This setting didn’t seem to work.
This shouldn't look like this.Unique Thread/Forum
I think we should have a locked forum (read only) that lists all tournaments in all clubs we know of. If, say, AAMC is going to run a tournament in July to see who the best belly lint picker is, we should list it there as well as, say, the National Advantages/Technologies tournament coming up soon.
I’d say it should be a forum for easier location. Threads are okay, you can find them by just hitting unread posts, but new players may miss out with the thread being hidden in a huge stack and our own guys may just go into certain forums. This way, everyone should readily see it.
If you wish to start such a thread, I will sticky it and lock it.
You can then notify any MOD by PM with details of new info to be posted and we will add it to the thread…
The thread idea is okay, but the problem I see is that it’ll get buried in a forum and may not be seen. When you go to the forums page, you see immediately what forums have new topics, etc.
All i can do is sticky it… That keeps it near the top of the appropriate category…