This is my latest thinking.
Buy 2 Transports for Atlantic 2 Carriers for Pacific and 2 Infantry in E. US
Move Transport/Destroer to Iceland
Move bomber/fighter in Eastern/Central US to Iceland
UKT1 Buy Carrier deploy in 110 IC in Egypt
Attack Sz96/97 land Aircraft at Malta
Consolidate Navy in Sz 110
Move Transport/Destroyer from Canada to Iceland
Pull back from Alexandria to Egypt leaving 1 infantry
Attack with Med Transport to Ethiopia
Buy 6 Mech Infantry for Novogorod/Ukraine
Move 12 Infantry to Karelia
Move 12 Infantry to Bessarabia
Move 6 Infantry to Western Ukraine
Move 6 Infantry to Belarus
If Germany have declared war and taken Karelia/Vyborg I will either re-take or just consolidate in IC Territories
Move both Transports to Iceland
Buy Naval Base in Iceland & 2 Tanks/1 Infantry for Egypt
Attack from Sz110 to Norway. Land 2 units, attack with air and bombardment. Land fighters on Carrier.
Move air units from Malta to Egypt. Possible attack in Alexandria if Italy taken on T1.
Russia T3
Attack Finland from Karelia
Attack Romania from Bressarabia
Attack from Iceland into Normandy with 3 transports full plus Fighter/Bomber
Transport from Iceland to Normandy and unload. Fighters land in Normandy.
This assumes:
That I can take out Ethiopia in 1 go.
Can hold Egypt at ItalyT2
Germany doesn’t declare on Russia/US before Turn 3
Germany doesn’t target UK Navy in Turn 2. If UK Navy dies in T3 it almost doesn’t matter as Normandy attack won’t have bombardment and will be comign from Iceland which seemingly looks far away.
It also allows US to choose between fllow up in Norway, Denmark, Holland, W Germany or original target of Normandy (because it already has an IC)
The objective of attacking Norway in UKT2 is to stop Germany from delcaring on Russia and attacking through Finland.
The IC in Egypt T1 is based on the fact that if I deploy 3 Mech Infantry in SA, it will take them 2 turns to get to Egypt. Even if I don’t attack Ethiopia in T1, they can’t attack till T2 and by which time, I can add 2 Tanks and 1 Infantry to the defence plus any air assets I wish to move.
If I take out Ethiopia and Italian Navy in 96/97 then Italy won’t be strong enough to take Egypt even with reinforcements.
I could land in Greece instead, put 2 units there. I would have enough to hold Egypt against an attack from both sides in N Africa (if I deploy 2 tanks, 1 Infantry as well as land a fighter/bomber there). That still leaves enough to win against Albania whether attcking or defending and I could then activate Yugoslavia in T3. I can’t see Germany attacking if I am attacking Norway in T2. The only downside is that it will present a very nice target to Germany who may decide it can win that one instead of going against the Navy in Sz110.
If I am attacked by al of Germany’s Air (6 Fighters, 1 Tac Bomber, 1 Strat Bomber) with 5 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter and 1 Tac fighter, I will lose. It’s about 65% in my favour if I add the Strat Bomber and Fighter (assuming they survive against Italy’s fleet in T1) but 76% against without those 2 extra units.
The reason for leaving UK Fleet in Sz 110 is so if attacked, I can scramble and add 3 Fighters to the defense but hopefully will just deter a German attack. Anything it does will be costly to us both.
In my calculator, with 2 Battleships, 3 Cruisers, Carrier, 1 French Fighter (which I can land after UK’s turn but before Germany’s) and 3 scrambled UK fighters, I have an 80% chance to win. With 2 Destroyers instead of the Carrier and 1 less fighter, it’s 62%. This is if Germany commits every aircraft it has and the Battleship/Cruiser it has left.
If I were to