Well, sure BBs are an incredibly useful unit, but at what cost? �Just using battlecalc on triplea - 2 BBs (40 IPCs) could not beat 5 DDs (40 IPCs), where 5 DDs would beat 2 BBs with about 1 DD left. �So, as far as naval battles go, having 5 DDs is more useful than 2 BBs. �If you want to bombard, 3 Cruisers (36 IPCs) are better because they are cheaper and give potential for 3 hits (9 offensive pips) vs. potential for 2 hits (8 offensive pips). �
Even 6 Subs (36 IPCs) would destroy 2 BBs and 2 BBs would barely beat 6 Subs (50/50).
Actually I don’t remember AA50- they were two hit and automatically healed? �were they 20 IPCs too? �auto heal makes them a bit better, but I’d still rather have a DD or SS swarm. �Not to mention you can use them in multiple SZs.
Again, the only reason to buy BBs in my mind is the intimidation factor. �Every other sea unit trumps it on cost per ‘pip.’ �
I also did not buy bbs for revised or aa50 and don’t buy them for global either. �But re. aa50, many of the best players buy them. �The best argument (in aa50) for a bb buy is buying one early on for the UK, since the 1-hit-heal and the bombard are so useful for UK’s objectives.
When analyzing the cost/benefit of bbs, I wouldn’t compare them to cruisers or destroyers. �I’d compare them to acs and fighters. �Now that ACs are 2 hit like BBs in the global rule set, I think that might take away some of the incentive to invest in battleships. �However, naval bases give naval units a new dynamism that they didn’t possess in aa50, so it might be too early to tell really.
Well, if you want to compare 2 BBs to 1 CV and 2 Fighters (or 1 fighter 1 tactical bomber)- for the record not a great comparison because they have different abilities, especially the range of aircraft- I don’t have triplea here to test it, but 2 BBs cost $40 and have 8 att/def pips whereas: 1 CV, 2 Fighters ($36) have 6 att/10 def pips and 1 CV, 1 Fighter, 1 tac ($37) has 7 att/9 def pips.
The BBs seem to compare favorably with the CV + fighters buy, BUT- the CV + fighters cost less and fighters are more versatile. If for instance, you own the Pacific as Japan or US those fighters can aid in land battles much easier than those BBs do. Fighters can attack every round whereas BBs only get one shot on amphibious assaults.