I think we should compare these units in IPC vs IPC basis:
There is a good objection in it.
I have read it somewhere before and I think I also have argued for it myself,
BBs should never be a better buy than a CV. I know this is a game, no simulation, but by all means, leave the carrier in its rightful (very superior) position to the BB.
So whatever the relative costs are I like to emphasis again: buying CV+2aircraft should always trump BB-only buys.
It is even possible that BBs are already too cheap, because for 36 IPCs I can buy (theorethically) 1 BB + 2DD, getting even with a 1CV+2FTR buy of my enemy on the other side of the ocean… If my objective is just to stop him/her.
1BB A4D4C18
1CA A3D3C10
1DD A2D2C8
= A9D9C36 IPCs (vs 40 IPCs OOB)= 18 pts, 4 hits
1CV A0D2C16
1TcB A4D4C11
1Fg A3D3C9
= A7D9C36 IPCs = 16 pts, 4 hits
(according to my cost and Fg A3 stats)
A9D9C36 vs A7D9C36
45% vs 43%?, draw 12%, CV-B C36 is even on defense.
A7D9C36 vs A9D9C36
30% vs 60%, CV-B C36 lost on offence.
To compare more precisely vs BB or vs CA:
BB (18 IPCs) vs CV-B (36 IPCs)
2 BBs vs 1 CV-B
40% vs 48%, draw 12% CV-B C36 wins on defense by a small margin.
1 CV-B vs 2 BBs
33% vs 55%, draw 12% CV-B C36 lost on offence.
CA (10 IPCs) vs CV-B (36 IPCs)
18 CAs vs 5 CV-B
32% vs 67%, CV-B clearly win on defense,
5 CV-B vs 18 CAs
36% vs 63%, CV-B still loose on offence.
Normally, OOB CV and BB additional hit worth 4 IPCs.
Reducing the BB and Cruiser cost by 2 IPCs each= -4 IPCs
Then 18 pts x2 = 36 IPCs (That’s why there is no remains 36 IPCs/2= 18 pts)
CV: 16 pts x 2= 32 IPCs+ 4 IPCs (for 1 additional hit)
So to get a better balance between both fleet, it need equality between both number of pts doubled and IPCs cost.
I would suggest a reduced cost for Carrier of -2 IPCs to get closer to equality between these two fleet.
So for balance between naval units, carrier should cost no more than A0D2C14, carry 2 Fgs / TcBs.
1CV A0D2C14
2Fgs A3D3C9
A6D8C32 = 14 pts x2 = 28 IPCs, 4 IPCs overpriced (even CV reduced by -2)
1CV A0D2C14
1TcB A4D4C11
1Fg A3D3C9
= A7D9C34 = 16 pts x2 = 32 IPCs, still 2 IPCs overpriced.
1CV A0D2C14
2TcBs A3-4D3-4C11
= A6-8D8-10C36 = 14 or 18 pts x2 = 28/36 IPCs in better cases no difference.
BB (18 IPCs) vs CV-B (34 IPCs)
17 BBs vs 9 CV-B
12% vs 87%, CV-B clearly wins on defense.
9 CV-B vs 17 BBs
39% vs 60%, CV-B lost on offence by a small margin.
CA (10 IPCs) vs CV-B (34 IPCs)
17 CAs vs 5 CV-B
18% vs 81%, CV-B win on defense,
5 CV-B vs 17 CAs
55% vs 44%, CV-B win on offence!!!
3 DDs A2D2C8
1 CA A3D3C10
= A9D9C34 IPCs = 18 pts, 4 hits
vs CV-B (1 Fg+1TcB)
36% vs 57%, slight advantage toward CV-B, on defense.
CV-B vs 3DD + 1 CA
43% vs 50%, a draw when CV-B on offence.
Naturally, when Fg A2 is on board Carrier, it is a weaker fleet group, but also cheaper.
1 CV-a A0D2C16
2 Fgs A2D3C8
= A4D8C32, 4 hits 12 pts x2= 24 IPCs + 8 pts!!! = 32 IPCs, 6 Pts overpriced.
4 DDs A2D2C8 = A8D8C32, 4 hits 16 pts.
4 DDs vs 1CV + 2 Fgs A2D3
CV-a+ 2 Fgs A2D3 vs 4 DDs
25% vs 72%, CV-a clearly lost on offence.
4 DDs vs CV-a
38% vs 57%, CV-a still better on defense.
In the situation, 4 DDs on offence are better than this CV-a.
BB (18 IPCs) vs CV-a (32 IPCs)
16 BBs vs 9 CV-a
21% vs 79%, CV-a clearly wins on defense.
9 CV-a vs 16 BBs
1% vs 99%, CV-a lost totally on offence!!!
CA (10 IPCs) vs CV-a (32 IPCs)
16 CAs vs 5 CV-a
22% vs 77%, CV-a win on defense,
5 CV-a vs 16 CAs
10% vs 90%, CV-a lost poorly on offence!!!
1 CV-b A0D2C16
1 Fg A2D3C8
1 TcB A4D4C10
= A6D9C34, 4 hits 15 pts x2= 30 IPCs + 4 pts = 34 IPCs, 2 Pts overpriced max.
BB (18 IPCs) vs CV-b (34 IPCs)
17 BBs vs 9 CV-b
14% vs 85%, CV-b clearly wins on defense.
9 CV-b vs 17 BBs
17% vs 82%, CV-b lost on offence.
CA (10 IPCs) vs CV-b (34 IPCs)
17 CAs vs 5 CV-b
18% vs 80%, CV-b win on defense,
5 CV-b vs 17 CAs
41% vs 57%, CV-b lost on offence.
Let’s suppose CV-a and CV-b reduced by 2 IPCs
1CV-aa A0D2C14
2 Fgs A2D3C8
= A4D8C30, 4 hits 12 pts x2= 24 IPCs + 6 IPCs = 30 IPCs 6 IPCs overpriced.
3 CAs A3D3C10
= A9D9C30 3 hits, 18 pts x2 = 36 IPCs - 6 IPCs= 6 under OOB cost.
BB (18 IPCs) vs CV-aa (30 IPCs)
5 BBs vs 3 CV-aa
15% vs 82%, CV-aa clearly wins on defense.
3 CV-aa vs 5 BBs
16% vs 82%, CV-aa clearly lost on offence.
CA (10 IPCs) vs CV-aa (30 IPCs)
3 CAs vs 1 CV-aa
26% vs 67%, CV-aa win on defense,
1 CV-aa vs 3 CAs
32% vs 61%, CV-aa loose on offence.
b]1 CV-bb A0D2C14
1 Fg A2D3C8
1 TcB A4D4C10
= A6D9C32, 4 hits 15 pts x2= 30 IPCs + 2 pts = 32 IPCs, 0 Pts overpriced max.
BB (18 IPCs) vs CV-bb (32 IPCs)
16 BBs vs 9 CV-bb
3% vs 97%, CV-bb clearly wins on defense.
9 CV-bb vs 16 BBs
44% vs 55%, CV-bb lost on offence.
CA (10 IPCs) vs CV-bb (32 IPCs)
16 CAs vs 5 CV-bb
8% vs 91%, CV-bb win on defense,
5 CV-bb vs 16 CAs
61% vs 37%, CV-bb win on offence vs CA!!!.
After seeing all this,
I wonder why I shouldn’t test Fg A3D3C8/ TcB A3D3C10 on a OOB carrier to be even with BB and Cruiser?
1CV A0D2C16
2Fgs A3D3C8
= A6D8C32 = 14 pts x2 = 28 IPCs, 4 IPCs over (price of 1 additional hit)
1CV A0D2C16
1TcB A4D4C10
1Fg A3D3C8
= A7D9C34 = 16 pts x2 = 32 IPCs now the price is 2 IPCs over (the 2 additional IPCs are for a second hit).
1CV A0D2C16
2TcBs A3-4D3-4C10
= A6-8D8-10C36 = 14 or 18 pts x2 = 28/36 in better cases no difference.
BB (18 IPCs) vs CV-B (34 IPCs)
17 BBs vs 9 CV-B
12% vs 87%, CV-B clearly wins on defense.
9 CV-B vs 17 BBs
39% vs 60%, CV-B lost on offence by a small margin.
CA (10 IPCs) vs CV-B (34 IPCs)
17 CAs vs 5 CV-B
18% vs 81%, CV-B win on defense,
5 CV-B vs 17 CAs
55% vs 44%, CV-B win on offence!!!
So my dilemma is this one: either reducing the cost of CV by 2 IPCs for a sum 14 IPCs for 2 hits,
or keeping Fg C8 and TcB C10 (8-9= -1 / 10-11= -1) saving also 2 IPCs.
Since there is more Fg and TcB on board, and are the cheaper units, I think it is better to reduce the price of the costlier unit: CV.
It is easier to balance the higher units (and less purchase) too not create too much havoc.
But if we intend to play a more aircraft oriented game, it is better to work with reduce cost of Fg C8 and TcB C10, and it is need that Fg be A3D3C8 to outweigh carrier vs Cruiser and BB.
If I put in order every units, I get a very progressive scale of purchase (funny):
Infantry 3 IPCs
Artillery 4 IPCs
Mec Inf 4 IPCs
AntiAirArt 5 IPCs
Armor 6 IPCs
Submarine 6 IPCs [G40e] Transport 6 IPCs
Transport 7 IPCs _G40e Submarine 8 IPCs Sub A2D1M2 paired 1:1 with sub +1A 7? iPCs
Destroyer 8 IPCs G40e Fighter
Fighter 9 IPCs ??? too high vs BB and CA?
Cruiser 10 IPCs G40e G40e TcB
TcBomber 11 IPCs ??? too high vs BB and CA?
Strat Bomber 12 IPCs
1942.2 Carrier 14 IPCs
Carrier -2 reduced price to almost fit with BB and CA new cost: 14 IPCs,
but not required when Fg C8 and TcB C10
Carrier 16 IPCs OOB
Battleship 18 IPCs G40e _