I’ve read the thread and think this new game idea sounds great!
What countries does it include?
(United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, U.S.S.R., Japan, U.S.A., China, etc.)
How will neutral countries be incorporated? Any type of army to fight or just the traditional A&A I.P.C. fees?
Also, I would like to hear your ideas as to the special forces (infantry units) for each country.
Perhaps – Rangers, SS Troops, Red Guard, Marines … I like the guerilla unit idea as well.
Perhaps make the low-level U.S.A. infantry … National Guard?
Or instead of given each country’s special infantry a name – given them a special ability (such as the banzai attack for the Japanese
Some other ideas are wepon specialist (or variety) infantry units … such as – flamethrower, snipers (unless this will be guerillas), grenadiers, paratroopers, perhaps a medic of some sort?
Just some ideas…
Not sure if some of these would be possible … but, I thought I’d try to help out with some different thoughts.
Also, besides having different levels of infantry … how about having heavy, medium and light armour and planes? Maybe some country-specific “special” units (such as – Russia having the T-34’s with superior attack & defense capabilities, U.K. having a special fighter unit to represent it’s “Royal” airforce, Germany’s Panzer tanks having 3 movement for it’s Blitzkrieg warfare, and the U.S. having a “heavy” transport ship … or something along those lines).
The more units, countries, etc. the better.
As turtle stated at the begining of the thread “bigger=better”.
One more suggestion – on the map size issue … how about offering the 1m X 1.7m map with the game and also offering a larger map as an enhancement for those who would like to purchase it (or perhaps giving the buyer an option with two different prices).
Hope this helps some.
When and where is this going to be available?
Keep up the good work!
Mista Biggs 8)