Thanks guys, I appreciate the words of encouragement. Since you guys are so supportive, I will go ahead and show you, my only two paint jobs, I’ve done.
I painted 2 German BF 109’s.
The first one was a black BF 109. I tried to paint a simple white stripe by the side decals, the problem is, I don’t know how long you too wait for the acrylic paint to dry before you do nose coloring, stripes or camo. I used a gray primer, then I painted the main color black.
When I tried to paint the stripe, I had problems, even worse when I tried to paint the nose of the plane, it would have black still showing underneath. It was looking like one big glob of a mess.
Can you all explain how you do those things and make look smooth?
The second BF 109 was suppose to be a German Green Camo, with dark and light green stripes, here again, I don’t know when to add the next camo color, because I don’t how long you wait for it too dry.
For some reason, it came out awesome, because I smeared four colors and made this affect on the plane. Now, it doesn’t have the distinct camo lines, as the German green camo, normally has, but I think it still looks sharp.
I would fly it, LOL.
Also would have liked to had a yellow nose with yellow side stripes, but maybe, you all can give me some advice.
Without further delay, here is my first works. Enjoy! :-D