Axis and Allies 1914 FAQ/Question and Answer Thread

  • Sorry if this has already been asked:

    I see in the rules that UK can build units in India, however, since there is no Shipyard symbol there, does that mean they cannot build ships??

    Can UK build ships in India?

  • Official Q&A

    It cannot.

  • Question about the 2-movement rule:

    Can Austrian Units move from Austrian controlled Venice through German controlled Piedmont into Burgundy which is contested between France and Germany?

    A french transport with 2 british units is located in SZ 7.
    Is it allowed to pick this 2 units up with a british transport?

  • Official Q&A


    Question about the 2-movement rule:

    Can Austrian Units move from Austrian controlled Venice through German controlled Piedmont into Burgundy which is contested between France and Germany?

    Yes.  (This question doesn’t belong here, by the way.  It belongs in the tournament rules thread.)


    A french transport with 2 british units is located in SZ 7.
    Is it allowed to pick this 2 units up with a british transport?

    No.  You can’t transfer units directly between transports.

  • Thanks Krieg!

    Your quick ruleclarifications should be available as an app for smartphones !

  • Customizer

    If there are two British infantry aboard a Russian transport which shares a sea zone with an empty French transport when the Russian Revolution occurs, causing the Russian transport to vanish, can the British infantry swim to the French ship and climb aboard?

    What if they have a dog with them; is there room for the mutt too?

  • That’s a good one…

  • Customizer

    No answer yet. I’m betting on the sharks.

    I think professor Chapman must be working on Battle of the Five Armies.

    Will we get elf warriors (not archers), human warriors (not archers), woodsmen with axes, riderless wargs?  Or just the same figs from WOTR recycled?

    Can the board be used for the battle of Dale from the WOTR?

    More state secrets to protect…

  • Official Q&A


    If there are two British infantry aboard a Russian transport which shares a sea zone with an empty French transport when the Russian Revolution occurs, causing the Russian transport to vanish, can the British infantry swim to the French ship and climb aboard?



    More state secrets to protect…

    Questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself.

    Yes lol…  Prison of the mind!

  • can russia abndon moscow when it’s contested? and so deny he centrals a russian revolution

  • Official Q&A


  • @Krieghund:


    thus rendering russian revolution inpossible, unless 3 territories around moscow are taken and held by forces, each large enough to destroy the entire russian army in 1 throw?

  • '17 '15

    Naval mines? The same rule for subs as for ships?

    Battleships? After one hit (one round) are they able to attack or they need to go to port to get fixed?

    Ipc’s in first round Russia is taking (the first’‘payday’') 25 or depend on situation on the map?

    Can I move with battleship after has been repaird?No moving before been done.(the same round)

    What happens when Turkey going to Bulgaria?I’m getting 5 inf. and one art. and later the 3 IPCs as well?

    In the Rbook is that you can load on offload units in the same turn.Dont understand why?You loading inf.=1 move,you offloading=move 2.    No?

    And what happens when UK inf.entering Fren.Equ.Afr. from Ang.Egy.Sud. ?(First round for example)Does it make 1 french inf.there?

    And what happens when Ger. do the same from Kamerun?(First round)Do they mobilize?

    Thanks.(After first game)

  • Official Q&A


    Naval mines? The same rule for subs as for ships?

    Yes.  Subs are ships.


    Battleships? After one hit (one round) are they able to attack or they need to go to port to get fixed?

    They function normally.


    Ipc’s in first round Russia is taking (the first’‘payday’') 25 or depend on situation on the map?

    Russia begins the game with 25 IPCs.  What it collects on each turn (including the first) is subject to which territories it controls at the time.


    Can I move with battleship after has been repaird?No moving before been done.(the same round)



    What happens when Turkey going to Bulgaria?I’m getting 5 inf. and one art. and later the 3 IPCs as well?



    In the Rbook is that you can load on offload units in the same turn.Dont understand why?You loading inf.=1 move,you offloading=move 2.    No?

    You can do both on the same turn.


    And what happens when UK inf.entering Fren.Equ.Afr. from Ang.Egy.Sud. ?(First round for example)Does it make 1 french inf.there?

    And what happens when Ger. do the same from Kamerun?(First round)Do they mobilize?

    Colonies do not mobilize units.  Only capital territories (those with large emblems) mobilize units.

  • '17 '15

    Thanks,now about the transport,that’s mean that it’s ok in first round to attack inf. in TUSCANY from TRIESTE and do bombardment as well in the same round?That’s pretty easy then.

    How about this situation?: In SZ 19 is one transport from UK,and I’m using it to transport multi units from EGYPT to SMYRNA on UK’s turn,French’s turn,Italian’s turn(transport is not moving and I’ve got all units in EGYPT).Is it ok?

    Who can retreat and how?Atack or def or both to their just own territory?What if there is enemy’s empty territory close by?

  • Official Q&A


    How about this situation?: In SZ 19 is one transport from UK,and I’m using it to transport multi units from EGYPT to SMYRNA on UK’s turn,French’s turn,Italian’s turn(transport is not moving and I’ve got all units in EGYPT).Is it ok?

    A transport can carry only two units at a time.  The UK transport can move two units from Egypt to Smyrna on UK’s turn.

    When transporting an ally’s units, the units must load on the ally’s turn, then offload on the ally’s next turn.  Such units may not load and offload on the same turn, even if the transport doesn’t have to move.


    Who can retreat and how?Atack or def or both to their just own territory?What if there is enemy’s empty territory close by?

    There are no retreats.  Units may leave a contested territory when they move, but they may only move one space, and it must be into a space that already contained the moving power’s units and/or control marker at the beginning of the turn.

  • '17 '15

    Can I build units in Contested territory?    and can I collecting income from contested territories,capitals?

  • Official Q&A


    Can I build units in Contested territory?



    and can I collecting income from contested territories,capitals?


  • Customizer

    Question about amphibious reinforcements:
    Can you amphibiously reinforce a territory that is contested by your ally?
    For example: France is contesting Belgium with Germany. Can the UK amphibiously reinforce Belgium?

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