Monty Python
The Holy Grail rocks!!
great movie, not my favorite though
The Holy Grail is one of the best movies of all time.
dumbest forum ever.
Just ignore him! :roll: The holy grail is easily one of the best movies i’ve ever seen!!! 8)
Agreed. :D
Just ignore him!
Warning: Do not ignore the mods, they’ll edit you into next week, and then you’ll have a temporal anomaly on your hands.
Seriously, though, it’s widely known that the Holy Grail is beloved by all, and those who don’t like it aren’t worth wasting time on. :roll: So this is more or less a pointless forum. Probably not the dumbest ever, but I’m not going to bother arguing that point.
What’s your favorite color!
What’s the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
African or European?
Oh I don’t know….
People. I will repeat again. QUOTE EXACTLY OR DONT QUOTE AT ALL! I will NOT have this blasphemy against the movie.
People. I will repeat again. QUOTE EXACTLY OR DONT QUOTE AT ALL! I will NOT have this blasphemy against the movie.
Yes, unfortunately you can’t do anything about it. Now, how to respond in quote form:
Let’s just go with: “GET ON WITH IT!”