I find this struggle between nations and terrorists to be a sideshow(a terrible one, but still a sideshow. History will make note of it moreso than the true conflict.
I understand F_alk’s point, but it is too simplistic. It’s not a “both sides” or ‘them v us’ concept. Terrorists exist in various cultures fighting for different things(a separate nation, a fundamentalist Islamic nation, or to keep the existing government weak are just a few examples.)
The key terrorism we speak of these days seems to be Islamic fundamentalists fighting to destroy Israel/the Jews, create a fundamentalist Islamic nation, and/or drive the infidels from Islam’s holy lands(What is holy is an argument unto itself for these groups.)
I do not believe that the key fight in this arena will be between Christians/Jews and Muslims, nor between the US/various democracies and Muslims, nor between Muslim countries such as Turkey and Iran. I perceive that the struggle will be between conservative and fundamentalist Muslims for the future of Islam.
The conservatives are found to be more numerous in the democracies of the world and vary from a minority to a majority in different parts of the Middle East, Africa and the Pacific Islands. The fundamentalist’s stronghold is the “cradle of Isam” and radiates from there to where it can gain ground the easiest. This would be Africa, the Pacific Islands, and those struggling in affluent societies(Note the mosques built with Saudi oil money throughout the US and the efforts to gain followers in the prisons[though Christians also put efforts toward the prison population, too.])
We try to comprehend the conflict, but we “see through a glass darkly.” We who do not walk the path of Islam or one that seldom intersects it can understand little of the struggle. We do not know their culture nor do we read the Holy Quran in its perfect form(Arabic.)
I have studied and spoken with students of a variety of Middle Eastern cultures. I tell you we do not know the trouble to come. Some of it will be violence, some spiritual, some cognitive.
My hope is that those who think they lead the struggle will know when to be still so that the true battle may begin in earnest.