• Moderator


    All true… though that all had to do with manpower and natural resources, than the actual plane itself…

    Yes, I know…I just got distracted by…

    though mid-late war the Germans needed better planes, not more of them (in a pilot-per-plane basis).

    …this. :wink:

    GI…They did!!! P-51, Spitfire IXE, Misquito Mrk 7(I think thats’ the name…)B-17… The plane that they had sucess with was the Me-262 so in the movies the make it look like they had better but the allies had learnrd enough from 1941-1943 so they were really better plane wise

  • GI…They did!!! P-51, Spitfire IXE, Misquito Mrk 7(I think thats’ the name…)B-17… The plane that they had sucess with was the Me-262 so in the movies the make it look like they had better but the allies had learnrd enough from 1941-1943 so they were really better plane wise

    Ummm… in the movies? Which movie are talking about?

  • Moderator


    GI…They did!!! P-51, Spitfire IXE, Misquito Mrk 7(I think thats’ the name…)B-17… The plane that they had sucess with was the Me-262 so in the movies the make it look like they had better but the allies had learnrd enough from 1941-1943 so they were really better plane wise

    Ummm… in the movies? Which movie are talking about?

    Hollywood in general…

  • always… wanted to watch a good dogfighting movie. Never knew they made one on WWII…

  • Why is this in the event thread?

  • Moderator

    ok cange it :wink:

  • Moderator


    always… wanted to watch a good dogfighting movie. Never knew they made one on WWII…

    Historical… like “why we fight”…

  • id go with the 109. it just a better killer i think. i think the spitfire’s are a bit overrated in relation to the battle of britain as the germans only had 30min fuel over england, so thats a hell of an advantage.

    also this, most of the kills on the british side in that ‘battle’ were made by hurricanes not spitfires. the spitfire success was hyped because it was a ‘sexier’ plane

  • id go with the 109. it just a better killer i think.

    In what way(s)? :-? The Spitfire dominated the 109 in speed (probably the most important ability of a WWII dogfighter - that and climb and dive), turning radius, and firepower. A good thing about the 109 was that it was fuel injected and could perform a Negative G bunt, though the Spitfire could counter with a drive and half roll.

  • Why is this in the event thread?

    Its not

  • Its not

    It was. :)

  • Ah

  • is not surprised

    What about the FW 190? Well, it did see some regular service,though not in numbers that would compare to the Me 109 (but compared to all the other fighter types, it did rather good IIRC). And the comparison with the Spitfire, there it is important to give the Mk of the spitfire, as it saw more and major changes during the war than the 109…

  • What about the FW 190? Well, it did see some regular service,though not in numbers that would compare to the Me 109 (but compared to all the other fighter types, it did rather good IIRC). And the comparison with the Spitfire, there it is important to give the Mk of the spitfire, as it saw more and major changes during the war than the 109….

    Hands down the FW 190 would smash Spitfires. The FW 190 outclassed the Spitfire in area except for turning radius. However, the FW 190 met its match in the form of the P-51 and P-47. And yes, it is important to name the Mk of any plane, be it Spitfire, Me, Fw, or P.

  • Stubborness on part of the Germans or their lack of ability to innovate?

    I seriously doubt it was lack of German innovation :-?
    Maybe they mass produce the plane because it was a capable aircraft, through out the war, and still quite deadly in the hands of competent pilots.

  • Moderator

    despite being outclassed in every area except turn radius the spit won the battle over britian….

  • Maybe they mass produce the plane because it was a capable aircraft, through out the war, and still quite deadly in the hands of competent pilots.

    Any plane would be deadly in the hands of competent pilots, though the Germans really should’ve switched full production to the FW.

  • @Guerrilla:

    despite being outclassed in every area except turn radius the spit won the battle over britian….

    Yup, with the main point already mentioned: Fuel.
    The Me109 was not designed to fly that far before fighting, it was more an interceptor than an escort fighter. Plus: It is always easier to defend than to attack (to bring reinforcements e.g.).

  • despite being outclassed in every area except turn radius the spit won the battle over britian….

    I have yet to see stats heavily favoring the Me-109 against the Spitfire during the BoB.

    Plus: It is always easier to defend than to attack (to bring reinforcements e.g.).

    I wouldn’t say so… especially if the attacking team has knowledge of combined fighter-bomber formation.

  • If you go into tactics, then the main reason for the weaker performance of the Me 109 probably was the weak bombers of the germans. I mean, the only planes capable of defending the He 111 or -even worse- Ju 78 was not the bombers themselves but their escorts. So, if the germans had paid more attention to heavy bombers (something that Göring fortunately did not understand), these could have take care for themselves longer and the escorts would have had time to watch their own back also.

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