• @Xi:

    Then there’s F_k, and if I remember correctly he’s brushing up on his English.

    I always try to improve my English. Someone has to :D ;). And as a german i am destined to strive for meeting high standards cough cough :)


    Xi’s correct, sorry about the obtuse wording!

    Hm… sorry for correcting the correct then.
    Another reason to brush up my English even more ;).

  • @Anonymous:

    And it’s F_alk, BTW… :)


    What’s this?
    O_27 and F_k, are you having a MPD
    (Multiple Personality Disorder) episode? :P

  • No! F_alk is F_alk & I is…oh nevermind!


  • Eew-kay!
    I mean “Okay!”
    Nobody sees the 6 foot white rabbit drinking the Chevas Regal.

  • I agree with Falk! The adventures of the Admiral Graf Spee were a memmorable read(wherever I read it.)

    Care to share his history with us? :)


    If the Germans had completed the electro-boats (U-boats that didn’t need to surface due to their diesel engines) in time for the war… I’m not sure how much more we would’ve lost in the Battle of the Atlantic…

    The ‘Graf Zeppelin’–Germany’s CV–would’ve been a cool ship had it ever been completed. Imagine “Sea-Stukas”! You get my drift…

    Well it came close to being finished… though I’m not sure how much it could’ve done after 1942… Though the Sea Stukas and Me-109G (I think the ‘G’ were the 109’s used on the CV) sure were nice. 8)

  • For Japan, the CA ‘Kumano’. Just look it up…

    Did, but couldn’t find a history or any pics… :-?

  • Why is Kumano my fave? Well, mainly 'cuz it’s story is practically a microcosm of the Japanese armed forces in WWII–war was hell, & they LOST. Check this out, if you’re game–

    …long, but I just printed it out & read it at my leisure.

    For a pic:

    These are from the WONDERFUL combinedfleet.com website–a must-see for all WWII naval enthusiasts!


  • @TG:

    I agree with Falk! The adventures of the Admiral Graf Spee were a memmorable read(wherever I read it.)

    Care to share his history with us? :)


    Well it came close to being finished… though I’m not sure how much it could’ve done after 1942… Though the Sea Stukas and Me-109G (I think the ‘G’ were the 109’s used on the CV) sure were nice. 8)

    Hm, i know that the Ju87C had the ‘C’ for the use on the Graf Zeppelin. I have not heard which addition the Me109 would have got, but i doubt it would have been ‘G’

    For nice pics, see:

  • Yes, the Me-109 I was speaking of was the Me-109T, which was the naval variant of the E model.

  • I’m sorry, but just slapping a tailhook on a Bf109 would not make it a viable carrier plane. The 109 had a light airframe & very strong torque at low airspeeds–not to mention its notoriously weak landing gear arrangement. It was difficult enough to take off & land a Bf109 from land bases–IMO it would be nearly impossible at sea. Upon hitting an arresting wire a 109 would probably just disintegrate–that is if it didn’t flip over onto its back first! The 109 was a buckin’ bronco & would probably have had to have been either completely redesigned or replaced by another aircraft better-suited to naval duty. Perhaps a modified FW190, but probably an all-new design…



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