Stimulating Commentary on France and Germany

  • My favorite:

    “Hey, Mr. President. When even the Germans don’t want to fight, take the f–---- hint.”

  • :lol:

  • I like these:
    “That’s a shame. It would have been hilarious to see the French running around the desert in their froofy Stratego uniforms.” LOL
    “I can understand France pussin’ out, but Germany?”

  • JOIN THE LEIGON!!! /me does a French HauH! Viva La France Viva La France!!! HauH! yea does the French Foreign Leigon still exist?

  • What do they need one for? They probably don’t even have a domestic legion.

  • Like Germany has anything to teach us about how to take care of a territory-robbin’ dictator and France has any business telling us to not prevent any other country from being invaded… besides THEM of course.

    Comparing Modern Germany to Nazi Germany… funny. Germany has done more than any other country in history to reform, apologize, and make up for it’s past. 50 years after it occured, Germans still pay Israel a lot of money out of their own pockets to help apologize for the holocaust.

    Both are simultaniously spitting on every marine that died on the Omaha beaches.

    I’m drowning in hypocracy and ingratitude here.

    Why should they be slaves to the US because we helped them out 60 years ago? France is entirely responsible for our very existance. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with United States policy. They don’t have to worship the ground we live on to be allies.

    Oh well, it doesn’t matter because they don’t matter enough to stand in the way of what clearly needs to be and will be done. I wonder who Germany and France will come cryin’ to when they have their own September 11ths… and as usual, we’ll as always step up to the plate and take up for them anyway, regardless of how they are now. If I were Bush, I’d tell 'em to sit on an egg. The whole “with us or with the terrorists” thing should include “if you don’t help, don’t ask for any either.”

    So we should give back all the help they’ve given us? Give back Mohammad A-Taf, Give up the terrorist cells in Berlin and Paris. Give up the trade deals made. They’ve helped us fight terrorism, which has absolutely nothing to do with a war in Iraq. They are opposed to an offensive war.

  • as i was walking to work today,
    i thought
    i wonder what the world would be like if Hitler only invaded France, and maybe Poland, and wasn’t such a jerk with regards to “undesireables” and other countries etc. What would the world be like then? I think if i were Churchill, i might let that slide. I mean, maybe France wouldn’t be so full of jerks if they had Germans to kind of balance out things. And you can bet for damn sure that America would probably welcome this occurrance too. The thing is, the Vichy gov’t was so “thank you sir, may i have another”, that it might not have been such a problem for France. The thing of it is, i think that when Hitler had realized that he had inadvertantly taken France and the French people living there, he got even more pissed off, and then went to vent his frustrations on Russia.
    (is this considered rude and offensive? I mean - to anyone OTHER than French people? :P )

  • its alright the French can take insults i mean theyve bin doing it for hundreds of years right? ;)

  • i can see the insults on france, they need to take a hint;) but thats just wrong w/ germany. the country is morally devastated bc of the horrors that it unknowingly helped in.

  • @DasEwokSS:

    its alright the French can take insults i mean theyve bin doing it for hundreds of years right? ;)

    but can you take insults, even when you are so free in handing them out?

  • o i can take insults beleive me ;) i welcome them actully it gets the blood pumping :)

  • My signature says it all my friends

  • @Rommel34:

    My signature says it all my friends

    my ass has been laughed off. It is lying on the floor considering the best way to re-attach itself.
    well done.

  • Its true that the French helped us during the revolution but we would have won anyway. Two reasons:

    1)We won the most important battles of the war without help (Concord, Princeton, Cowpens, Saratoga)

    1. The brritish did not have enough troops, resources and money to occuppy/break the back of the U.S.

  • Both are simultaniously spitting on every marine that died on the Omaha beaches.

    I dont think the many Marines died at Omaha since it was an Army division at Omaha.

  • @yourbuttocks:

    Its true that the French helped us during the revolution but we would have won anyway. Two reasons:

    1)We won the most important battles of the war without help (Concord, Princeton, Cowpens, Saratoga)

    1. The brritish did not have enough troops, resources and money to occuppy/break the back of the U.S.

    at the same time, point #2 may be owing to the fact that their resources were previously occupied by France, and Britains were growing increasingly opposed to hostilities. Thanks to France, it was quite difficult for the British to mount a credible resistance to the revolutionaries.

  • France is entirely responsible for our very existance.

    They are not entirely responsible. Saying this takes away from the courage and sacrifice of the men who fought for American independence. Also, many of British people themselves weren’t altogether for the war. It wasn’t exactly popular in England. True, the French did help - like Lafayette - but it wasn’t all from the goodness of their hearts. They didn’t like the way England had a huge empire, and a free America would open up new trade markets.

    For example, at my school we have pep rally competitions between the grades. My class had never won a single one, and we’re seniors now. This year we got our act together and really worked for the spirit and motivation to win, and we did. But some people would say the staff rigged the competition. I resent it because it’s like saying we didn’t work our butts off to earn it :evil: The judges can’t mess up the point system, especially when the whole school is looking on.

    That’s what attributing the existence of the USA to France is like to me. Those men who worked their butts off to make this country free don’t deserve to have their work entirely credited to someone else.

  • The logistics problems were enormous. Plus, even then we had a population advantage. Even when the British managed to overrun Georgia and Apture CHarleston, we took it back fairly quickly. WIthout the French it is very possible the war might have draged on another year or two, but we still would have won. As the years went on our army became more and more able to stand up to the British. THey never really could have won.

  • @dIfrenT:

    France is entirely responsible for our very existance.

    They are not entirely responsible.

    That’s what attributing the existence of the USA to France is like to me. Those men who worked their butts off to make this country free don’t deserve to have their work entirely credited to someone else.

    You are right….
    But on the other hand, you find these quotes that the US are entirely responsible for France and Germany to exist free of Nazism/Communism (depending on who you read).

    That is as unfair as the claim that the US only exists because of France.

    ((Or this “the US and NATO planned to defend Germany for the whole of the cold war”… Ask Alamein or any german, and listen to the bitter irony: the defense would have been a “bomb to ashes”. The defensive line of the western partners were the Rhine, which is most of the border of France and Germany. The French short-range nuclear rockets could not even reach to the german-german border…))

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