round of sea combat.

    6. High Altitude Bombers
    AA Guns now roll two dice for each of your bombers.  They hit on a combined roll of 3 or less (5 for radar).

    Overall, I have to say I like it, more options are always nice.

    thinking out loud thoughts maybe, but….

    for 1–heavy artillery.  instead of attacking at 3, what if they were long-range artillery and could attack one territory away, could be useful for support from neighboring sites.

    2–heavy tanks are great, but if combined with the factory efficiency, yipes is correct.  what if they still attack at 3, but could choose their target on rolls of 1.

    3–since infantry isn’t technically built, maybe it would apply to everything else.


    5–i like the concept, seems overpowered though. what jumped to my mind when reading it was increased AA defense on ships, like they would get a preemptive shot at 1 or 2 for BB before the battle.

    6–frightens me if someone would get this with heavy bombers

  • 1. I was thinking of allowing Rockets to also upgrade artillery.  They work like the Katusha Rockets NA in the house rules section of this site.  Roll once diring opening fire for each artillery.

    2. I was thinking also about changing these top two techs into:

    Heavy Guns
    Your tanks attack on a 4 and your artillery attack on a 3.

    Improved Armor Design
    Your tanks defend on a 4

    3. It’s not that the men themselves that are being made more efficiently (they aren’t being clones in tubes), but rather their weapons, just The Great Patriotic War rule means the USSR confiscated allied weapons, not brainwash US and UK soldiers.

    4. thank you.

    5. It’s basically a Japanese NA from LHTR2.0

    6. yes, that would suck

  • I’ve changed my chart in accordance with the game pieces Field Marshal Games will be coming out with.


    1. Atomic Bomb
    You may build 1 Atomic Bomb per tern for a cost of 10 IPCs.  Only 1 Atomic Bomb may exist on the board at one time.  It can be captured.  It may be carried by a bomber or rocket.  An Atomic Bomb dropped on any territory destroys all units (including factories) in that territory.  Place 1 damage counter on that territory’s IPC value.  That territory now produces 1 IPC less,(applies to factory production).  When territory damage is equal to the territory’s value, remove counters and place 1 upside-down damage counter (the side that does not say “damage”) over the National Control Symbol.  This territory is now Impassable.

    2. Super Carriers
    Your carriers may now carry up to 3 fighters.  They can now take 1 free hit that can be healed at the end of the battle.

    3. Underground Factories
    Your factories now take half the damage from Strategic Bombing Raids, rounded down.

    4. Combined Bombardment
    Your surface combat ships can now fire in the first round of an amphibious assault, in addition to the Opening Fire stage.  Ships are vulnerable to enemy fire during the first round of combat.

    5. Naval Night Fighting Skills
    Your surface combat ships now fire twice in the first round of sea combat.

    6. Stealth 
    You accidentally discover stealth technology.  Your planes are no longer effected by enemy radar upgrade.

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