The Triplea java-based game has an option for “Honorable Victory” here either side wins if it has attained a certain amount of VC’s by end of a round. The Default I believe is 14. The games I’ve played against the (so-called) “Hard-AI” have all been won on this rule. The Axis have clearly lost at this point and I don’t have to go the extra hours necessary to achieve the OOB Victory Conditions. I’d suggest this added rule as it doesn’t change any of the other gameplay.
I have lost russia turn 5 for the last 4 games in a row….
This last week
We had a group of guys 2v2 I took my partner and said were gonna go for the cheesest win in AA history.
Germany didn’t do Barbarossa till round 3 first round buy was 3 tanks 1 art and destroyer and second since I had 68 Ipcs I bought 22 Infantry and roud 3 with 49 I got 8 tanks and pushed which helped cause I wanted to make sure of no Russian counter.
Now this is the cheesy part with Japan the first 2 rounds I got 2 small Industrial complexes and took all 3 transports and ferried over as many troops I can for Round 2 push two push into Russia the rest as Japan went as usual cut the berms road push into china a little but the main point was not to go to war with England and America for 3 rounds. It didn’t become apparent America and England until round 3 what I was doing and by then it was to late. I consolidated all my troops in Japan got an airfield for Korea. And kept pushing into Russia hard needless to say.
Russia fell. I think round 7 and Japan was at the Russian door absolutly cut them in half and while Japan on the pacific didn’t accomplish all it’s objectives it dosnt matter when Germany has the bulk of its army left to push into Calcuta or else where.
Like I said cheesy but it was effective keeping America out of the game till round 4. By then it’s just to late.
Well done! Trying to stay on topic, may I ask what turn we are speaking of?
Judging by the number and type of Germans I guess this must have happened GE8 earliest.Maybe you can try to explain what you think Russia/the Allies did wrong in your game and/or what they could have done to prevent the fall of Moskou/their loss?
Actually, it was round 9.
Yeah, I can pretty much tell what the Allies did wrong in this game.
RUSSIA - They did a total withdraw to Moscow with absolutely no counterattacks at all. So when the German Army got to Moscow, it was totally intact and it cost Germany nothing to gobble up all the Russian territory plus the small factories. Germany was able to just keep building up more men and equipment. I think our Russian player wanted to see how big a stack of men they could end up with. They had a lot of stuff they could have attacked with and possibly slowed the Germans down some. I have found in most games if Russia does at least some offensive action, not a lot but some, they can slow the Germans enough to delay or even prevent the fall of Moscow. Also, losing those 2 fighters as interceptors was a waste. I rarely use my fighters as interceptors unless I outnumber the bombers/escorts.
UNITED STATES - Spent too much time dicking around with Japan and was not bold enough. While the US was still neutral, he had plans to go into Europe and made purchases accordingly. However, once the US got into the war, he suddenly decided to square off against the Japanese Navy which was mostly building up in SZ 6. The US kept building a fleet in SZ 26 while Japan kept adding ships to it’s fleet. Both fleets got bigger and bigger but just sat there and stared at each other. While the US fleet was a little bigger, our US player felt it wasn’t enough to “ensure” victory so he just kept adding ships.
In the Atlantic, the US simply didn’t put enough there to really be of any help, plus the Luftwaffe kept US ships at bay.
UNITED KINGDOM - Spent too much time messing with Italy and on SBRs. Our UK player in this game thought it a good idea to invest in a lot of bombers to keep running SBRs on Germany’s ICs. While they did a fair amount of damage, they also lost bombers to AA fire. The only IC I repaired regularly was the W Germany IC so I could keep putting subs in the water. As for dealing with Italy, the UK should have been able to soundly trounce them but between convoy raids by my subs and buying so many expensive bombers, they couldn’t put enough in Africa to totally kick Italy out. It turned into a weird sort of stalemate between Italy and UK. (Our Italy player was a newbie who I don’t think quite grasped the concept of A&A strategies yet.)
UK INDIA - They made the horrible decision to try and build a fleet of their own. They didn’t even take any DEI islands and once Japan took Kwangtung, Malaya and Borneo, thus cutting about 2/3 of their income, then the Japanese Army showed up in Burma, India didn’t have enough to build any real defense. (Also, I don’t think they took into account the massive amount of Japanese air power with the airbase in Kwangsi that could reach India).
ANZAC - This was the only Allied power that actually did some good in this game. While Japan did get all the DEI, Malaya, the Philippines and Kwangtung, then eventually captured India itself, they did so without any warships to protect their transports because Japan was busy staring down the US Navy from SZ 6. So, ANZAC took what little navy they had, killed the Japanese transports and over the course of a few rounds, managed to take back the DEI and even liberated the Philippines. They didn’t dare go further north because they simply didn’t have a lot of warships to risk losing.
The strange part of it is that ANZAC was played by the same player that played UK and India. How he could do so wrong with the other two but do a good job with ANZAC is beyond me.Overall, I don’t think anyone was really taking this game very seriously. Sure these games are played for fun and all, but it just seems like everyone was kind of being a little goofy. I have to admit, I think I got a little of the goofy after a while. I think I could have attacked Moscow earlier but had the sudden idea that I wanted to totally surround it with armies, so that is what I did. After all, Russia wasn’t about to attack me and waste any of it’s precious and growing stack of men.
To be honest I have never seen a GE1 DOW yet, but is that a viable option even?
It certainly is and has been executed already by top player vs top player (allweneedislove Axis vs gamerman), most probably the 2 best players on this site.
Axis can attack EP, Baltic and Bessarabia and Russia cannot counter EP. the constraint is that Germans can only attack 1 seazone so the UK fleet wont suffer that much.
But enough words, you can have a look in the attached game.
To be honest I have never seen a GE1 DOW yet, but is that a viable option even?
It certainly is and has been executed already by top player vs top player (allweneedislove Axis vs gamerman), most probably the 2 best players on this site.
Axis can attack EP, Baltic and Bessarabia and Russia cannot counter EP. the constraint is that Germans can only attack 1 seazone so the UK fleet wont suffer that much.
But enough words, you can have a look in the attached game.
That game seems to have too many other factors in it to prove the viability of G1.
I personally don’t like a German DOW on Russia before G3. That way I can have the Bulgarians and Finns to join in the attack and get all surviving tanks and mechs from France. On G1 or G2 I just don’t think Germany has enough in place and makes it too easy for Russia to counterattack and mess up your front.
the way I see it (although I have no proof of it, its an estimation), the earlier Germany DOWs Russia, the stronger the UK will emerge from the first round battles. OR Germany messes up its fronts with the Russians.
The only advantage G1 has over G2 is that you kill the russian inf on the frontier. You get to moscow in the same amount of time. As long as the western allies prepare for it properly, and russia does not throw away too much inf, then Moscow will hold.
The only advantage G1 has over G2 is that you kill the russian inf on the frontier. You get to moscow in the same amount of time. As long as the western allies prepare for it properly, and russia does not throw away too much inf, then Moscow will hold.
This is the huge difference. Killing 7 Russian inf is huge.
regarding the AWN vs gamerman game. I have to say I never played G1 DOW but I certainly will soon. I believe it is a viable strategy and so does e.g. gamerman and AWN.
We haven’t done G1 Barbarossa, but G2 is very viable IMO. You need to strafe Yugo from S Germ and retreat to Romania (at least 1 Romanian inf goes in for retreat route). Italy can finish in the Balkans, or even Germany could clean it up G2. Your tanks/mech in the west will catch up (go through N Italy/Yugo). Your main German army may get stalled at some point, but the Russians are losing territory a round quicker and you may be able open up Russia’s southern territories a round faster (into Ukraine IC and the oil). The Russians might feel a little bold because you don’t have as much pushing in the early rounds and try to fight for Leningrad. We all know that if they fight for Leningrad things don’t normally work out for them (dead units can’t defend Moscow). Another transport or two in the Baltic is helpful to shuttle units into the Russian north, or retake Norway if needed.
It also depends on how you are handling the sz 125 NO for russia and russia taking Iraq a turn or 2 earlier.
Also i would say i lose about 6-8 original russian infantry who cant retreat back fast enough from the tanks…
I am sorry for being harsh. If he does not attack until G2, this number should always be 0. The only reason for it not to be is if you use a few inf to screen.
All you really have to do is to make your infstacks so big that his tanks are not strong enough to attack them. This is actually not that difficult to do against the force germany can have in russia on g3-g4.
I don’t know exactly what you are doing wrong, but I am pretty sure you are not conducting an effective retreat and not having enough art to present a real danger for a counterattack (which should stop the german for at least 1 turn.