• I am just beginning my fourth game and I am the axis with MuthaRussia. I’m getting the hang of it, and I agree with you about the boxes. Now there is more room for the pieces.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I do kind of miss the blow up boxes a bit. The initial thing that myself and my brother have set up is allowing each allied country 2 national advantages and each of the axis 3 national advantages. What do you guys think?

  • That sounds good and fair to me. :D

  • Great game. I like it alot.

    I’m also annoyed with the lack of contaners and chips. I guess they figured out how to cut costs :D . I used ziplock bags too.

    The chips are what got me though. You barely have enough for the opening setup! I feel bad for anyone without another A&A (I have 2, the older A&A and Europe, so I didn’t have a problem) to mooch chips.

    Other then thoes two pet peevs, I love the new game.

  • I have the older version as well, but I never thought of combining the pieces. I think they give you a specific amount for a reason. I dont’ think it’s a big deal using the chips, although they are only intended for use with infantry and with tanks. Creating more units except for infantry and tanks using the chips is specifically against the rules.

  • How so?

  • 2007 AAR League

    It may be but I think a lot of people don’t follow it :D.

  • Oh. I see what you’re talking about. It doesn’t say you can’t use chips for those peices. It just says that you can’t place new plastic peices if your out. Sort of like a Leader-of-the-Army type of thing. However I think the general consensus on that is to ignore that rule, as it was taken out for the Fourth Edition and the two expantions. I know I don’t play with it. :D

  • You can have any amount of units. There is no limit to it, the cheaps just free your plastic chips to use in other territories.

    You can have 10 BB if you like, but that is a rare thing for anybody to do…

  • Last week, I miraculously managed to get three other guys together and play the revised edition of Axis and Allies. After 4 or 5 turns, the Axis controlled Leningrad, Moscow and Calcutta, and we called it a game. The Allied players weren’t terribly good, however.

    Overall, a good time. I like the new changes, particularly the 3/3 tank.

  • Yea, me too. It brings the level of importance of tanks to a new high.

  • @Erwin:

    I have the older version as well, but I never thought of combining the pieces. I think they give you a specific amount for a reason. I dont’ think it’s a big deal using the chips, although they are only intended for use with infantry and with tanks. Creating more units except for infantry and tanks using the chips is specifically against the rules.

    Actually, the rules even say you can use a scrap of paper to make a new unit if you run out. I believe it states quite clearly that there are no such restrictions.

  • It seems like 9 victory cities is a pretty fair condition. By then, someone’s got Moscow or Berlin and it’s probably about over anyway.

  • Yea, 8 victory cities is too easy.

  • Overall, I like the new game. Haven’t tried national advantages yet - figured I’d wait until I’ve got a good handle on the rules. I never minded the blowup boxes, but don’t miss them. New map is good (would be better yet if they’d made it bigger like the previous edition) and opens up new tactical possibilities all over.
    A few minor gripes:

    • When I shell out 40 bucks for a game, is it too much to expect that they’ll throw in some means of keeping units separated? How much can it cost for a hunk of plastic, like Europe & Pacific came with?
    • Is it just my copy, or are everybody’s British units a washed-out, sickly, painful-to-look-at shade of green?
    • 8 victory cities allows a win when neither side has a decisive advantage (playing to 9, as many of you suggest, should solve this).
    • Most minor of all: several of the “changes” made to improve the game aren’t new (like AA guns firing at any plane passing over - always could) or don’t improve anything (like the territory names; sure, there’s no such place as Finland-Norway; but merging them into one country is no mare accurate).
      Pardon my nit-picking; again, I like the new version, and will probably like it more once I start using the optional rules.

  • Just played my first 2 games of A&A Revised and it has become my new favorite in front of A&AE. AC at 16 IPCs, Ftrs at 10 IPCs and Tanks defending at a 3 are awesome. However, the best part is that the Axis is stronger militarily (especially navy & airforce) that the original and they also start with more IPCs, which makes for a much more balanced game. Also being able to land planes on an AC when it’s 1st built is a major plus (we played it that the fighters either had to be purchased with the AC or had to be in the territory bordering that sea zone and had to be inactive in that round - the instructions are vague on this). Haven’t even used the national advantages yet, but they sound cool.

  • You have to use the national advantages. They are the best.

  • Hey I like the new NA’s(national advantages) as much as the next guy but playing with 3 per country??? holy crow!! Doesn’t that kinda take away from the strategy aspect and put too much randomness in? I mean with 3 NA’s the brits could get radar, joint strike, and colonial garrison and thats it, game over! I always play with 1 per side unless playing a newb and then i give them 2…but 3??? OUCH

  • If you want to be fair, but still have some fun, I suggest the Axis use 5 and the Allies use 3.

  • the axis should definantly have a much larger militery but come on, germany at 40 and russia at 24! there is no contest even with the tommys intervening. the japs have way to much income. one of their main problems was that the united states controlled their oil supply and cut it off early in the war. this severely hurt the jap economy, 30 ipcs is way to much! the new map is really cool, especially the territories in europe. these new teritories work to russias advantage because they split up the german force. overall though, it was worth the 50 bucks!!!

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