• After Germany’s first turn here’s the situation:

    1. He sank the battleship in SZ 13.
    2. He seized Gibraltar so I can’t attack his transport and battleship in SZ13.
    3. He didn’t attack Anglo-egypt.
    4. He moved all his African land units to Libya.
    5. He has 5 planes and a bomber in Ukraine and the Balkans.
    6. He left W Europe naked and just 1 infantry in Norway, but whatever I send to either place will get crushed
    7. He built a carrier in SZ5 and has 2 fighters on it.
    8. He left the sub in SZ8 so I can’t send a British invasion force to Algeria and re-inforce it with the Americans while consolidating the two countries navies in SZ 12.
    9. The Russians moved two infantry to Persia to potentially reinforce India and can move four more into Sinkiang if (when) the Americans build their factory there.

    I’ve got two big decisions:

    1. Should I buy an AC to try to stop Germany from gaining Atlantic naval superiority or an IC for India? I can’t afford both of course.
    2. What should should I do with the fighter, infantry and tank in Anglo-Egypt? Staying in Anglo-Egypt is suicide as the German airofrce can reach there. I can either retreat into Africa or go towards India. I realize that my answer to this question depends on my answer to the first question.
  • Moderator

    All depends on your American Ally… If he does build a IC in Sanking then go for a 5 unit punch in Asia… You might want him to considerinvesting into a navy for the Atlantic if Japan doesn’t stockpile his fleet within striking distance of the US Coast… I would definitely try to go for the AC and build up an invasion force… If possible get a one-two punch on Algeria and send those units to clear afrika or build more after that for D-Day…


  • I do not have the board in front of me and it’s been a while since i have  :-P so i am basically imagining things . . . .

    Did he leave your trn alive in the lab sz?  If so, bring it over and by all means TAKE WEU if indeed it is unoccupied.  You get the use of a 6 ipc territory with an AA gun for at least a round.  Also you force him to divert >1 inf there leaving slightly less pressure on Russia.  Also i agree w/ GG - go for the AC.  He does not seem serious about keeping Europe, so i would put insane pressure there. 
    As for Africa - maybe pull your arm south and your South Africa inf north and leave an inf on EGY.  OR you might continue consolidating some of your IND (inf and ftr) and EGY (arm) into PER in order to assist RUS in holding CAU. 
    Of course just to screw him up, the KwangBang might be a tasty option with an extra ftr to aid the US ftr. 
    Also - get rid of the sub with a ftr.  At the least you will force him to retreat in order to allow your US allies to land Alg if they wish.

    Does this make sense?  What have i forgot?

  • Actually, I think I found a discrepancy with your game.  I’m pretty sure that ownership of Gibraltar does not halt any movement through the Strait.  That was just the first thing I noticed.  Uhhh, maybe you should take your fighter and bomber sitting in London, and attack his sub.  That, as you pointed out, will open up the possibility of the US taking Algeria.  Then, whatever German forces occupy Lybia will have a threat on both sides.  I might suggest moving your Inf. in Trans-Jordan into Anglo-Egypt to help out.  That, however, depends on how many units (including air) are within range of Anglo-Egypt.  If all your forces there, including the Inf. from TJ, will definitely get crushed, then yeah, I would have to agree with CC that a strategic withdrawal would be the way to go.

    And yes, of course, take W.Europe, if only for the temporary increase in funds.

  • oh - i assumed he meant that he had no where to land when Gib got taken.

  • Thanks for the responses guys, but I think that maybe you didn’t have a board in front of you when you responded. The German seizure of Gibraltar means that I have nowhere to land fighters lauched from the UK. SZ 8, with the German sub in it, is in between area 2 where the bulk of the Brit’s Atlantic fleet starts and SZ12 which is off the coast of Algeria. No other route of just 2 SZ’s exists between SZ2 and SZ12.

  • Buy the AC, dont make ICs. For the first few rounds, make mainly naval units. Ferry men to your empire.

  • @td3865:

    Thanks for the responses guys, but I think that maybe you didn’t have a board in front of you when you responded. The German seizure of Gibraltar means that I have nowhere to land fighters lauched from the UK. SZ 8, with the German sub in it, is in between area 2 where the bulk of the Brit’s Atlantic fleet starts and SZ12 which is off the coast of Algeria. No other route of just 2 SZ’s exists between SZ2 and SZ12.

    so my assumption was correct.
    I believe that this SZ is also known as AZO (for the Azores).  This means that my advice was valid.  Kill the sub/drop it with a fighter.  This will allow for the US to drop troops in Africa (if you don’t mind the possible sac’ of a US trn). 
    Also it seems that in this scenario you might wish to forgo the establishment of an IC.

  • Cystic Crypt, you still need to look at a map. Axis occupation of SZ8 blocks the Brits from a round one invasion of Western Europe as well as Algeria. Also, sending a fighter after a sub doesn’t guarantee the death of a sub.

  • @td3865:

    Cystic Crypt, you still need to look at a map. Axis occupation of SZ8 blocks the Brits from a round one invasion of Western Europe as well as Algeria. Also, sending a fighter after a sub doesn’t guarantee the death of a sub.

    You are absolutely right!!
    i had simply responded as tho’ this was A&A - not A&AR.  My sincerest apologies.

  • Yuck your actually considering a IC in India… bah…

    Pull your entire fleet from seazone 35 to seazone to 15 and hit the sweet underbelly of Europe next turn hold Africa!!! kill the German battleship and transport/evacuate India if you want to hit germany with everything ya got… get the Russians to screen seazone six and hit norway… put your AC in seazone 3 with the rest of your fleet and get ready to beat the germans at your game, fleet war!!! oh and get the Americans to fortify the UK for ya… never know what the sneaky germans are up to, could be thinking of hitting your capital… better safe then sorry

  • @Patton+:

    Pull your entire fleet from seazone 35 to seazone to 15 and hit the sweet underbelly of Europe next turn hold Africa!!!

    And if Germany pulls the standard T1 attack on Anglo-Egypt?


    ! kill the German battleship and transport/evacuate India if you want to hit germany with everything ya got.

    Evacuate India… bad idea… 3 IC gone (edit: 4 IC, since Persia will fall as well) , along with Persia next turn which borders Caucuses. The Russians really don’t need any more pressure. : /

  • Afrika Corps, I agree with you about abandoning India. As for your question about the standard turn 1 attack on Anglo-Egypt, my question in the initial post in this thread assumed that Germany chose to attack the battleship instead of doing the stadnard attack.

  • @td3865:

    Afrika Corps, I agree with you about abandoning India. As for your question about the standard turn 1 attack on Anglo-Egypt, my question in the initial post in this thread assumed that Germany chose to attack the battleship instead of doing the stadnard attack.

    :oops: In that case,  I would agree with Patton about pulling the fleet back into the mediterranean. I think that you should return with men for India and Africa however.

  • just me i have an unquenchable thirst for hitting germany with everything i have when i am the britt’s… i usually abandon those men in India every time to try and make a fight for Africa and keep the canal if possible or atleast just slow them down from running a muck in Africa before the US can get there to help me out… i love to sail that fleet through the canal but if i can’t do that i usually take the long way to get to the battle ship… not always the best move but i love messing with germany and giving her a whap on the under side.

  • I have to disagree with abandoning India so Quickly.  In order for japan to be sucessful it needs focus on attacking and holding the mainland. (which includes taking control of  China, the Russian controlled  part of Asia, and India,  as fast as it can.) If Japan buys 1 or 2  IC’s  on its first turn, The main land is going to be extremely bare when its Uk’s 2nd turn. So my advice is not build an IC on India but take the transport from india, and pick up the guy from South Africa, and move the persian guy into India. ( If the Japan decides to attack your Fleet so  be it,  You will leave the Jap fleet very weak and it will be easier for the U.S fleet to handle. )

    Don’t worry about Africa, the U.S. should always be ones who control Africa. The U.S can land 5 peices on Africa the first turn.( 2 men 1 artillary, 1 tank, and a plane.) Eventually you will have to pull out of  India and thats when  the small uk force can A. move into the Caucus’s or B. Help the U.S control Africa.

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