The Stray Cats
Spitfire & ME-109
This has been a long argument over which was the better plane in
World War II and after as well. Both fighters were relatively similar and did not have a big advantage over each other. British and German engineers were constanly working to make theirs better. What plane do you think is better? -
Spitfire, definately. The Me-109 was really an outdated fighter by 1941 and should’ve been replaced.
Moses I respectfully disagree the 109 was more versatille and could perfomr many ddifferent roles, the fact that it was in production until the Wars’ end demonstrates how important it was !
true sherman, but I think it is in the context of me-109 vs. spitfire in air battle…
Moses I respectfully disagree the 109 was more versatille and could perfomr many ddifferent roles, the fact that it was in production until the Wars’ end demonstrates how important it was !
Stubborness on part of the Germans or their lack of ability to innovate? I give you one thing though, the 109 was a plane that could be easily be produced in mass quantities, though mid-late war the Germans needed better planes, not more of them (in a pilot-per-plane basis). Another shortfalling of the 109 was its lack of adequate armor. You could say this about the Spitfire too, but after Mark III (?), the Spitfire was significantly revamped.
They also needed more training for their pilots, a book I read said that in the late war, Allied pilots had at least a 2-1 adv. in training time for pilots. vs. the Germans. Also, the Germans lacked adequate fuel for their planes in the late war.
All true… though that all had to do with manpower and natural resources, than the actual plane itself…
All true… though that all had to do with manpower and natural resources, than the actual plane itself…
Yes, I know…I just got distracted by…
though mid-late war the Germans needed better planes, not more of them (in a pilot-per-plane basis).
…this. :wink:
All true… though that all had to do with manpower and natural resources, than the actual plane itself…
Yes, I know…I just got distracted by…
though mid-late war the Germans needed better planes, not more of them (in a pilot-per-plane basis).
…this. :wink:
GI…They did!!! P-51, Spitfire IXE, Misquito Mrk 7(I think thats’ the name…)B-17… The plane that they had sucess with was the Me-262 so in the movies the make it look like they had better but the allies had learnrd enough from 1941-1943 so they were really better plane wise
GI…They did!!! P-51, Spitfire IXE, Misquito Mrk 7(I think thats’ the name…)B-17… The plane that they had sucess with was the Me-262 so in the movies the make it look like they had better but the allies had learnrd enough from 1941-1943 so they were really better plane wise
Ummm… in the movies? Which movie are talking about?
GI…They did!!! P-51, Spitfire IXE, Misquito Mrk 7(I think thats’ the name…)B-17… The plane that they had sucess with was the Me-262 so in the movies the make it look like they had better but the allies had learnrd enough from 1941-1943 so they were really better plane wise
Ummm… in the movies? Which movie are talking about?
Hollywood in general…
always… wanted to watch a good dogfighting movie. Never knew they made one on WWII…
Why is this in the event thread?
ok cange it :wink:
always… wanted to watch a good dogfighting movie. Never knew they made one on WWII…
Historical… like “why we fight”…
id go with the 109. it just a better killer i think. i think the spitfire’s are a bit overrated in relation to the battle of britain as the germans only had 30min fuel over england, so thats a hell of an advantage.
also this, most of the kills on the british side in that ‘battle’ were made by hurricanes not spitfires. the spitfire success was hyped because it was a ‘sexier’ plane
id go with the 109. it just a better killer i think.
In what way(s)? :-? The Spitfire dominated the 109 in speed (probably the most important ability of a WWII dogfighter - that and climb and dive), turning radius, and firepower. A good thing about the 109 was that it was fuel injected and could perform a Negative G bunt, though the Spitfire could counter with a drive and half roll.
Why is this in the event thread?
Its not
Its not
It was. :)