The ‘Scharnhorst’, ‘Gneisenau’ & all the “Deutschland”-class ships were purpose-built for surface-raiding, the Deutschland class (including ‘Graf Spee’) in particular w/ BC (battlecruiser) guns on a CA (heavy cruiser) hull.
AFAIK, there were three ships of the Deutschlans class:
Deutschland, Admiral Scheer, Admiral Graf Spee
The Gneisenau and the Scharnhorst belonged to the Scharnhorst class.
I agreee with the rest you wrote.
Getting back to the main topic–‘Bismarck’ was a cool ship. I also am partial to the ‘Scharnhorst’-class because of their speed, relatively good armor for BCs …
Of course, the Bismarck and the Tirpitz were of the Bismarck class, with a third ship of that class never being completed.
The ‘Graf Zeppelin’–Germany’s CV–would’ve been a cool ship had it ever been completed. Imagine “Sea-Stukas”! You get my drift…
I think the Ju87 R was a torpedo bomber, and the Ju87 C was designed as teh bomber to be used from a CV (but only operated from land bases, when the Graf Zeppelin project was canceled).
Funny–no one ever names U-boats as their faves. Raeder’s syndrome, I guess… :wink:
Then … U 47 :)