ok, this is for everyone wanting to get started playing by e-mail, i will help provide 1 on 1 assistance for getting setup and getting through the first couple of rounds of a game, here are the steps needed to get started.dont be discouraged because it is unfamiliar and a little bit of hassle getting setup for pbem, its like anything else on computers, hard at first but the more you get familiar with it, the easier it gets, this is coming from a guy with only 3 pbem games under his belt.
1. have a basic understanding of the rules of A&A revised. you dont need to be an expert but some knowledge of the game rules is needed to keep the frustration level down
2. get an account set up with daak. i chose daak because it is the online diceserver we use in our aa revised tourney that is now going on thus the main one used in our games forum
here the link to daak
once you are at daak click on the british flag in the upper left had corner, this puts it in english
then click under the games section on sign in
this openes up a basic info sheet that you fill out then click at bottom of the sheet on anmelden
then daak will send you an e-mail where they will accept your membership
this e-mail should include a link for you to click on to complete your enrollment
after this is completed you are ready to start a practice game, this is where you need an opponent
contact me with your daak user id and e-mail addy and i can set up a practice game with daak and a thread here to get started playing and posting
if you want to get set up with an AA map, i can help with abattlemap, this is the one i use but there are some minor flaws with it, but it works well enough to keep me from using my gameboard and pieces, this is very helpful
1 go to daak
2 on left hand side click on downloads
3 download abattlemap to your desktop
4 then put the desktop battlemap on a cd (this way you can carry it with you if you have computer access anywhere besides your home)
try doing these steps and contact me when you are ready to start a game….
if you have any questions post them here…ill be checking in periodicall