Thank you my lord.
Six attempts. My fiends and I use 6 black fighters from A&A Europe to mark them instead of using the score board.
Do you specificly buy kamikazes, or you you just substitute the black planes for any plane that you designate as a kamikaze? Seems sort of pointless since they’re designated as such right before they are used.
You don’t have to buy anything.
I know that, but it seems rather pointless to use other planes to designate kamikazes unless he’s doing otherwise.
To clarify the use of black planes, all we do is at the begining of the game, we set out six black planes on Japan to represent the kamikazes. Then use the planes instead of the scoreboard to keep track of them. You only get six to use the whole game.
We have created our own map and house rules where you can buy your own kamikaze planes. -
I don’t know about you, but I really like the ability to designate whichever plane I like to be a kamikaze. It simplifies things a great deal and allows for so many more options.
its like that in real life to
In my reading of the rules, no where does it state that you must designate an existing plane as a Kamikzee, then lose it during the Kamikazee attempt. You simply have six “kamikzee attacks” during the course of the game. Has nothing to do with the planes you buy.
Is this everyone’s understanding of this rule?
More importantly: Can you role all six Kamikee attemots at once, then designate which ships take the hits you score? OR In order to roll six at once must you designate the one ship at a time that you are rolling for? Is this clear? I would love to know how others have interpreted this rule. The kamikazee rules are filled with ambiguity.
In my reading of the rules, no where does it state that you must designate an existing plane as a Kamikzee, then lose it during the Kamikazee attempt. You simply have six “kamikzee attacks” during the course of the game. Has nothing to do with the planes you buy.
Is this everyone’s understanding of this rule?
More importantly: Can you role all six Kamikee attemots at once, then designate which ships take the hits you score? OR In order to roll six at once must you designate the one ship at a time that you are rolling for? Is this clear? I would love to know how others have interpreted this rule. The kamikazee rules are filled with ambiguity.
from the rules~
“The Japanese player must declare how many Kamikaze will be used, in which sea zones they will be used, and which enemy ships will be attacked. Before Japan rolls the dice to launch a Kamikaze attack, it must announce the enemy target(s) and how many of its KamiKaze are participating.”So you would say I am targeting these two Aircraft carriers [points] and I am using two Kamikaza on the first one [points] and 1 Kamikaze on the second[points]
Then roll the dice.
It is a bit unclear, but I believe when all else fails use common sense. Kamikaze attacks are directed at specific ships so it makes sense that each attack has to be designated individualy.
Wow, I just reread the rule and realized you don’t actually use Japan’s planes on the gameboard for kamikaze attacks. This changes the game considerably. I guess you learn something new everyday. I had always assumed that you had to designate an actual fighter unit that was already in existance on the gameboard as a kamikaze. This makes life considerably easier.
Can you direct all six at one target?
Let me clarify…Can you “overkill” a target to ensure you destroy it? It may seem like a waste but there might be the possibility where a person MUST sink a specific target and uses multiple kamiz to ensure destruction…I would assume that if I used six kamis on one target and hit on the first attack,that I would forfeit the rest…
I think you’d be correct. You could direct all of your kamikazes at one target, virtually assuring it’s destruction.