I believe that everyone has an innate sense of what is right and wrong. …
For example one might say, “Hitler was a man with no morals”. I don’t believe this is a true statement. I believe Hitler was a man who was able to suppress his morals to accomplish what he did.
Here you assume that the innate sense of what is right and wrong is universal.
I do not agree with that. I think that (to stick to your example), Hitler really believed that there were different values for different people.
History of man is full of this behavior (slavery through all times, racism, sexism etc.). Still, i do not agree with this behavior.
I think a more important question would be, is there a universal morality…And if there isn’t then how can we justify organizations like the UN? …Can I really remove my view point far enough from my own morals to see if another, contrasting set of morals could possibly ever be considered right.
For the first and third,as isaid, i don’t think there is a universal morality. The “different values”-behavior seems to be common that i would (provokingly) put it as part of that universal morality, and put myself out of this universal codex.
For the third: The UN is a post WW2 - western culture dominated club. Still, it is the best try mankind ever made to find some common ground and prevent crimes that are against the common western morality set up during the 18th century (mainly by english and french thinkers, taken up by US and french politicians). From my background as western european, i agree with the ideals proclaimed there, therefore i support the UN.
I belive there is a universal morality. …
As a community it is our duty to try to assist each other in staying as true as possible to that “moral code”. I think that is the point of society.
And that would be the point of the UN as well: try to find something that every woman and man can agree to, and watch over these -probably few- values.