@Krieghund Thanks! (For completeness, I should have been more clear in that Germany controlled Persia at the beginning of its turn in this example. i.e. there was/is a legal landing zone for the fighter)
Survey for May 2004
I am normally Germany so I do not like any invasions of Germany. However, the smartest thing the allies can do is to land on Finland-Norway and go from there through Ruskie territory.
Most Important Pieces
United Kingdom-Bombers and Ships
Japan-Fighters and Aircraft Carriers
United States-Transports and Aircraft. -
To answer your other questions, I beleive the best approach for the Allies to Invade Germany is to go the route of Finland to Karelia then to E. Europe. However this is dependent on what Germany does. If W. Europe or Germany itself :D is lightly defended such that I beleive that the UK/US double team would be sufficient to take these I would certainly try this. Another variant that I have used once or twice is to invade neutral Spain before going after WEurope.
As far as most important pieces, its my belief that you can’t go wrong with infantry. However it is better to have the right combination of peices which will provide an optimal combination depending on what you are trying to do. For example, for defense the optimum might be something like 10 inf, 4 fighters. The fighters will generate more hits than the infantry, but you can lose the $3 infantry first. For offense, the optimum might be 10 inf, 4 tanks. Again the tanks generate hits, but your losses may be taken by the inexpensive inf.
My favorite invasion of Germany is through Western Europe, with units from Spain along with an amphibious assault.
The most important piece, for every country, has to be fighters. INF are necessary for everyone, to absorb hits, but each country’s fighters represent mobility, a strong attacking unit, and a strong defending unit.
Haha. Most of your strategies are unusable in the game, especially the revised edition. First of all, American and British units are not allowed on the same territory as Russian units. Secondly, for the revised edition, you are not allowed to occupy neutral countries. :)
But usually when Germany gets invaded when I play it is either from Western Europe or Eastern. I have never actually seen a direct invasion of Germany from Britain or Africa.
Haha. Most of your strategies are unusable in the game, especially the revised edition. First of all, American and British units are not allowed on the same territory as Russian units. Secondly, for the revised edition, you are not allowed to occupy neutral countries. :)
But usually when Germany gets invaded when I play it is either from Western Europe or Eastern. I have never actually seen a direct invasion of Germany from Britain or Africa.
actually 221b’s strats are not that bad, and in fact are entirely congruant with classical approaches.
You may be right about the revised version, however in the classic version, i do not think you know what you are talking about. -
And of course, this is the classic A&A division , so wether a strategy works with revised does not matter here :) … haha …
Yes Finland should be taken early, mainly beacuse the Germans have no way of liberating it while Karalia is in allies hands. From there i think Eastern Europe is the most important as it prevents the Germans gettting into Russia and with a good transport net work can be taken on Uk’s turn and then reinforced by both USA and Russia before the Germans get to go. With Eastern Europe Held and good transports all 3 of his big territories can be captured making from some difficult decisions.
No doubt the best unit is Fighters! Infantry are the basic unit but Fighters can do the most stuff and hold there own back.
Just to clarify matters a bit, I do not (yet) have the revised version so I can only comment on the orignal A & A.
However, in the original A&A, nowhere in the rules do I find anything that states US or UK troops cannot occupy the same territories as Russian troops. Is this a house rule that you use? If this is the case then the Axis should win nearly every game as I cannot see any way that Russia would not eventually be overwhelmed. Also, I do believe that it is allowed to occupy neutral countries as long as you are willing to pay 3 ipcs.
A direct invasion of Germany is rare, but it can happen with the Uk/US double team and a bit of good luck with the dice as long as they are willing to sacrifice planes. The UK and US can fly all its fighters from Karelia (or Finland or even from carriers) to participate in this attack. In the mid to late game and without the African ipcs, Germany begins to get really stretched in trying to defend against a massive buildup against E. Europe, where most of the forces normally go such that it becomes really tempting to leave Germany and perhaps even W. Europe thinly defended.
Sorry, I didn’t clarify. That rule applies to both the Revised Edition and to the Xeno Games World at War expansion. :)
Actually, now that I look, Did you guys even read my post? Cystic, and F_alk, it specifically says that those rules apply to the Revised edition. Maybe you should actually pay attention to what you read?
Then Erwin Post them in the Revised section….
Sorry, I didn’t clarify. That rule applies to both the Revised Edition and to the Xeno Games World at War expansion. :)
Actually, now that I look, Did you guys even read my post? Cystic, and F_alk, it specifically says that those rules apply to the Revised edition. Maybe you should actually pay attention to what you read?
did YOU read what you read? You laughed at 221b claiming that
Most of your strategies are unusable in the game, especially the revised edition
Maybe i have to take English again. The fact is that:
Most of those strategies are USABLE in the game EXCEPT the revised edition.
How often do you have to act like a jerk, anyway?? -
Thanks everyone for your help. Sorry I didn’t include Finland-Norway and some other of your guys’s strategies. Have a good one!