Hello. And Bye.
Fun History test
there was another test to fight the battle of GettysB that is what Emu was talking about. there also was a Desert storm one 2. i played as the Iraqis and scored a draw against coalition forces ^_^
Ya, that’s what I was talking about. Shame on you people! Outsmarted by our resident Fascist. I won the Gulf War II as Iraq and the Coalition. I scored a major victory for both.
Suddenly, I think these battles aren’t too historically accurate. ;)
Aahh, it’s all in good fun…
Omar Bradley
er…I mean,
“Fun !”, Omar!
You think war is FUN !?
War is Hell! - Teddy (I think ?!) -
I’m Wesly Clarke!
War is Hell! - Teddy (I think ?!)
Sherman, mein friend. ;)
Bully for Sherman!
It is true that great minds may think similar thoughts. 8)However, I am not so confused
as to think that I am Sherman. - Teddy R.(I think.)And all you war buffs can thank me for
the US being prepared for world supremacy! :) -
Damn good test, eat your heart out TG!
Based on your answers, your profile matches…
Robert E. Lee!
That was me by the way. :P