What Moral Basis for One World Government Laws?

  • Most agnostics and athestists would object to using the Bible, Quran, etc.
    What could we base our laws on?

    Thou shall not murder.(NOPE)
    Kill the unbelievers.(NOPE)

    I guess we could use these as long as we kept G_d, Allah, Vishnu, etc. out of it!

  • What about the Humanist Manifasto?? Or the Karl Marx one?? Or we could do a survival of the fittest?? Just exactly how would this One World Government come about?? Through war or peace?? Please explain more Xi. How a World Government came about could help with the answer.

  • Our Government, and schools, focus too much on Religion. Religion has no place whatsoever in schools. The church has too much influence over our Federal Government. Church leaders are practically free from prosecution.

  • @Yanny:

    Our Government, and schools, focus too much on Religion. Religion has no place whatsoever in schools.

    What are you talking about? You can’t even say “god” in school without being kicked out. The rules have become absurd.

  • There is a definate Religious bias in New Jersey. Its a very religious state.

    As for what would we base our laws on? Common sense.

  • Common sense isn’t a definitive set of understandings. You’d have the same problems as you do with religion.

    “Well, your common sense is different from my common sense….”

    "Who are you to apply your common sense to my life…?"

    Ring any bells? :P

  • w_s, the UN will write it it as the Major Taxable Source(read US) allows the UN to have its way. :roll:

    Do unto others before they do unto you.
    DS, you are speking my language.

  • um this is a realley good question, id have to say, who ever or what ever makes/forms/inspires this goverment. if they ever wrote ne thing about Politics or Morality id say base it on that. but no one has done that and be succesful yet so my answer is u got me :roll:

  • I guess there is a set of laws that could be used as a starting point:
    human rights and the laws of nations (correct word?).

    I would not mind religious influences (as the basic ideas of any of the bigger religions are based on respect and peacefulness), but unfortunately, the ones who desperately want and fight for this influence are fundamentals who have a IMHO strange interpretation of their respective faiths. This would force me to work against that influence.

  • Yanny are you sure about that in your state. New Jersey is known as s Democrat State, and Democrat Party isn’t known for its Religious views.
    Deviant:Scripter is totally right on that issue, you can’t say God in government with provoking some trouble!!

    Yanny you say base the laws on common sense, now who’s set of common sense would you use?? Conservative, Liberial, Marxist, Fascist, or Religious?? I say abortion is wrong that having it banned would be common sense!! But ask a Feminist and she would say that keeping abortion legal is common sense.

    Who decides what is common sense for these laws??

    Will there be Checks and Balances??

    Xi you right on that, which is why selling the idea to the American people would be a very hard thing to do!!

    Anybody here want to write up some mock laws on what they would want to be in the World Government.

  • Did I say we should follow one particular idealogy? No, we shouldn’t. I’m talking about simple rules that people look to Religion for. Don’t Kill. Don’t Steal. These are basic principles of common sense.

    New Jersey is very religious. Stores have to pay a huge fine to open on Sundays. In school, especially in grades 4-6, we were forced to pick a Religion for various class projects and reports. The list of religions for one report was made up of about 20 Christian denominations, Jewish, Muslim, Buddist, ect. Athiest or Agnostic was not mentioned. Thats just one example of Religion in schools. Recently a school in South Jersey got into a battle with a parent who had a problem with a speech at their High School graduation ceremony. The school allowed a student to make a speech saying things like “I encourage my fellow students to follow the Lord for guidance” and “Christianity pays an important part in all of our lives”.

    A similar case happened in California a few weeks ago, and they rightfully allowed the school to censor the speech.

  • simple.
    Lock me in a room with pizza delivery, a rotating bevy of cute girls, and a computer and a phone.
    I´ll draft up a list, consulting people who i deem important. I´ll accept advice from people i disagree with.
    At the end of it, i expect a nice home to retire too with a nice pension package.
    My laws would be fair and just. The punishment would fit the crime, and systems would be in place so that people were acutely aware of the punishments, and ways of avoiding them.

  • yea Nj is kinda Religous. but yanny dont u think if we censord all religons we would be Anti Religous. i mean its not like people are stoppin from saying Agnostic or Athiest things but they are stopping people from saying Secular things. i mean there are more Religous peps then Non in our counrty.

  • Yanny I’m surprised New Jersey is so religious and still vote Democrat!!!
    If those things are happening how come the ACLU hasn’t made a big deal about??

    Very true DasEwokSS but a religious majority should not push its views on a non-religious minority. The issue is very complex but has a simple answer, have a true seperation of church and state. And have people follow it.

  • it shouldnt. but Non Religous Community techinicly in this society should not be able to push there ideas on Religous people. but since im not a religous person i say restrict religon as much as u can ;)

  • @cystic:

    Lock me in a room with pizza delivery, a rotating bevy of cute girls, and a computer and a phone.
    I´ll draft up a list, consulting people who i deem important. I´ll accept advice from people i disagree with.

    Do you need my phone number?
    Can i get a share of the money you egt afterwards ;)? …
    I wouldn’t tell any portuguese girl about the cuties that visited you :D

  • @Yanny:

    Did I say we should follow one particular idealogy? No, we shouldn’t. I’m talking about simple rules that people look to Religion for. Don’t Kill. Don’t Steal. These are basic principles of common sense.

    New Jersey is very religious. Stores have to pay a huge fine to open on Sundays. In school, especially in grades 4-6, we were forced to pick a Religion for various class projects and reports. The list of religions for one report was made up of about 20 Christian denominations, Jewish, Muslim, Buddist, ect. Athiest or Agnostic was not mentioned. Thats just one example of Religion in schools. Recently a school in South Jersey got into a battle with a parent who had a problem with a speech at their High School graduation ceremony. The school allowed a student to make a speech saying things like “I encourage my fellow students to follow the Lord for guidance” and “Christianity pays an important part in all of our lives”.

    A similar case happened in California a few weeks ago, and they rightfully allowed the school to censor the speech.

    So where is this child’s protection of free-speech? I thought we were so concerned about protecting the right’s of others? Why aren’t you protecting this child’s right to free speech?

    Show me where in the constitution or bill or rights it says that we cannot mention or involve religion in school. Niether of them do. In fact, what it DOES say is that there cannot be one national religion for this country. But, thanks to the politically correct judges, the entire thing has been blown out of proportion. This is not how the founding fathers created our country.

    Please tell me Yanny, if that person mentioned “the Lord” in his school speech, how does that infringe on your rights? Is it emotionally scarring? Perhaps even traumatizing? I’ve never understood this….

  • DasEwokSS becareful what sounds like a good way to restrict religion could some how be twisted to restrict your rights.

    Deviant:Scripter would it bother you if somebody praised Satan in a school speech bother you?? What gods should be allowed in school speeches?? Who decides what gods or religions can be talked about in public.

  • If a Muslim prayer was recited at a public (or school) speech I’m certain Christians present would have their say about it…

    Deviant- Are you equally willing to protect the rights of a Muslim’s free speech?

    Clearly, public schools avoid the religious issue due to the potential hailstorm of rights violations from minority faiths. Politicians won’t dare risk careers on it, either.

    I’m certain in New Jersey, (growing up there myself in a strong Roman Catholic area), the scales will easily dip towards the Christian arena…

  • @F_alk:


    Lock me in a room with pizza delivery, a rotating bevy of cute girls, and a computer and a phone.
    I´ll draft up a list, consulting people who i deem important. I´ll accept advice from people i disagree with.

    Do you need my phone number?
    Can i get a share of the money you egt afterwards ;)? …
    I wouldn’t tell any portuguese girl about the cuties that visited you :D

    damn, i could write a book.
    maybe one day . . . .

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