FMGC 2013 - Gaming Convention - GTA CANADA

  • Rolling in Friday afternoon/early evening! :-D

    What bar is the gathering spot for the pre-party? :wink: :mrgreen:

  • @Craig:

    What bar is the gathering spot for the pre-party? :wink: :mrgreen:

    The FMG Game Bunker!  :-D

    Time to clean out the van and start loading up … oh my, so much stuff.

  • '12

    Weather this weekend looks great!  I’ll be roaring in sometime early Saturday afternoon me thinks!

  • @MrMalachiCrunch:

    Weather this weekend looks great!  I’ll be roaring in sometime early Saturday afternoon me thinks!

    After the heat during the week that we’ll have, you are right it looks fantastic!

    And, the earlier the better!  Doors open at 9am both days! (We’re hoping to get in Friday night to set up so there won’t be any last minute rushing around the morning of game day 1)

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    If someone can hooks me up via the big-screen, I will Skype in for a speech!

    Or to draw prizes or something… LOL…

  • '12

    Pretty excited. Meeting with two Toronto buds at the Travelodge Ottawa Whitby tomorrow afternoon, playing some A&A Europe 1940 Friday night there. Then I can’t wait to scope out a game on Saturday morning.

    Also checking out Star Records ( at some point. If you’re in to music, I’ve heard it’s the place.


  • @Raymond:

    Pretty excited. Meeting with two Toronto buds at the Travelodge Ottawa Whitby tomorrow afternoon, playing some A&A Europe 1940 Friday night there. Then I can’t wait to scope out a game on Saturday morning.

    Also checking out Star Records ( at some point. If you’re in to music, I’ve heard it’s the place.


    Star Records - the place looks like a dump but its’ a GREAT place for music for sure!  Not your average sterile HMV type of store.  lol.

    Good choice on the Travelodge too.  Much nicer hotel than the Best Western!

    So close to the weekend we can taste it!  Last minute pre-prep going on right now, setup tomorrow night and then 2 loooooong days of FUN FUN FUN!

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Whats wrong with the Sketch Western?

    They are supposed to be a big brand name!

  • @Gargantua:

    Whats wrong with the Sketch Western?

    They are supposed to be a big brand name!

    They are … but we didn’t hear a lot of good about them last year.  Though they are easy to get to (being right at Stevenson and the 401) and fairly priced.

  • '12

    Leaving Montreal in 10 minutes. Excited.


  • '12

    Saturday and Sunday are looking to be great weather days.  Friday has turned out to be a chilly day for the bikers headed to Port Dover.  I was going to go in the street rod but parking it in a wet farmers field to shuttle in……maybe next time!  So no Friday the 13th at Port Dover, so glad I can look forward to this event and great weather Saturday and Sunday!

  • '12

    In Oshawa at the Travelodge waiting for friends. Having a warmup game with Toronto pals tonight, debating between A&A Europe 1940 and Anniversary Edition. Also: which beer to start with?


  • '12

    …and that was a great weekend unlike any I’ve had before. Nice to meet you, too, Randy–you’re a good dude.

    OK. Time for real life for a while. Laters.


  • We just closed the doors on the event about 30 minutes ago!

    What a weekend … so exhausted, but so many great games.

    Thanks to everyone who made this event special and to those who spent time and energy to make it happen!
    Even with the hiccups involved, this was a good year.

  • What a great event this year.

    Two fun filled days of Global 1940.  Great people both running and playing.  Can’t wait for next years event.

    Keep up the good work on this event FMG and I will never grow up.

  • Border crossing nonsense aside, the trip was well worth it.

    Friday night was beer and AA1914 in the FMG Bunker with Jeremy, Tim, and INGWU man.  (Sorry, but with so many new faces I always have trouble remembering the names.  Maybe after a few more events it will finally stick!)

    We central powers were rocking after three reounds. 8-)

    Saturday was a long Global 40 game in which I played Japan as part of the winning Axis team.  It was called after 8 or 9 rounds with it looking like USSR would eventually fall to the German assault.

    I fumbled a round five amphib on the Philippines that start a bit of a chain reaction on non combat moves to cover my ass.  The US then went for a knock out blow on the weakened Home Island defense fleet.  Only through good dice rolls was I able to turn that battle into a (mostly) mutual annihilation affair.  The Pacific then kind of stagnated through the rest of the game as the US then had to try to rebuild while spending more in the Atlantic to help out the UK there.

    Italy did well early on and even amphibed the West Indies, but was slowly slapped down by UK efforts in Africa and the Middle East.  I cleared out China but burnt the majority of my land units on a UK India stack in Burma.  I was looking for a wipe out of both sides but the Inf/art stack that the UK had rolled really well and I had to eventually bail the air out.

    USSR contested Leningrad for along time but finally fell back as the Germans pushed in the south.  The Germans traded Stalingrad with the Soviets just as the Japanese moved in from the back side with some units.  At the same time a small recon task force of the Wermacht was starting the long slog across Siberia.

    The Germans even took a turn to put in a small nuisance fleet turn 6 to harass the Allies in Atlantic.

    Good game!

    End of the night was a game of Conquest of the Empire- the second rule set.  Got crushed by Aaron in the third (and final) round of play.  Ah well, still fun.

    Sunday was a couple of other games (Ticket to Ride Europe and Carcassonne) and then a bit of talk with guys before making the trek home.  Some of the same guys (and other new guys) who played Global 40 with me on Saturday were playing Oztea’s Global 41 set up.  Looked like a fun change of pace.

    Jeremy and crew run a great event.  I would highly recommend it to all A&A gamers.

  • '12

    I had a great Saturday at the event, sadly I could not return Sunday.   I’m certainly getting a room next time.

    This marks the second year walking into the place alone and feeling comfortable and welcome, what a great group of people!

    Raymond, was a pleasure to meet you and your friends, thanks for asking me into your game within a minute of me entering.  I hope your crew returns next year, if so then for sure I am booking 2 nights so we can get into some more epic games!

    Thanks to everyone who humoured me and played my 1980s classic Illuminati!

    Surprise Attack, great seeing you again.

    Garg, Axis playa and others who could not return from last year……you guys missed a great weekend!!!  Hope to see you next year!

  • Great week end at the 420 wing!!!
    Thanks to all who made it happen, and thanks to all who made it there.
    See ya next year.
    Are there any pictures that can be posted?
    Tanks S.A.

  • @suprise:

    Great week end at the 420 wing!!!
    Thanks to all who made it happen, and thanks to all who made it there.
    See ya next year.
    Are there any pictures that can be posted?
    Tanks S.A.

    We just uploaded 69 pictures to the FMGCon website ( and Facebook page (!

  • Sponsor

    Sadly I could only attend Saturday as my wife picked the worst weekend to catch the flu and needed me to nurse her back to health. Although there shouldn’t be any excuse to miss a day when living so close to the event, I should mention the enormous support she gives me for my incurable gaming addiction.

    Thanks to everyone who participated in the annual friday pre-con game at the Cliffside Bunker. Surprise Attack, Burman, Ematic_decay, Loggins, Alain and myself had a blast. Thanks to everyone at the FMGC for putting on such a unique one of a kind gaming event.

    I played R.O.E (awesome miniatures game) and had tons of fun despite my tank sustaining yet another direct hit (second year in a row) thanks to James from IWNGU. I got to play Ikusa for the first time and thought it was ok… but for me, the game I loved was “the resistance” (which everyone could tell because of how load I was shouting).

    Can’t wait till next year when I hope to play 1940 Global with Raymond, allyouneedislove malachi, suprise attack, or anyone who is willing.

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