• I was looking at the following house rule today …


    And I noticed that is only has a rating of 3.0 after 22 votes! Why do people not like this rule?

    I think it’s very creative and very cool.

  • I gave it a 4, because I like the idea, but I thought it needed some work (eg heroes have different abilities for different nations, perhaps different units.)

  • 2007 AAR League

    I agree with GI. Athough I’m not really sure how to improve it. Anyone know?

  • What my friends and I came up with was a special unit for each nation that also had a name and special ability. I could probably come up with it again if anyone’s interested.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Sure I’d be interested if you don’t mind. Thanks :D .

  • What we came up with for names is rather generic, feel free to adapt for your own liking:

    Russia: Ivan (we had the most names for Russia, btw)
    Germany: Fritz
    UK: AFAIK, it was Steve, not generic I know, but there was a story there.
    Japan: I think it was Yoshi, we had a foreign exchange student by that name.
    USA: Yossarian-from Catch-22

    Anyway, units and abilities:

    Ivan’s bravery is such that he inspires his fellow soldiers to berserker status-Ivan and two of his comrades attack at two, defend at three.

    Fritz is a tank commander, his Panzer attacks at 5, defends at 3, and takes two hits.

    Steve is an amphibious specialist, in amphib attacks he and another inf (coming off the same trans attack at 3. Also, Steve is an expert at avoiding bombardment and may not be killed via bombardment.

    Yoshi has an ability similar to Ivan’s-he is an infantry commander. However, he leads his men on banzai attacks, which gives them the ability to attack at 3, but they only defend at one. (All infantry attacking from the same territory as Yoshi)

    Yossarian is a bombardier renowned for his desperate attempts to avoid getting killed. (He plans to live forever, or die trying). His bomber, on SBRs only, may roll one die, then choose to roll again and take the higher of the two as damage rolled.

    So there it is, a little long perhaps, but the way I see it (all good heroes need to have their story told)

  • I think this is great!

    Include some rules about what to do when the hero dies and if he can be replaced or not and then post it to the site.


  • ive got my own HR like this one called A&A generals. its not as interesting since you don’t necessarily get to mangle some people, but you can check it out here.


  • @M-4_Sherman:

    ive got my own HR like this one called A&A generals. its not as interesting since you don’t necessarily get to mangle some people, but you can check it out here.

    I’m not a big fan of the mangling myself, but it does seem to happen-one of our sets has the “V-2 bomber” with no wings, and one of the Russian infantry got in a fight with a lighter and lost.

  • ive got one of my UK bombers with half a wing missing, and some of my Japanese INF have half bent rifles. i think my naval units are the only ones that i don’t have something mangled

  • Moderator

    I like it… it’s for fun anyway… how about 2 heroes per player?


  • @Guerrilla:

    I like it… it’s for fun anyway… how about 2 heroes per player?

    Two heroes with different abilities? Or two heroes with the same ability but different names?

  • Moderator

    with different abilities…

  • @Guerrilla:

    with different abilities…

    Hmm…a little more work, but it’s possible.

  • Moderator

    American Hero:

    Don Knotts: Automatically kills 1 Infantry per battle involved in just from a glance… :lol:

  • I’d go with Audie Murphy: attacks at 3 as long as he’s in Africa or Italy. :)

  • Moderator


    I’d go with Audie Murphy: attacks at 3 as long as he’s in Africa or Italy. :)

    make that Harrison Ford… :lol:

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