Your nominations for quality A&A posters…

  • I was confused by the title, but here goes…

    Honourable Mention, Emeritus…

    Honourable Mention…

    Runners up…

    Axis & Allies Award…

    :D I know I fudged on the nominations but I limited it to 3 in each category.
    I found it difficult to judge as I noticed a desire to nominate those with which I had many varied conversations(#s). I felt the need to examine the variety as well as some posts I recalled to which I may not have responded. I hope that my nominations encourage many more quality posts from the first inductees to the Hall of A&A Posters. 8) :wink:

  • EmuGod

    In no particular order

  • Thanks :wink:

  • Good choice on Soon_U_Die…always thought pretty much all of his posts were worth saying, and of good quality.

  • In no particular order…Agreed.
    My choices are…

    1)cystic_crypt…as a doc seems to make sense in discussions
    2)Soon_U_Die…saw some great posts and concur after further research
    3)F_alk…don’t always agree, but appreciate the logic encouraged
    Note: I think I gave quantity more weight than I’d intended.

    Damn! Wish I left a choice for more nominations, but don’t want to encourage long posts and lots of nominations.

    Emeritus? X, knock it off!

    Don’t know about that Deviant:Scripter! He’s a wacko. :lol:

    Got to check out DarthMaximus. Haven’t seen a lot of his posts.
    Ansbach had great posts…wish there were more.

  • Don’t know about that Deviant:Scripter! He’s a wacko. :lol:

    Luv ya too bud :wink:

  • Thanks EJ, Xi (runner up? :()
    i’m not sure if it is appropriate for me to name the “best posters”, although people who have given me pause for thought include F_alk and SUD in addition to many others already mentioned. Also i’ve enjoyed discussions with the field marshal - i feel that we have similar values/ways of thinking despite our very disparate backgrounds.
    And i’d be a jerk if i didn’t put Mr. Ghoul at the top of the list - if not for his posts here, but many excellent conversations around the gaming table.

  • …lol where is TG? I mentioned him in my rambling at the top, and I see no one has nominated him or even brought him up (even though he is the top poster). I dont mean where is he in the rankings, but is he even on these boards any more? I see his last posting was April 14th, 2003. Anybody know?

  • GeZe wins it.

    No really, Xi, dzrtfish, and Darthmax.

  • '19 Moderator

    Wow, I am flattered to be mentioned in this thread. I never really though I was that much of a contributer. :oops:

    I would say in no perticular order:

    Yanny: When ever I see a new topic by Yanny I know there is going to be a great debate and even though more often than not I disagree with him he getts some great dicussion started.

    Soon_U_Die: A very good A&A player who always has some inteligent annalisis and constructive critsisam for a strategy. This is not the first Board I have read his posts on.

    F_alk: always seems to have a strong opinion and Information to back himself up. It may be that since I disagree With him alot that I enjoy the conversations that much more.

    Honorable mention:
    El Jefe: you’ve got a good start keep it up.
    TG: He had some good stuf when he was active and he is a Civil war buff, always a plus. But, he did spam quite a bit to get that post count. :)
    And there are several of you conservative guys who I tend to agree with on alot of topics, but saying “Amen brother” isn’t near as much fun as argueing. :)

  • Didn’t mean for the #s to mean ranking, Jezulpete!

    GeZe wins it.

    No really, Xi, dzrtfish, and Darthmax.

    Okay, I’m confused :-? … that’s normal. :P

    Yanny are you giving dz_fish, D_Max(I love shortening names if you didn’t know.), and me the bad news? Or are you correcting your vote? I’m trying to decide whether I should go into shock!?! :-?

    Medic(c_c_), we need a blanket over here! :P

    There are so many worthy of an award. 8)

    c_c_, I hadta bump ya. I lovya, man! Didn’t want anyone crying foul/nepotism(no we are not related that I know.) For my original(prepost)winners switch the Runners Up with the Award nominees.

  • The Worst Poster of all Time-



    Yay, I won something!

  • @GeZe:

    The Worst Poster of all Time-



    Yay, I won something!

    GAAAZZZeeeee . . .
    how are you doing my easily frustrated Belgian friend?

  • anny are you giving dz_fish, D_Max(I love shortening names if you didn’t know.), and me the bad news? Or are you correcting your vote? I’m trying to decide whether I should go into shock!?! icon_confused.gif

    I am saying I enjoy reading posts by you three the most.

  • Yanny: When ever I see a new topic by Yanny I know there is going to be a great debate and even though more often than not I disagree with him he getts some great dicussion started.

    Thanks man, but I’m glad I don’t have to anymore! Deviant, El Jefe, you, F_alk, and others are taking the flag for me! Kudos to you all.

  • My Top 3:

    CC for each post, SUD for his posts on the game itself and…. hmmm…
    quite a lot of people for 3rd place. I choose to award this to Bigblocky in recognition as “best newcomer”…

  • @cystic:

    GAAAZZZeeeee . . .
    how are you doing my easily frustrated Belgian friend?

    I’m Bulgarian (in south east europe) and in 2 hours I’m going to bulgaria via- victoria to vancouver, vancouver to montreal, montreal to veinna, veinna to sofia (capital of bulgaria)

    so bye to all for 3 months

  • @GeZe:


    GAAAZZZeeeee . . .
    how are you doing my easily frustrated Belgian friend?

    I’m Bulgarian (in south east europe) and in 2 hours I’m going to bulgaria via- victoria to vancouver, vancouver to montreal, montreal to veinna, veinna to sofia (capital of bulgaria)

    so bye to all for 3 months

    i knew that you are Bulgarian. That’s why i added the " :lol: "
    just teasing you one last time.
    Have a great trip.

  • Hoorayyy now my competition for “worst poster” is leaving :) I got my eyes on the prize baby.

  • LJ, give D:S a break! He was born that way(I think.) At least I hope no one can develop any more like him. :wink:

    (After picking myself up off the floor)Gee, tanks Y! I’ll take that as an honour because of the company I keep in your post.

    F_k, good call there on BB! 8)

    Great! Now that GZ is gone I can make a run at 4th place poster with little competion. Don’t anyone tell F_k! Just gotta come up with some great one word posts. :D

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