russia was not stalanist, the revolution was under lenin-
TG already covered that by mentioneing Trotsky.
ask f_alk about the name of the cars they drove- trebbies or troglodytes something like that- they had the same make model and style for 20 years.
Trabant 601 …called “Trabbies”
i would like to know why somehow the eastern block slowed down so much in its development in the seventies… they were keeping up well enough up to then.
you go to your work like an automoton. it sounds pretty miserable to me. that’s all.
It sounds like you don’t believe the above to happen in a western society…. which happens, just ask the people in the cubicles.
I want goals, I want adventure, excitement… you know, all the things boys and girls grow up dreaming about. a chance for an even better life for my kid, where he has every oportunity to be anything from a rock star to a rocket scientist. no limits… that’s all.
Probably you are white…. correct?
and I also wanted one more responce to F_ALK:
the thing about the worker bees was just a frustrated attempt to show that I don’t hold rich people in contempt just because they are rich.
I don’t do that either.
I hold contempt against people:
who are rich without having done anything for it and not taking up the responsibilites that come up with being rich.
If anyone for example steals a patent and becomes rich with it, and gives a *hit about charity, then i would deny him any rights.
judging by most of the grammar and fancy words many of you use, :wink: I’d guess that most of you come from at least upper middle class families. don’t resent your parent’s struggles or hold them in contempt because there are impoverished people in the word. communism isn’t the answer- social programs that take away my money aren’t the answer either.
My parents are middle class, true. My girlfriends parents are not. I do not resent my or any parents struggle to give their children morce choices…
But: My parents could have afforded to send me to Uni, and they supported me. My girlfriends parents gave what they could to, but that would never have been enough for her to study… that’s were “social programs” work, and they work well. To be as blunt as you are: they are the answer, especially if the rich to not care about other than themselves.
if you feel something must be done for the good of all, use your resources to make it happen. this is america- you can be as rich or poor as you want.
I agree with the first, and appeal to anyone to do it, but still there are some who just can’t.
Second, there are people in the world who do not live in the US, who don’t want to live there…
This is Europe, you can be as rich or poor as you want.
and F_alk the queen bee is the most important bee, she organizes the hive, grows the hive, delegates roles for the various bee jobs (GUARDS< DRONES< ECT) she works- cleetus however was just a ficticious bee representation of my neighbor who soaks up disability for a supposed back injury. DOES ANYONE ELSE understand what I mean? the bee thing has now officially lost any hope of striking a cord.
I understand what you want to say…
To tell you my points:
(1)Why does everybody think that the head is more important than the hands, or the digesting system, or whatever part.
The best manager can’t work without workers (or workers using machines, or programmers controlling robots etc.). The best manager can’t live without customers who can afford the product.
(2) I do not believe that ourt current economic system is stable to the end, unless someone shows me that there is no case of more-than-exponential growth. Unfortunately, all economic theories so far assuem that to simplify enough so they can work with it. But (as a friend who studied with me and now does her PhD in an economics related thing told me) there are problems with the models. “Old indsutries”, like farming, are covered well, but it seems there is more-than-exponential growth in newer industries.
And if you have a look at game theory: Over-exponential growth inevitably leads to monopolism (say Micro$oft), which cannot be broken except by massive catastrophies. Therefore, this neo-liberalism that is emerging everywhere for me is the worst thing to do. (next to that they totally neglect the people, but only think of their shareholders (which are of course not the rich ones, but you and me cough))