Thanks BW.
I was looking in other places in the LHTR that had references to AA Guns. I did not look at that paragraph.
This is a problem at times like this.Â
There are four different places where AA Guns are talked about.Â
Phase 3: Combat Move, Special Combat Moves, Air Units, Antiaircraft Guns, pg. 7
Phase 4: Conduct Combat, Combat Sequence, Step 2: Conduct Opening Fire, Antiaircraft Guns, pg. 8
Phase 4: Conduct Combat, Special Combats, Strategic Bombing Raids, pg. 13
Appendix I: Unit Profiles, Antiaircraft Guns, Special Abilities, Shoot Down Air Units, pg. 17
The first and last one are similar in what they say concerning AA Guns. The third is just a quick reference about the firing of AA Guns against bombers during SBRs.Â
The second is the only one that includes the statement that makes the extra clarification about how to specifically roll. It talks about the separate roll for fighters and for bombers.
In reading the LHTR rules, anyone would be best advised to consider exactly what information they want. In particular - where in the course of a turn does the situation occur that gives rise to the question, then look in the associated action section for the answer first.
If you want to know what a piece can do during combat movement, check the combat movement section first.
In the case given here, “Do you roll all air units at once, and pick and choose amongst bombers and ftrs for AA losses, or do you roll one die for each individual piece?”, go to the section “Conduct Combat”.
The unit profile section does contain valuable, accurate (as far as it goes), but not necessarily 100% complete information about what each piece can do in every situation.
The LHTR rule were written so that you could have the page open for the stage of play you are at in every part of a turn to see what you need to do at that point, and then do it with confidence that you don’t need to be checking other parts of the manual for exceptions or variances.