fair enough.
And it’s not really my problem in a sense, as i’m not French, nor am i a democrat (nor am i a true Liberal).
I just figured that some democrats may be offended. If they are not, then fine.
As for Bush - i guess i just call them as i see them. I liked his daddy fine, but the apple hit a few branches when falling from the ol’ tree.
but thats exactly my point, none of it bothers me, say what ever the f you want, just dont condemn people like jen doing it, but not yourself. i hate double standards.
So you would equate ethnic/political slurs with criticism of a political figure then?
In that regard referring to african-Americans as F-in’ N-word-s would be the same as calling Jean Cretien (former PM of Canada) a dishonest mercenary?
Obviously i disagree.
There’s a difference between a racial slur and slamming the inhabitants of a foreign nation. Foreigners can move to another nation and change citizenship. Members of a specific race cannot change race, even if they move and change their name.
This is why making fun of black, yellow, white and red people (hoping I didnt miss one, if I did, add it to the list) is morally wrong, while pointing out the foibles of a foreigner is not. As the scottsman in the Simpsons said: “…you cheese eating surrender monkeys!” This was not pulled from public television during prime time because it was not morally wrong. It was politically charged, it was hardly politically correct, but it was not morally wrong, and most assuredly it was not ethically wrong!
Slander, on the other hand, such as saying that Joe Blow raped someone when he obviouslly did not, is ethically and morally wrong. So there is a fine line you have to tread. But saying something like “The French have not won a war since WWI” is perfectly legit since they technically lost WWII, lost Vietnam, and lost elsewhere when they were supposed to be a major player. It’s like saying the German’s elected a racist sshle to lead their country! It’s true, as they did elect Adolf Hitler in the 30’s and 40’s. However, it’s not legit to call someone a Nggr or Ch*nk since these are genetical differentiations that cannot be changed or altered nor, really, have any factual evidence in history to draw upon.