Theme song for The Three Stooges and Gomer Pyle.
I love this! :-D
The only place I can find this game is on ebay. Has this game stopped printing? Is there no other place to buy this game? Is it worth it? Any suggestions welcomed.
i’d say its worth it, but others might not.
…i suppose that didnt help :(
It goes for over $100 on ebay, not worth it!
Of course I have it already so take that for what it’s worth.
there is a place to get it for free but I’ll have to check with Yanny or CC to make sure that it is not a Taboo…
ahhh I’ll just give it to ya…hope they don’t nuke me :lol: 8)
try the link and scroll down to the bottom for the link… this is the FULL game not a demo… it’s neat minus the AI and Bugs but you can repair the latter with patches…