I’ve been looking to play G40 but haven’t really found anyone. Let me know if you want to play that too.
BotA Round 5 (Middle Earth): Lalapalooza vs AlexGreat
Didn’t mean to be pushy earlier!
didnt take it that way, no worries.
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6
Game History
Round :4
Purchase Units - Elves
Elves buy 3 hobbitss and 3 hunterss; Remaining resources: 1 PUs;Combat Move - Elves
1 eagles moved from Rivendell to N. Caves
1 hunters moved from Rivendell to Eregion
1 hunters moved from Rivendell to Eregion
1 hunters moved from Eregion to N. Caves
1 hunters moved from Eregion to N. Caves
1 hunters moved from Eregion to N. Caves
1 hunters moved from Eregion to N. Caves
1 hunters moved from High Mirkwood to Carrock
1 hunters moved from High Mirkwood to Carrock
1 hunters moved from High Mirkwood to CarrockCombat - Elves
Battle in Carrock
Elves attack with 3 hunterss
Goblins defend with 1 shooters
Elves roll dice for 3 hunterss in Carrock, round 1 : 1/0 hits
Goblins roll dice for 1 shooters in Carrock, round 1 : 1/1 hits
1 shooters owned by the Goblins and 1 hunters owned by the Elves lost in Carrock
Elves win, taking Carrock from Goblins with 2 hunterss remaining. Battle score for attacker is -2
Casualties for Goblins: 1 shooters
Casualties for Elves: 1 hunters
Battle in N. Caves
Elves attack with 1 eagles and 4 hunterss
Goblins defend with 1 castle and 4 shooterss
Elves roll dice for 1 eagles and 4 hunterss in N. Caves, round 1 : 1/1 hits
Goblins roll dice for 4 shooterss in N. Caves, round 1 : 2/1 hits
1 shooters owned by the Goblins and 2 hunterss owned by the Elves lost in N. Caves
Elves roll dice for 1 eagles and 2 hunterss in N. Caves, round 2 : 1/0 hits
Goblins roll dice for 3 shooterss in N. Caves, round 2 : 1/0 hits
1 shooters owned by the Goblins and 1 hunters owned by the Elves lost in N. Caves
Elves roll dice for 1 eagles and 1 hunters in N. Caves, round 3 : 1/1 hits
Goblins roll dice for 2 shooterss in N. Caves, round 3 : 1/1 hits
1 shooters owned by the Goblins and 1 hunters owned by the Elves lost in N. Caves
retreated to N. Caves
Goblins win with 1 shooters remaining. Battle score for attacker is -10
Casualties for Goblins: 3 shooterss
Casualties for Elves: 4 hunterssNon Combat Move - Elves
1 eagles moved from N. Caves to EregionPlace Units - Elves
3 hobbitss and 1 hunters placed in Rivendell
1 hunters placed in High Mirkwood
1 hunters placed in RivendellTurn Complete - Elves
Elves collect 19 PUs; end with 20 PUs total -
what is really annoying is how the goblins hit with every extra roll. takes a huge toll.
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6
Game History
Round :4
Purchase Units - Haradrim
Haradrim buy 1 oliphant, 2 rafts and 1 spearInfantry; Remaining resources: 2 PUs;Combat Move - Haradrim
1 raft moved from S. Gondor Coast to Anduin Mouth
1 spearInfantry moved from Tolfolas to Anduin Mouth
1 spearInfantry moved from Anduin Mouth to W. Osg.
Haradrim take W. Osg. from Gondor
4 corsairss, 4 oliphants and 3 spearInfantrys moved from S. Ithilien to N. Ithilien
1 caravel moved from S. W. Central Sea Zone to Anfalas Coast
1 raft moved from S. E. Central Sea Zone to N. E. Central Sea Zone
1 raft moved from Umbar Coast to S. Gondor Coast
3 spearInfantrys moved from City of Corsairs to Umbar Peninsula
3 caravels, 3 corsairss, 5 galleons and 6 spearInfantrys moved from S. W. Central Sea Zone to Andrast Coast
3 corsairss and 6 spearInfantrys moved from Andrast Coast to Andrast
2 caravels moved from Umbar Peninsula Coast to S. E. Central Sea Zone
2 caravels moved from Bay of Harad to Umbar Peninsula CoastCombat - Haradrim
Battle in Andrast
Haradrim attack with 3 corsairss and 6 spearInfantrys
Gondor defend with 1 castle, 4 fortificationss and 2 towerGuards
Haradrim win, taking Andrast from Gondor with 1 corsairs and 4 spearInfantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Haradrim: 2 corsairss and 2 spearInfantrys
Casualties for Gondor: 4 fortificationss and 2 towerGuardsNon Combat Move - Haradrim
1 raft moved from Umbar Coast to S. E. Central Sea ZonePlace Units - Haradrim
2 rafts placed in Umbar Coast
1 oliphant and 1 spearInfantry placed in City of CorsairsTurn Complete - Haradrim
Haradrim collect 24 PUs; end with 26 PUs total -
Like I said, those goblins love manflesh! And elven flesh even more so!
Very authentic game, lol
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6
Game History
Round :4
Purchase Units - Gondor
Gondor buy 3 rafts, 2 towers and 4 towerGuards; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - Gondor
1 towerGuard moved from Druwaith Laur to Andrast
1 spearInfantry moved from Druwaith Laur to Andrast
1 spearInfantry moved from Druwaith Laur to Andrast
1 undead moved from Anfalas to Andrast
1 towerGuard moved from Anfalas to Andrast
1 towerGuard moved from Anfalas to Andrast
1 spearInfantry moved from Druwaith Laur to Andrast
1 towerGuard moved from Anfalas to Andrast
1 raft moved from Gilrain to S. Gondor Coast
1 caravel moved from Morthond to Anduin Mouth
1 galleon moved from Morthond to Anduin Mouth
1 galleon moved from Morthond to S. Gondor Coast
2 caravels, 6 galleons and 6 rafts moved from Morthond to Anfalas Coast
1 heavyCavalry moved from Druwaith Laur to N. Dunland
1 towerGuard moved from Lossarnach to Anorien
1 heavyCavalry moved from Minas Tirith to Anorien
1 undead moved from E. Osg. to W. Osg.
1 undead moved from E. Osg. to W. Osg.
1 trebuche moved from E. Osg. to W. Osg.Combat - Gondor
Battle in Andrast
Gondor attack with 3 spearInfantrys, 4 towerGuards and 1 undead
Haradrim defend with 1 castle, 1 corsairs and 4 spearInfantrys
Gondor roll dice for 3 spearInfantrys, 4 towerGuards and 1 undead in Andrast, round 1 : 2/0 hits
Haradrim roll dice for 1 corsairs and 4 spearInfantrys in Andrast, round 1 : 1/1 hits
1 undead owned by the Gondor , 1 spearInfantry owned by the Haradrim and 1 corsairs owned by the Haradrim lost in Andrast
Gondor roll dice for 3 spearInfantrys and 4 towerGuards in Andrast, round 2 : 2/1 hits
Haradrim roll dice for 3 spearInfantrys in Andrast, round 2 : 1/0 hits
2 spearInfantrys owned by the Haradrim and 1 spearInfantry owned by the Gondor lost in Andrast
Gondor roll dice for 2 spearInfantrys and 4 towerGuards in Andrast, round 3 : 2/1 hits
Haradrim roll dice for 1 spearInfantry in Andrast, round 3 : 1/1 hits
1 spearInfantry owned by the Haradrim and 1 spearInfantry owned by the Gondor lost in Andrast
Gondor win, taking Andrast from Haradrim with 1 spearInfantry and 4 towerGuards remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10
Casualties for Haradrim: 1 corsairs and 4 spearInfantrys
Casualties for Gondor: 2 spearInfantrys and 1 undead
Battle in Anorien
Gondor attack with 1 heavyCavalry and 1 towerGuard
Mordor defend with 1 trolls
Gondor roll dice for 1 heavyCavalry and 1 towerGuard in Anorien, round 1 : 1/1 hits
Mordor roll dice for 1 trolls in Anorien, round 1 : 1/1 hits
1 trolls owned by the Mordor and 1 towerGuard owned by the Gondor lost in Anorien
Gondor win, taking Anorien from Mordor with 1 heavyCavalry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Gondor: 1 towerGuard
Casualties for Mordor: 1 trolls
Battle in Anfalas Coast
Gondor attack with 2 caravels, 6 galleons and 6 rafts
Haradrim defend with 1 caravel
Gondor roll dice for 2 caravels, 6 galleons and 6 rafts in Anfalas Coast, round 1 : 3/1 hits
Haradrim roll dice for 1 caravel in Anfalas Coast, round 1 : 0/1 hits
1 caravel owned by the Haradrim lost in Anfalas Coast
Gondor win with 2 caravels, 6 galleons and 6 rafts remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
Casualties for Haradrim: 1 caravel
Battle in Anduin Mouth
Gondor attack with 1 caravel and 1 galleon
Haradrim defend with 1 raft
Gondor roll dice for 1 caravel and 1 galleon in Anduin Mouth, round 1 : 0/1 hits
Haradrim roll dice for 1 raft in Anduin Mouth, round 1 : 0/1 hits
Gondor roll dice for 1 caravel and 1 galleon in Anduin Mouth, round 2 : 0/1 hits
Haradrim roll dice for 1 raft in Anduin Mouth, round 2 : 0/1 hits
Gondor roll dice for 1 caravel and 1 galleon in Anduin Mouth, round 3 : 1/1 hits
Haradrim roll dice for 1 raft in Anduin Mouth, round 3 : 0/1 hits
1 raft owned by the Haradrim lost in Anduin Mouth
Gondor win with 1 caravel and 1 galleon remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Haradrim: 1 raft
Battle in N. Dunland
Gondor attack with 1 heavyCavalry
Goblins defend with 1 shooters
Gondor roll dice for 1 heavyCavalry in N. Dunland, round 1 : 0/1 hits
Goblins roll dice for 1 shooters in N. Dunland, round 1 : 1/1 hits
1 heavyCavalry owned by the Gondor lost in N. Dunland
Goblins win with 1 shooters remaining. Battle score for attacker is -5
Casualties for Gondor: 1 heavyCavalry
Battle in S. Gondor Coast
Gondor attack with 1 galleon and 1 raft
Haradrim defend with 1 raft
Gondor roll dice for 1 galleon and 1 raft in S. Gondor Coast, round 1 : 1/1 hits
Haradrim roll dice for 1 raft in S. Gondor Coast, round 1 : 1/1 hits
1 raft owned by the Gondor and 1 raft owned by the Haradrim lost in S. Gondor Coast
Gondor win with 1 galleon remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for Haradrim: 1 raft
Casualties for Gondor: 1 raft
Battle in W. Osg.
Gondor attack with 1 trebuche and 2 undeads
Haradrim defend with 1 castle and 1 spearInfantry
Gondor roll dice for 1 trebuche and 2 undeads in W. Osg., round 1 : 1/0 hits
Haradrim roll dice for 1 spearInfantry in W. Osg., round 1 : 0/1 hits
1 spearInfantry owned by the Haradrim lost in W. Osg.
Gondor win, taking W. Osg. from Haradrim with 1 trebuche and 2 undeads remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Haradrim: 1 spearInfantryNon Combat Move - Gondor
Place Units - Gondor
3 rafts placed in Anfalas Coast
2 towers placed in E. Osg.
4 towerGuards placed in Minas TirithTurn Complete - Gondor
Gondor collect 32 PUs; end with 32 PUs total -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6
Game History
Round :4
Purchase Units - Rhun
Rhun buy 8 fortificationss and 2 spearInfantrys; Remaining resources: 2 PUs;Combat Move - Rhun
8 chariotArcherss, 10 spearInfantrys, 2 warChariots and 1 warWagon moved from Iron Hills to Withered Heath
1 spearInfantry moved from N. Rhun to Iron Hills
1 spearInfantry moved from Rhun to N. RhunCombat - Rhun
Battle in Withered Heath
Rhun attack with 8 chariotArcherss, 10 spearInfantrys, 2 warChariots and 1 warWagon
Dwarves defend with 1 berzerkers
Rhun win, taking Withered Heath from Dwarves with 8 chariotArcherss, 10 spearInfantrys, 2 warChariots and 1 warWagon remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
Casualties for Dwarves: 1 berzerkersNon Combat Move - Rhun
Place Units - Rhun
6 fortificationss placed in Rhun
2 fortificationss and 2 spearInfantrys placed in Iron HillsTurn Complete - Rhun
Rhun collect 19 PUs; end with 21 PUs total -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6
Game History
Round :4
Purchase Units - Dale
Dale buy 2 archerss and 1 spearInfantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - Dale
4 archerss and 5 spearInfantrys moved from N. Dale to Withered Heath
1 lightCavalry moved from Lake Town to Withered Heath
1 lightCavalry moved from Lake Town to Withered HeathCombat - Dale
Battle in Withered Heath
Dale attack with 4 archerss, 2 lightCavalrys and 5 spearInfantrys
Rhun defend with 8 chariotArcherss, 10 spearInfantrys, 2 warChariots and 1 warWagon
Dale roll dice for 4 archerss, 2 lightCavalrys and 5 spearInfantrys in Withered Heath, round 1 : 3/1 hits
Rhun roll dice for 8 chariotArcherss, 10 spearInfantrys, 2 warChariots and 1 warWagon in Withered Heath, round 1 : 7/0 hits
1 spearInfantry owned by the Rhun , 2 warChariots owned by the Rhun , 4 spearInfantrys owned by the Dale and 3 archerss owned by the Dale lost in Withered Heath
Dale roll dice for 1 archers, 2 lightCavalrys and 1 spearInfantry in Withered Heath, round 2 : 1/1 hits
Rhun roll dice for 8 chariotArcherss, 9 spearInfantrys and 1 warWagon in Withered Heath, round 2 : 7/1 hits
1 spearInfantry owned by the Rhun , 2 lightCavalrys owned by the Dale , 1 spearInfantry owned by the Dale and 1 archers owned by the Dale lost in Withered Heath
Rhun win with 8 chariotArcherss, 8 spearInfantrys and 1 warWagon remaining. Battle score for attacker is -17
Casualties for Rhun: 2 spearInfantrys and 2 warChariots
Casualties for Dale: 4 archerss, 2 lightCavalrys and 5 spearInfantrysNon Combat Move - Dale
1 spearInfantry moved from S. Dale to N. Dale
1 spearInfantry moved from E. Mirkwood to N. Dale
1 spearInfantry moved from Lake Town to N. Dale
1 heavyCavalry moved from W. Mirkwood to N. DalePlace Units - Dale
2 archerss and 1 spearInfantry placed in Lake TownTurn Complete - Dale
Dale collect 9 PUs; end with 9 PUs total -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6
Game History
Round :4
Purchase Units - Khand
Khand buy 2 raiderCavalrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - Khand
1 raiders moved from S. Ithilien to Minas Morgul
2 raiderCavalrys moved from Khand to Minas Morgul
4 raiderss and 2 xbowInfantrys moved from N. Ithilien to Anorien
1 warWolves moved from Dagorlad to E. Emnet
2 raiderCavalrys moved from S. Brown Lands to S. Dunland
2 raiderCavalrys moved from Anduin East Bank to S. DunlandCombat - Khand
Battle in S. Dunland
Khand attack with 4 raiderCavalrys
Freefolk defend with 4 lightCavalrys and 1 spearInfantry
2 raiderCavalrys retreated to Westfold
Freefolk win with 1 spearInfantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for Freefolk: 4 lightCavalrys
Casualties for Khand: 2 raiderCavalrys
Battle in Anorien
Khand attack with 4 raiderss and 2 xbowInfantrys
Gondor defend with 1 heavyCavalry
Khand win, taking Anorien from Gondor with 4 raiderss and 2 xbowInfantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
Casualties for Gondor: 1 heavyCavalryNon Combat Move - Khand
2 raiderCavalrys moved from N. Ithilien to WoldPlace Units - Khand
2 raiderCavalrys placed in KhandTurn Complete - Khand
Khand collect 11 PUs; end with 11 PUs total -
You definitely schooled me in Andrast. I didn’t see the land connection to your big force across the bay!
I dont think this will be critical, you seem well ahead :)
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6
Game History
Round :4
Purchase Units - Dwarves
Dwarves buy 2 axeInfantrys and 1 phalanx; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - Dwarves
6 axeInfantrys, 3 cannons, 3 phalanxs and 1 zepplin moved from N. Dale to Withered Heath
3 axeInfantrys moved from Lonely Mtn. to Withered HeathCombat - Dwarves
Battle in Withered Heath
Dwarves attack with 9 axeInfantrys, 3 cannons, 3 phalanxs and 1 zepplin
Rhun defend with 8 chariotArcherss, 8 spearInfantrys and 1 warWagon
Dwarves roll dice for 9 axeInfantrys, 3 cannons, 3 phalanxs and 1 zepplin in Withered Heath, round 1 : 5/0 hits
Rhun roll dice for 8 chariotArcherss, 8 spearInfantrys and 1 warWagon in Withered Heath, round 1 : 6/0 hits
5 spearInfantrys owned by the Rhun and 6 axeInfantrys owned by the Dwarves lost in Withered Heath
Dwarves roll dice for 3 axeInfantrys, 3 cannons, 3 phalanxs and 1 zepplin in Withered Heath, round 2 : 4/0 hits
Rhun roll dice for 8 chariotArcherss, 3 spearInfantrys and 1 warWagon in Withered Heath, round 2 : 4/1 hits
3 spearInfantrys owned by the Rhun , 1 phalanx owned by the Dwarves , 3 axeInfantrys owned by the Dwarves and 1 chariotArchers owned by the Rhun lost in Withered Heath
Dwarves roll dice for 3 cannons, 2 phalanxs and 1 zepplin in Withered Heath, round 3 : 3/0 hits
Rhun roll dice for 7 chariotArcherss and 1 warWagon in Withered Heath, round 3 : 3/0 hits
2 phalanxs owned by the Dwarves , 1 cannon owned by the Dwarves and 3 chariotArcherss owned by the Rhun lost in Withered Heath
Dwarves roll dice for 2 cannons and 1 zepplin in Withered Heath, round 4 : 2/1 hits
Rhun roll dice for 4 chariotArcherss and 1 warWagon in Withered Heath, round 4 : 2/0 hits
2 cannons owned by the Dwarves and 2 chariotArcherss owned by the Rhun lost in Withered Heath
retreated to Withered Heath
Rhun win with 2 chariotArcherss and 1 warWagon remaining. Battle score for attacker is -15
Casualties for Rhun: 6 chariotArcherss and 8 spearInfantrys
Casualties for Dwarves: 9 axeInfantrys, 3 cannons and 3 phalanxsNon Combat Move - Dwarves
1 zepplin moved from Withered Heath to Lonely Mtn.
1 axeInfantry moved from Celduin to N. DalePlace Units - Dwarves
2 axeInfantrys and 1 phalanx placed in Lonely Mtn.Turn Complete - Dwarves
Dwarves collect 14 PUs; end with 14 PUs total -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6
Game History
Round :5
Purchase Units - Saruman
Saruman buy 1 trolls and 1 urukhai; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - Saruman
1 urukhai moved from Wold to Westfold
2 orcss and 1 urukhai moved from Isengard to Westfold
1 orcs and 1 urukhai moved from Westfold to S. DunlandCombat - Saruman
Battle in S. Dunland
Saruman attack with 1 orcs and 1 urukhai
Freefolk defend with 1 spearInfantry
Saruman win, taking S. Dunland from Freefolk with 1 urukhai remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for Freefolk: 1 spearInfantry
Casualties for Saruman: 1 orcsNon Combat Move - Saruman
Place Units - Saruman
1 trolls and 1 urukhai placed in IsengardTurn Complete - Saruman
Saruman collect 12 PUs; end with 12 PUs total -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6
Game History
Round :5
Purchase Units - Freefolk
Freefolk buy 5 lightCavalrys and 1 spearInfantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - Freefolk
1 hobbits moved from Minhiriath to Lond Daer
1 lightCavalry moved from Eregion to Lond Daer
1 lightCavalry moved from Eregion to Lond Daer
1 lightCavalry moved from Bree to Lond Daer
1 lightCavalry moved from Bree to Lond Daer
1 lightCavalry moved from Bree to Lond Daer
1 hobbits moved from Eregion to N. Dunland
1 archers moved from Eregion to N. Dunland
1 hobbits moved from Eregion to N. DunlandCombat - Freefolk
Battle in N. Dunland
Freefolk attack with 1 archers and 2 hobbitss
Goblins defend with 1 shooters
Freefolk roll dice for 1 archers and 2 hobbitss in N. Dunland, round 1 : 0/1 hits
Goblins roll dice for 1 shooters in N. Dunland, round 1 : 0/1 hits
Freefolk roll dice for 1 archers and 2 hobbitss in N. Dunland, round 2 : 0/1 hits
Goblins roll dice for 1 shooters in N. Dunland, round 2 : 0/1 hits
Freefolk roll dice for 1 archers and 2 hobbitss in N. Dunland, round 3 : 0/1 hits
Goblins roll dice for 1 shooters in N. Dunland, round 3 : 0/1 hits
Freefolk roll dice for 1 archers and 2 hobbitss in N. Dunland, round 4 : 0/1 hits
Goblins roll dice for 1 shooters in N. Dunland, round 4 : 1/1 hits
1 hobbits owned by the Freefolk lost in N. Dunland
Freefolk roll dice for 1 archers and 1 hobbits in N. Dunland, round 5 : 1/1 hits
Goblins roll dice for 1 shooters in N. Dunland, round 5 : 1/1 hits
1 shooters owned by the Goblins and 1 hobbits owned by the Freefolk lost in N. Dunland
Freefolk win, taking N. Dunland from Goblins with 1 archers remaining. Battle score for attacker is -2
Casualties for Freefolk: 2 hobbitss
Casualties for Goblins: 1 shooters
Battle in Lond Daer
Freefolk attack with 1 hobbits and 5 lightCavalrys
Neutral defend with 1 castle, 2 fortificationss and 2 spearInfantrys
Freefolk roll dice for 1 hobbits and 5 lightCavalrys in Lond Daer, round 1 : 2/1 hits
Neutral roll dice for 2 fortificationss and 2 spearInfantrys in Lond Daer, round 1 : 1/0 hits
2 fortificationss owned by the Neutral and 1 hobbits owned by the Freefolk lost in Lond Daer
Freefolk roll dice for 5 lightCavalrys in Lond Daer, round 2 : 2/1 hits
Neutral roll dice for 2 spearInfantrys in Lond Daer, round 2 : 0/1 hits
2 spearInfantrys owned by the Neutral lost in Lond Daer
Freefolk win, taking Lond Daer from Neutral with 5 lightCavalrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8
Casualties for Freefolk: 1 hobbits
Casualties for Neutral: 2 fortificationss and 2 spearInfantrysNon Combat Move - Freefolk
1 spearInfantry moved from Cardolan to Eregion
1 catapult moved from Cardolan to Eregion
1 archers moved from Tharbad to Eregion
1 archers moved from Tharbad to Eregion
1 spearInfantry moved from S. Downs to Cardolan
1 spearInfantry moved from Breelands to S. Downs
1 spearInfantry moved from Breelands to S. Downs
1 spearInfantry moved from Breelands to S. DownsPlace Units - Freefolk
1 lightCavalry and 1 spearInfantry placed in Tharbad
3 lightCavalrys placed in Bree
1 lightCavalry placed in HobbitonTurn Complete - Freefolk
Freefolk collect 22 PUs; end with 22 PUs total -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6
Game History
Round :5
Purchase Units - Mordor
Mordor buy 7 orcss and 2 trollss; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - Mordor
19 orcss and 5 siegeTowers moved from N. Ithilien to Anorien
1 orcs moved from Minas Morgul to S. Ithilien
3 trollss moved from Westfold to Eastfold
3 trollss moved from Eastfold to Helms Deep
1 nazgul moved from Westfold to Helms Deep
2 nazguls moved from E. Emnet to Helms DeepCombat - Mordor
Battle in Helms Deep
Mordor attack with 3 nazguls and 3 trollss
Rohan defend with 1 castle, 6 fortificationss, 1 heavyCavalry, 4 spearInfantrys and 1 tower
Units damaged: 3 nazguls owned by the Mordor
3 trollss retreated to Eastfold
Rohan win with 2 fortificationss, 1 heavyCavalry, 4 spearInfantrys and 1 tower remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8
Casualties for Rohan: 4 fortificationssNon Combat Move - Mordor
3 nazguls moved from Helms Deep to Eastfold
2 trollss moved from Anduin East Bank to E. Emnet
2 trollss moved from Dol Goldur to Anduin East BankPlace Units - Mordor
2 orcss and 2 trollss placed in Dol Goldur
5 orcss placed in Minas MorgulTurn Complete - Mordor
Mordor collect 28 PUs; end with 28 PUs total
3 units repaired. -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6
Game History
Round :5
Purchase Units - Rohan
Rohan buy 2 towers; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - Rohan
Combat - Rohan
Place Units - Rohan
2 towers placed in Helms DeepTurn Complete - Rohan
Rohan collect 6 PUs; end with 6 PUs total -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6
Game History
Round :5
Purchase Units - Goblins
Goblins buy 1 bats, 9 shooterss and 4 stabberss; Remaining resources: 1 PUs;Combat Move - Goblins
1 shooters moved from Gladden to Carrock
1 stabbers moved from Anduin West Bank to Carrock
1 bats moved from Moria to Carrock
1 stabbers moved from Drimrill Dale to Gladden
1 stabbers moved from Drimrill Dale to Anduin West Bank
1 bats moved from Lorien to Carrock
1 bats, 2 shooterss, 1 stabbers and 3 wargss moved from Westfold to Helms Deep
1 wargs moved from Eastfold to Lossarnach
Goblins take Lossarnach from Gondor
1 wargs moved from Lossarnach to Anorien
1 wargs moved from Eastfold to Helms DeepCombat - Goblins
Battle in Carrock
Goblins attack with 2 batss, 1 shooters and 1 stabbers
Elves defend with 2 hunterss
Goblins win, taking Carrock from Elves with 2 batss and 1 stabbers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for Goblins: 1 shooters
Casualties for Elves: 2 hunterss
Battle in Helms Deep
Goblins attack with 1 bats, 2 shooterss, 1 stabbers and 4 wargss
Rohan defend with 1 castle, 2 fortificationss, 1 heavyCavalry, 4 spearInfantrys and 3 towers
3 wargss retreated to Westfold
Rohan win with 1 heavyCavalry, 4 spearInfantrys and 3 towers remaining. Battle score for attacker is -7
Casualties for Rohan: 2 fortificationss
Casualties for Goblins: 2 shooterss, 1 stabbers and 1 wargsNon Combat Move - Goblins
1 bats moved from Helms Deep to Fangorn
1 shooters and 1 stabbers moved from Wold to Westfold
1 bats moved from Fangorn to Isengard
1 bats moved from Carrock to Drimrill Dale
1 bats moved from Carrock to Anduin West Bank
1 trolls moved from Celebran to Drimrill Dale
1 stabbers moved from Celebran to MoriaPlace Units - Goblins
4 shooterss and 4 stabberss placed in Moria
2 shooterss placed in S. Caves
2 shooterss placed in N. Caves
1 bats and 1 shooters placed in LorienTurn Complete - Goblins
Goblins collect 33 PUs; end with 34 PUs total -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6
Game History
Round :5
Purchase Units - Elves
Elves buy 5 hunterss; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - Elves
1 eagles, 8 hunterss and 2 wizards moved from Eregion to N. Caves
1 hunters moved from Rivendell to N. Caves
1 hunters moved from Rivendell to N. Caves
1 hobbits moved from Rivendell to Rhudaur
1 hobbits moved from Rivendell to Rhudaur
1 hobbits moved from Rivendell to Rhudaur
1 ents, 9 hunterss and 2 wizards moved from W. Mirkwood to Carrock
1 hunters moved from High Mirkwood to N. MirkwoodCombat - Elves
Battle in Carrock
Elves attack with 1 ents, 9 hunterss and 2 wizards
Goblins defend with 1 stabbers
Elves roll dice for 1 ents, 9 hunterss and 2 wizards in Carrock, round 1 : 5/1 hits
Goblins roll dice for 1 stabbers in Carrock, round 1 : 0/1 hits
1 stabbers owned by the Goblins lost in Carrock
Elves win, taking Carrock from Goblins with 1 ents, 9 hunterss and 2 wizards remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Goblins: 1 stabbers
Battle in N. Caves
Elves attack with 1 eagles, 10 hunterss and 2 wizards
Goblins defend with 1 castle and 3 shooterss
Elves roll dice for 1 eagles, 10 hunterss and 2 wizards in N. Caves, round 1 : 5/0 hits
Goblins roll dice for 3 shooterss in N. Caves, round 1 : 1/0 hits
3 shooterss owned by the Goblins and 1 hunters owned by the Elves lost in N. Caves
Elves win, taking N. Caves from Goblins with 1 eagles, 9 hunterss and 2 wizards remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Goblins: 3 shooterss
Casualties for Elves: 1 huntersNon Combat Move - Elves
1 eagles moved from N. Caves to RhudaurPlace Units - Elves
3 hunterss placed in Rivendell
2 hunterss placed in High MirkwoodTurn Complete - Elves
Elves collect 21 PUs; end with 21 PUs total