@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
BotA - r3 - 270bc - Veqryn .vs. Funcioneta
TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :9
Purchase Units - RomanRepublic
RomanRepublic buy 2 ballistas, 8 legionaires, 2 onagers and 6 velitess; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - RomanRepublic
1 legionaire moved from Dodona to SZ 45
1 legionaire moved from SZ 45 to Tarentum
1 ballista, 2 legionaires and 2 velitess moved from Dodona to Larissa
2 legionaires and 1 velites moved from Dodona to Pella
1 velites moved from Capua to Tarentum
1 velites moved from Genua to Verona
RomanRepublic take Verona from Carthage
1 cavalry and 1 legionaire moved from Genua to Ariminum
1 ballista, 1 legionaire and 6 velitess moved from Patavium to Ariminum
4 legionaires and 2 velitess moved from Arretium to Roma
4 velitess moved from Arretium to AriminumCombat - RomanRepublic
Battle in Larissa
RomanRepublic attack with 1 ballista, 2 legionaires and 2 velitess
Macedonia defend with 3 peltastss and 1 swordman
Macedonia win with no units remaining. Battle score for attacker is -9
Casualties for Macedonia: 3 peltastss and 1 swordman
Casualties for RomanRepublic: 1 ballista, 2 legionaires and 2 velitess
Battle in Pella
RomanRepublic attack with 2 legionaires and 1 velites
Macedonia defend with 1 swordman
RomanRepublic win, taking Pella from Macedonia with 2 legionaires and 1 velites remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
Casualties for Macedonia: 1 swordmanNon Combat Move - RomanRepublic
Place Units - RomanRepublic
2 ballistas, 5 legionaires and 2 onagers placed in Roma
3 legionaires and 5 velitess placed in Patavium
1 velites placed in CapuaTurn Complete - RomanRepublic
RomanRepublic collect 68 PUs; end with 68 PUs total -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :9
Purchase Units - GreekCityStates
GreekCityStates buy 2 biremes, 4 cavalrys and 11 slingerss; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - GreekCityStates
2 triremes moved from SZ 69 to SZ 68
1 archer, 1 cavalry and 2 slingerss moved from Sardis to SZ 68
1 archer, 1 cavalry and 2 slingerss moved from SZ 68 to Rhodos
1 archer and 2 hoplites moved from Sardis to SZ 70
6 slingerss moved from Sardis to SZ 70
1 archer, 2 hoplites and 6 slingerss moved from SZ 70 to Byzantium
1 cavalry moved from Athens to Larissa
GreekCityStates take Larissa from Macedonia
1 cavalry moved from Larissa to Dodona
11 slingerss moved from Delphi to Dodona
11 slingerss moved from Athens to Delphi
3 cavalrys moved from Sparta to Athens
1 cavalry and 2 slingerss moved from Sardis to Pessinus
3 slingerss moved from Sardis to Attalia
1 cavalry moved from Sardis to Attalia
1 archer and 1 slingers moved from Sardis to Attalia
1 hoplite moved from Sardis to Nicaea
1 cavalry moved from Sardis to Nicaea
4 slingerss moved from Sardis to Nicaea
4 slingerss moved from Sardis to NicaeaCombat - GreekCityStates
Battle in Rhodos
GreekCityStates attack with 1 archer, 1 cavalry and 2 slingerss
Seleucid defend with 1 peltasts
GreekCityStates roll dice for 1 archer, 1 cavalry and 2 slingerss in Rhodos, round 1 : 1/4 hits
Seleucid roll dice for 1 peltasts in Rhodos, round 1 : 0/1 hits
1 peltasts owned by the Seleucid lost in Rhodos
GreekCityStates win, taking Rhodos from Seleucid with 1 archer, 1 cavalry and 2 slingerss remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Seleucid: 1 peltasts
Battle in Attalia
GreekCityStates attack with 1 archer, 1 cavalry and 4 slingerss
Seleucid defend with 1 legionaire and 2 peltastss
GreekCityStates roll dice for 1 archer, 1 cavalry and 4 slingerss in Attalia, round 1 : 1/6 hits
Seleucid roll dice for 1 legionaire and 2 peltastss in Attalia, round 1 : 1/3 hits
1 slingers owned by the GreekCityStates and 1 peltasts owned by the Seleucid lost in Attalia
GreekCityStates roll dice for 1 archer, 1 cavalry and 3 slingerss in Attalia, round 2 : 0/5 hits
Seleucid roll dice for 1 legionaire and 1 peltasts in Attalia, round 2 : 0/2 hits
GreekCityStates roll dice for 1 archer, 1 cavalry and 3 slingerss in Attalia, round 3 : 0/5 hits
Seleucid roll dice for 1 legionaire and 1 peltasts in Attalia, round 3 : 1/2 hits
1 slingers owned by the GreekCityStates lost in Attalia
GreekCityStates roll dice for 1 archer, 1 cavalry and 2 slingerss in Attalia, round 4 : 2/4 hits
Seleucid roll dice for 1 legionaire and 1 peltasts in Attalia, round 4 : 1/2 hits
1 slingers owned by the GreekCityStates , 1 peltasts owned by the Seleucid and 1 legionaire owned by the Seleucid lost in Attalia
GreekCityStates win, taking Attalia from Seleucid with 1 archer, 1 cavalry and 1 slingers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for GreekCityStates: 3 slingerss
Casualties for Seleucid: 1 legionaire and 2 peltastss
Battle in Pessinus
GreekCityStates attack with 1 cavalry and 2 slingerss
Seleucid defend with 1 peltasts
GreekCityStates roll dice for 1 cavalry and 2 slingerss in Pessinus, round 1 : 1/3 hits
Seleucid roll dice for 1 peltasts in Pessinus, round 1 : 0/1 hits
1 peltasts owned by the Seleucid lost in Pessinus
GreekCityStates win, taking Pessinus from Seleucid with 1 cavalry and 2 slingerss remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Seleucid: 1 peltasts
Battle in Byzantium
GreekCityStates attack with 1 archer, 2 hoplites and 6 slingerss
Macedonia defend with 1 city and 7 peltastss
GreekCityStates roll dice for 1 archer, 2 hoplites and 6 slingerss in Byzantium, round 1 : 0/9 hits
Macedonia roll dice for 7 peltastss in Byzantium, round 1 : 0/7 hits
GreekCityStates roll dice for 1 archer, 2 hoplites and 6 slingerss in Byzantium, round 2 : 0/9 hits
Macedonia roll dice for 7 peltastss in Byzantium, round 2 : 0/7 hits
GreekCityStates roll dice for 1 archer, 2 hoplites and 6 slingerss in Byzantium, round 3 : 1/9 hits
Macedonia roll dice for 7 peltastss in Byzantium, round 3 : 2/7 hits
2 slingerss owned by the GreekCityStates and 1 peltasts owned by the Macedonia lost in Byzantium
GreekCityStates roll dice for 1 archer, 2 hoplites and 4 slingerss in Byzantium, round 4 : 1/7 hits
Macedonia roll dice for 6 peltastss in Byzantium, round 4 : 1/6 hits
1 slingers owned by the GreekCityStates and 1 peltasts owned by the Macedonia lost in Byzantium
GreekCityStates roll dice for 1 archer, 2 hoplites and 3 slingerss in Byzantium, round 5 : 2/6 hits
Macedonia roll dice for 5 peltastss in Byzantium, round 5 : 1/5 hits
1 slingers owned by the GreekCityStates and 2 peltastss owned by the Macedonia lost in Byzantium
GreekCityStates roll dice for 1 archer, 2 hoplites and 2 slingerss in Byzantium, round 6 : 0/5 hits
Macedonia roll dice for 3 peltastss in Byzantium, round 6 : 0/3 hits
GreekCityStates roll dice for 1 archer, 2 hoplites and 2 slingerss in Byzantium, round 7 : 0/5 hits
Macedonia roll dice for 3 peltastss in Byzantium, round 7 : 0/3 hits
GreekCityStates roll dice for 1 archer, 2 hoplites and 2 slingerss in Byzantium, round 8 : 1/5 hits
Macedonia roll dice for 3 peltastss in Byzantium, round 8 : 1/3 hits
1 slingers owned by the GreekCityStates and 1 peltasts owned by the Macedonia lost in Byzantium
GreekCityStates roll dice for 1 archer, 2 hoplites and 1 slingers in Byzantium, round 9 : 2/4 hits
Macedonia roll dice for 2 peltastss in Byzantium, round 9 : 1/2 hits
1 slingers owned by the GreekCityStates and 2 peltastss owned by the Macedonia lost in Byzantium
GreekCityStates win, taking Byzantium from Macedonia with 1 archer and 2 hoplites remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Macedonia: 7 peltastss
Casualties for GreekCityStates: 6 slingerss
Battle in Nicaea
GreekCityStates attack with 1 cavalry, 1 hoplite and 8 slingerss
Neutral defend with 4 spearmen
GreekCityStates roll dice for 1 cavalry, 1 hoplite and 8 slingerss in Nicaea, round 1 : 4/10 hits
Neutral roll dice for 4 spearmen in Nicaea, round 1 : 1/4 hits
4 spearmen owned by the Neutral and 1 slingers owned by the GreekCityStates lost in Nicaea
GreekCityStates win, taking Nicaea from Neutral with 1 cavalry, 1 hoplite and 7 slingerss remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10
Casualties for GreekCityStates: 1 slingers
Casualties for Neutral: 4 spearmenNon Combat Move - GreekCityStates
1 hoplite moved from Capua to Roma
4 hoplites and 4 slingerss moved from Capua to TarentumPlace Units - GreekCityStates
2 biremes placed in SZ 68
5 slingerss placed in Sardis
1 cavalry and 6 slingerss placed in Athens
3 cavalrys placed in SpartaTurn Complete - GreekCityStates
GreekCityStates collect 69 PUs; end with 69 PUs totalTerritory Summary for GreekCityStates :
Sparta : 3 cavalrys and 1 city
Larissa : 1 flag
Corinth : 1 flag
Byzantium : 1 flag, 1 archer, 1 city and 2 hoplites
Roma : 1 hoplite
Pessinus : 1 flag, 1 cavalry and 2 slingerss
Athens : 4 cavalrys, 1 city and 6 slingerss
SZ 70 : 3 triremes
Delphi : 11 slingerss
SZ 68 : 2 biremes and 2 triremes
Sardis : 1 flag, 1 archer, 1 city, 3 hoplites and 7 slingerss
Tarentum : 4 hoplites and 4 slingerss
Rhodos : 1 archer, 1 cavalry and 2 slingerss
Nicaea : 1 flag, 1 cavalry, 1 hoplite and 7 slingerss
Dodona : 1 flag, 3 archers, 1 cavalry, 10 hoplites and 31 slingerss
Attalia : 1 flag, 1 archer, 1 cavalry and 1 slingersProduction/PUs Summary :
Carthage : 90 / 93
RomanRepublic : 68 / 68
GreekCityStates : 69 / 69
Macedonia : 13 / 29
Egypt : 47 / 56
Seleucid : 29 / 42
Parthia : 86 / 86
Numidia : 31 / 35Dice Statistics:
1 was rolled 27 times
2 was rolled 29 times
3 was rolled 37 times
4 was rolled 33 times
5 was rolled 30 times
6 was rolled 32 times
Average roll : 3.564
Median : 4.000
Variance : 0.332
Standard Deviation : 0.576
Total rolls : 188GreekCityStates Combat
1 was rolled 14 times
2 was rolled 13 times
3 was rolled 19 times
4 was rolled 19 times
5 was rolled 15 times
6 was rolled 16 times
Average roll : 3.583
Median : 4.000
Variance : 0.337
Standard Deviation : 0.580
Total rolls : 96Macedonia Combat
1 was rolled 8 times
2 was rolled 9 times
3 was rolled 12 times
4 was rolled 12 times
5 was rolled 7 times
6 was rolled 11 times
Average roll : 3.576
Median : 4.000
Variance : 0.466
Standard Deviation : 0.682
Total rolls : 59Seleucid Combat
1 was rolled 2 times
2 was rolled 2 times
3 was rolled 1 times
4 was rolled 2 times
5 was rolled 3 times
6 was rolled 1 times
Average roll : 3.455
Median : 4.000
Variance : 0.700
Standard Deviation : 0.837
Total rolls : 11Neutral Combat
1 was rolled 1 times
3 was rolled 2 times
6 was rolled 1 times
Average roll : 3.250
Median : 3.000
Variance : 2.000
Standard Deviation : 1.414
Total rolls : 4RomanRepublic Combat
1 was rolled 2 times
2 was rolled 5 times
3 was rolled 3 times
5 was rolled 5 times
6 was rolled 3 times
Average roll : 3.556
Median : 3.000
Variance : 1.059
Standard Deviation : 1.029
Total rolls : 18 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :9
Purchase Units - Macedonia
Macedonia buy 5 hoplites and 1 swordman; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - Macedonia
1 peltasts moved from Thessalonica to Larissa
Macedonia take Larissa from GreekCityStates
2 peltastss and 3 swordmen moved from Thessalonica to ByzantiumCombat - Macedonia
Battle in Byzantium
Macedonia attack with 2 peltastss and 3 swordmen
GreekCityStates defend with 1 archer, 1 city and 2 hoplites
1 swordman owned by the Macedonia retreated to Thessalonica
GreekCityStates win with 2 hoplites remaining. Battle score for attacker is -8
Casualties for GreekCityStates: 1 archer
Casualties for Macedonia: 2 peltastss and 2 swordmenNon Combat Move - Macedonia
Place Units - Macedonia
5 hoplites and 1 swordman placed in ThessalonicaTurn Complete - Macedonia
Macedonia collect 19 PUs; end with 19 PUs totalTerritory Summary for Macedonia :
Thessalonica : 1 city, 24 hoplites, 27 peltastss and 5 swordmen
Larissa : 1 peltasts
Odessus : 1 flagProduction/PUs Summary :
Carthage : 90 / 93
RomanRepublic : 68 / 68
GreekCityStates : 63 / 69
Macedonia : 19 / 19
Egypt : 47 / 56
Seleucid : 29 / 42
Parthia : 86 / 86
Numidia : 31 / 35 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :9
Purchase Units - Egypt
Egypt buy 2 archers, 1 chariot and 14 spearmen; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - Egypt
2 triremes moved from SZ 59 to SZ 60
3 axemen and 3 spearmen moved from Salamis to SZ 60
3 axemen and 3 spearmen moved from SZ 60 to SidonCombat - Egypt
Battle in Sidon
Egypt attack with 3 axemen and 3 spearmen
Seleucid defend with 1 legionaire and 2 peltastss
Egypt win, taking Sidon from Seleucid with 3 axemen and 3 spearmen remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8
Casualties for Seleucid: 1 legionaire and 2 peltastssNon Combat Move - Egypt
3 chariots moved from Memphis to Paraetonium
9 spearmen moved from Alexandria to ParaetoniumPlace Units - Egypt
2 archers, 1 chariot and 5 spearmen placed in Jerusalem
9 spearmen placed in AlexandriaTurn Complete - Egypt
Egypt collect 56 PUs; end with 56 PUs total -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :9
Purchase Units - Seleucid
Seleucid buy 5 cataphracts, 1 hoplite and 1 peltasts; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - Seleucid
4 peltastss moved from Antioch to SZ 61
1 bireme, 4 peltastss and 1 trireme moved from SZ 61 to SZ 62
4 peltastss moved from SZ 62 to Attalia
9 cavalrys moved from Antioch to Attalia
3 hoplites, 1 legionaire and 3 peltastss moved from Tarsus to AttaliaCombat - Seleucid
Battle in Attalia
Seleucid attack with 9 cavalrys, 3 hoplites, 1 legionaire and 7 peltastss
GreekCityStates defend with 1 archer, 1 cavalry and 1 slingers
Seleucid win, taking Attalia from GreekCityStates with 9 cavalrys, 3 hoplites, 1 legionaire and 5 peltastss remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for GreekCityStates: 1 archer, 1 cavalry and 1 slingers
Casualties for Seleucid: 2 peltastssNon Combat Move - Seleucid
1 cavalry moved from Antioch to Attalia
1 peltasts moved from Tarsus to Tavium
8 cataphracts, 14 cavalrys, 13 hoplites, 3 legionaires and 27 peltastss moved from Antioch to Tarsus
1 bireme and 2 triremes moved from SZ 65 to SZ 62Place Units - Seleucid
1 hoplite and 1 peltasts placed in Antioch
5 cataphracts placed in TarsusTurn Complete - Seleucid
Seleucid collect 23 PUs; end with 23 PUs totalTerritory Summary for Seleucid :
Tavium : 1 flag, 1 peltasts
Antioch : 1 city, 1 hoplite and 1 peltasts
SZ 62 : 2 biremes and 3 triremes
Tarsus : 13 cataphracts, 14 cavalrys, 1 city, 13 hoplites, 3 legionaires and 27 peltastss
Attalia : 10 cavalrys, 3 hoplites, 1 legionaire and 5 peltastssProduction/PUs Summary :
Carthage : 90 / 93
RomanRepublic : 68 / 68
GreekCityStates : 60 / 69
Macedonia : 19 / 19
Egypt : 56 / 56
Seleucid : 23 / 23
Parthia : 86 / 86
Numidia : 31 / 35 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :9
Purchase Units - Parthia
Parthia buy 3 cataphracts, 5 cavalrys, 5 horsearchers and 5 spearmen; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - Parthia
1 spearman moved from Emesa to Antioch
2 spearmen moved from Edessa to Antioch
2 cavalrys moved from Hatra to Antioch
1 cavalry moved from Hatra to Antioch
1 spearman moved from Melitene to Tavium
1 cavalry moved from Melitene to Tavium
1 cavalry moved from Edessa to Tavium
1 archer moved from Melitene to Satala
1 cavalry moved from Edessa to Satala
1 cavalry moved from Edessa to Satala
2 spearmen moved from Edessa to Amida
1 spearman moved from Edessa to Amida
2 cavalrys moved from Hatra to Amida
1 cavalry moved from Edessa to Satala
8 horsearchers moved from Seleucia to Amida
11 horsearchers moved from Edessa to Satala
4 horsearchers moved from Hatra to Amida
1 spearman moved from Edessa to MeliteneCombat - Parthia
Battle in Tavium
Parthia attack with 2 cavalrys and 1 spearman
Seleucid defend with 1 peltasts
Parthia roll dice for 2 cavalrys and 1 spearman in Tavium, round 1 : 2/3 hits
Seleucid roll dice for 1 peltasts in Tavium, round 1 : 0/1 hits
1 peltasts owned by the Seleucid lost in Tavium
Parthia win, taking Tavium from Seleucid with 2 cavalrys and 1 spearman remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Seleucid: 1 peltasts
Battle in Antioch
Parthia attack with 3 cavalrys and 3 spearmen
Seleucid defend with 1 city, 1 hoplite and 1 peltasts
Parthia roll dice for 3 cavalrys and 3 spearmen in Antioch, round 1 : 2/6 hits
Seleucid roll dice for 1 hoplite and 1 peltasts in Antioch, round 1 : 0/2 hits
1 hoplite owned by the Seleucid and 1 peltasts owned by the Seleucid lost in Antioch
Parthia captures 23PUs while taking Seleucid capital
Parthia win, taking Antioch from Seleucid with 3 cavalrys and 3 spearmen remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
Casualties for Seleucid: 1 hoplite and 1 peltasts
Battle in Amida
Parthia attack with 2 cavalrys, 12 horsearchers and 3 spearmen
Neutral defend with 2 archers and 4 spearmen
Parthia roll dice for 2 cavalrys, 12 horsearchers and 3 spearmen in Amida, round 1 : 6/17 hits
Neutral roll dice for 2 archers and 4 spearmen in Amida, round 1 : 2/6 hits
4 spearmen owned by the Neutral , 2 archers owned by the Neutral and 2 spearmen owned by the Parthia lost in Amida
Parthia win, taking Amida from Neutral with 2 cavalrys, 12 horsearchers and 1 spearman remaining. Battle score for attacker is 14
Casualties for Neutral: 2 archers and 4 spearmen
Casualties for Parthia: 2 spearmen
Battle in Satala
Parthia attack with 1 archer, 3 cavalrys and 11 horsearchers
Neutral defend with 1 cavalry and 3 spearmen
Parthia roll dice for 1 archer, 3 cavalrys and 11 horsearchers in Satala, round 1 : 5/15 hits
Neutral roll dice for 1 cavalry and 3 spearmen in Satala, round 1 : 0/4 hits
3 spearmen owned by the Neutral and 1 cavalry owned by the Neutral lost in Satala
Parthia win, taking Satala from Neutral with 1 archer, 3 cavalrys and 11 horsearchers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 13
Casualties for Neutral: 1 cavalry and 3 spearmenNon Combat Move - Parthia
11 archers, 7 cataphracts, 28 cavalrys and 47 spearmen moved from Edessa to MelitenePlace Units - Parthia
5 spearmen placed in Edessa
3 cataphracts and 2 cavalrys placed in Hatra
3 cavalrys and 5 horsearchers placed in Seleucia
Parthia undo move 3.
Parthia undo move 2.
Parthia undo move 1.
3 cataphracts and 2 cavalrys placed in Edessa
5 horsearchers placed in Hatra
3 cavalrys and 5 spearmen placed in SeleuciaTurn Complete - Parthia
Parthia collect 106 PUs; end with 129 PUs totalTerritory Summary for Parthia :
Euphrates : 1 flag
Melitene : 1 flag, 11 archers, 7 cataphracts, 28 cavalrys and 48 spearmen
Damascus : 1 flag
Edessa : 1 flag, 3 cataphracts, 2 cavalrys and 1 city
Babylon : 1 flag
Tavium : 1 flag, 2 cavalrys and 1 spearman
Ninive : 1 flag
Antioch : 1 flag, 3 cavalrys, 1 city and 3 spearmen
Amida : 1 flag, 2 cavalrys, 12 horsearchers and 1 spearman
SZ 86 : 1 bireme
Hatra : 1 flag, 1 city and 5 horsearchers
Vologesia : 1 flag
Palmyra : 1 flag
Seleucia : 1 flag, 3 cavalrys, 1 city and 5 spearmen
Satala : 1 flag, 1 archer, 3 cavalrys and 11 horsearchers
Gazaca : 1 flag
Emesa : 1 flag
Teredon : 1 flag
Persepolis : 1 cityProduction/PUs Summary :
Carthage : 90 / 93
RomanRepublic : 68 / 68
GreekCityStates : 60 / 69
Macedonia : 19 / 19
Egypt : 56 / 56
Seleucid : 8 / 0
Parthia : 106 / 129
Numidia : 31 / 35Dice Statistics:
1 was rolled 5 times
2 was rolled 15 times
3 was rolled 10 times
4 was rolled 10 times
5 was rolled 7 times
6 was rolled 7 times
Average roll : 3.370
Median : 3.000
Variance : 1.170
Standard Deviation : 1.082
Total rolls : 54Seleucid Combat
2 was rolled 2 times
5 was rolled 1 times
Average roll : 3.000
Median : 2.000
Variance : 2.500
Standard Deviation : 1.581
Total rolls : 3Neutral Combat
2 was rolled 2 times
3 was rolled 3 times
4 was rolled 1 times
5 was rolled 1 times
6 was rolled 3 times
Average roll : 4.000
Median : 3.500
Variance : 1.111
Standard Deviation : 1.054
Total rolls : 10Parthia Combat
1 was rolled 5 times
2 was rolled 11 times
3 was rolled 7 times
4 was rolled 9 times
5 was rolled 5 times
6 was rolled 4 times
Average roll : 3.244
Median : 3.000
Variance : 1.025
Standard Deviation : 1.012
Total rolls : 41 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :9
Purchase Units - Numidia
Numidia buy 8 archers; Remaining resources: 3 PUs;Combat Move - Numidia
38 cavalrys, 8 spearmen and 2 swordmen moved from Siwa to Paraetonium
1 spearman moved from Paliurus to Paraetonium
7 cavalrys moved from Berenice to Paraetonium
4 cavalrys moved from Cyrene to ParaetoniumCombat - Numidia
Battle in Paraetonium
Numidia attack with 49 cavalrys, 9 spearmen and 2 swordmen
Egypt defend with 4 archers, 11 axemen, 6 chariots and 36 spearmen
2 swordmen owned by the Numidia and 37 cavalrys owned by the Numidia retreated to Paliurus
Egypt win with 4 archers, 6 chariots and 29 spearmen remaining. Battle score for attacker is -21
Casualties for Egypt: 11 axemen and 7 spearmen
Casualties for Numidia: 12 cavalrys and 9 spearmenNon Combat Move - Numidia
4 cavalrys moved from Leptis Magna to Paliurus
2 swordmen moved from Thapsus to SZ 36
2 biremes and 2 swordmen moved from SZ 36 to SZ 37
2 swordmen moved from SZ 37 to Sabrata
1 archer, 2 spearmen and 1 swordman moved from Thapsus to ThenaePlace Units - Numidia
4 archers placed in Cyrene
4 archers placed in Leptis MagnaTurn Complete - Numidia
Numidia collect 31 PUs; end with 34 PUs totalTerritory Summary for Numidia :
Oea : 1 flag
Siga : 1 flag
Thenae : 1 archer, 2 spearmen and 1 swordman
Cartenna : 1 flag
Caralis : 2 archers and 1 spearman
Sabrata : 1 flag, 2 swordmen
Banasa : 1 flag
Cyrene : 1 flag, 4 archers and 1 city
Auzia : 1 flag
SZ 37 : 2 biremes
Leptis Magna : 4 archers and 1 city
Paliurus : 41 cavalrys and 2 swordmen
Tingis : 1 flagProduction/PUs Summary :
Carthage : 90 / 93
RomanRepublic : 68 / 68
GreekCityStates : 60 / 69
Macedonia : 19 / 19
Egypt : 56 / 56
Seleucid : 8 / 0
Parthia : 106 / 129
Numidia : 31 / 34 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :10
Purchase Units - Carthage
Carthage buy 1 bireme, 4 cavalrys, 1 hoplite, 3 spearmen and 4 warelephants; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - Carthage
5 warelephants moved from Messana to SZ 34
4 hoplites moved from Messana to SZ 34
23 swordmen moved from Messana to SZ 34
4 biremes, 4 hoplites, 23 swordmen, 11 triremes and 5 warelephants moved from SZ 34 to SZ 35
2 biremes moved from SZ 27 to SZ 34
2 spearmen moved from Messana to SZ 34
2 spearmen moved from SZ 34 to Capua
1 swordman moved from SZ 35 to Capua
4 hoplites, 22 swordmen and 5 warelephants moved from SZ 35 to Croton
Carthage take Croton from RomanRepublic
1 cavalry moved from Massilia to Arretium
Carthage take Genua from RomanRepublic
Carthage take Arretium from RomanRepublic
3 swordmen moved from Mediolanum to Verona
3 cavalrys moved from Massilia to Nemausus
5 cavalrys moved from Mediolanum to Nemausus
1 warelephant moved from Massilia to Nemausus
4 cavalrys moved from Barcino to Nemausus
1 warelephant moved from Massilia to NemaususCombat - Carthage
Battle in Capua
Carthage attack with 2 spearmen and 1 swordman
RomanRepublic defend with 1 city and 1 velites
Carthage win, taking Capua from RomanRepublic with 2 spearmen and 1 swordman remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for RomanRepublic: 1 velites
Battle in Nemausus
Carthage attack with 12 cavalrys and 2 warelephants
Neutral defend with 4 cavalrys and 1 swordman
Carthage win, taking Nemausus from Neutral with 12 cavalrys and 2 warelephants remaining. Battle score for attacker is 20
Casualties for Neutral: 4 cavalrys and 1 swordman
Battle in Verona
Carthage attack with 3 swordmen
RomanRepublic defend with 1 velites
Carthage win, taking Verona from RomanRepublic with 2 swordmen remaining. Battle score for attacker is -1
Casualties for RomanRepublic: 1 velites
Casualties for Carthage: 1 swordmanNon Combat Move - Carthage
1 swordman moved from Mediolanum to Genua
2 hoplites moved from Massilia to MediolanumPlace Units - Carthage
4 warelephants placed in Massilia
4 cavalrys placed in Barcino
1 bireme placed in SZ 34
1 hoplite and 3 spearmen placed in LilybaeumTurn Complete - Carthage
Carthage collect 116 PUs; end with 116 PUs totalTerritory Summary for Carthage :
Croton : 1 flag, 4 hoplites, 22 swordmen and 5 warelephants
Barcino : 1 flag, 4 cavalrys and 1 city
Arretium : 1 flag, 1 cavalry
Thenae : 1 flag
Tolosa : 1 flag
Verona : 1 flag, 2 swordmen
Tarraco : 1 flag
Messana : 1 flag, 28 spearmen and 4 swordmen
Mediolanum : 1 flag, 2 hoplites, 3 swordmen and 1 warelephant
Castulo : 1 flag
Narbo : 1 flag
Massilia : 1 flag, 1 city and 4 warelephants
Carthago : 1 city
Syracuse : 1 flag
Capua : 1 flag, 1 city, 2 spearmen and 1 swordman
SZ 35 : 4 biremes and 11 triremes
SZ 34 : 3 biremes
Lilybaeum : 1 city, 1 hoplite and 3 spearmen
Genua : 1 flag, 1 swordman
Nemausus : 1 flag, 12 cavalrys and 2 warelephants
Valentia : 1 flagProduction/PUs Summary :
Carthage : 116 / 116
RomanRepublic : 45 / 68
GreekCityStates : 60 / 69
Macedonia : 19 / 19
Egypt : 56 / 56
Seleucid : 8 / 0
Parthia : 106 / 129
Numidia : 31 / 34 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :10
Purchase Units - RomanRepublic
RomanRepublic buy 1 legionaire, 4 onagers and 12 velitess; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - RomanRepublic
1 velites moved from Pella to Philippopolis
RomanRepublic take Philippopolis from Macedonia
1 bireme moved from SZ 45 to SZ 50
2 legionaires moved from Pella to Dodona
6 legionaires and 1 velites moved from Dodona to Larissa
2 legionaires moved from Patavium to Verona
2 legionaires moved from Ariminum to Genua
1 cavalry moved from Ariminum to Verona
1 cavalry moved from Ariminum to Genua
1 velites moved from Patavium to Verona
1 cavalry moved from Ariminum to Arretium
1 legionaire and 2 velitess moved from Tarentum to Capua
1 ballista moved from Roma to Capua
1 velites moved from Roma to Capua
1 ballista moved from Roma to Arretium
2 velitess moved from Ariminum to ArretiumCombat - RomanRepublic
Battle in Larissa
RomanRepublic attack with 6 legionaires and 1 velites
Macedonia defend with 1 peltasts
RomanRepublic win, taking Larissa from Macedonia with 6 legionaires and 1 velites remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Macedonia: 1 peltasts
Battle in Capua
RomanRepublic attack with 1 ballista, 1 legionaire and 3 velitess
Carthage defend with 1 city, 2 spearmen and 1 swordman
RomanRepublic win, taking Capua from Carthage with 1 ballista, 1 legionaire and 1 velites remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
Casualties for RomanRepublic: 2 velitess
Casualties for Carthage: 2 spearmen and 1 swordman
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Removing units owned by RomanRepublic from Capua: 1 ballista
EDIT: Adding units owned by RomanRepublic to Capua: 1 velites
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Battle in Verona
RomanRepublic attack with 1 cavalry, 2 legionaires and 1 velites
Carthage defend with 2 swordmen
RomanRepublic win, taking Verona from Carthage with 2 legionaires and 1 velites remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
Casualties for RomanRepublic: 1 cavalry
Casualties for Carthage: 2 swordmen
Battle in Genua
RomanRepublic attack with 1 cavalry and 2 legionaires
Carthage defend with 1 swordman
RomanRepublic win, taking Genua from Carthage with 1 cavalry and 2 legionaires remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
Casualties for Carthage: 1 swordman
Battle in Arretium
RomanRepublic attack with 1 ballista, 1 cavalry and 2 velitess
Carthage defend with 1 cavalry
RomanRepublic win, taking Arretium from Carthage with 1 ballista, 1 cavalry and 2 velitess remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
Casualties for Carthage: 1 cavalryNon Combat Move - RomanRepublic
1 legionaire and 4 velitess moved from Patavium to Ariminum
11 velitess moved from Ariminum to Arretium
1 velites moved from Ariminum to ArretiumPlace Units - RomanRepublic
1 legionaire, 1 onager and 6 velitess placed in Patavium
3 onagers and 6 velitess placed in RomaTurn Complete - RomanRepublic
RomanRepublic collect 73 PUs; end with 73 PUs total -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :10
Purchase Units - GreekCityStates
GreekCityStates buy 7 cavalrys, 2 citys and 5 slingerss; Remaining resources: 1 PUs;Combat Move - GreekCityStates
1 trireme moved from SZ 70 to SZ 71
1 hoplite and 2 slingerss moved from Nicaea to SZ 71
1 hoplite and 2 slingerss moved from SZ 71 to Odessus
GreekCityStates take Odessus from Macedonia
11 slingerss moved from Delphi to Dodona
4 cavalrys moved from Athens to Dodona
3 cavalrys moved from Sparta to Athens
1 cavalry moved from Rhodos to SZ 68
1 bireme and 1 cavalry moved from SZ 68 to SZ 69
1 cavalry moved from SZ 69 to Athens
1 archer and 2 slingerss moved from Rhodos to SZ 68
1 archer, 2 slingerss and 1 trireme moved from SZ 68 to SZ 69
1 archer and 2 slingerss moved from SZ 69 to Larissa
1 bireme moved from SZ 68 to SZ 69
1 archer moved from Sardis to SZ 69
1 archer moved from SZ 69 to Larissa
1 trireme moved from SZ 68 to SZ 69
3 hoplites and 3 slingerss moved from Sardis to SZ 70
3 hoplites and 3 slingerss moved from SZ 70 to Byzantium
3 slingerss moved from Sardis to SZ 69
3 slingerss moved from SZ 69 to Larissa
6 slingerss moved from Athens to Larissa
1 cavalry and 5 slingerss moved from Nicaea to Pergamum
1 slingers moved from Sardis to Pergamum
1 cavalry moved from Pessinus to Pergamum
1 slingers moved from Pessinus to Sardis
4 hoplites and 4 slingerss moved from Tarentum to SalapiaCombat - GreekCityStates
Non Combat Move - GreekCityStates
Place Units - GreekCityStates
1 city placed in Dodona
1 city placed in Delphi
7 cavalrys placed in Athens
5 slingerss placed in ByzantiumTurn Complete - GreekCityStates
GreekCityStates collect 64 PUs; end with 65 PUs totalTerritory Summary for GreekCityStates :
Sparta : 1 city
Larissa : 2 archers and 11 slingerss
Corinth : 1 flag
Byzantium : 1 flag, 1 city, 5 hoplites and 8 slingerss
Pergamum : 2 cavalrys and 6 slingerss
Roma : 1 hoplite
Pessinus : 1 flag, 1 slingers
Athens : 11 cavalrys and 1 city
SZ 70 : 2 triremes
SZ 71 : 1 trireme
Delphi : 1 city
SZ 69 : 2 biremes and 2 triremes
Sardis : 1 flag, 1 city and 1 slingers
Odessus : 1 flag, 1 hoplite and 2 slingerss
Salapia : 4 hoplites and 4 slingerss
Nicaea : 1 flag
Dodona : 1 flag, 3 archers, 5 cavalrys, 1 city, 10 hoplites and 42 slingerssProduction/PUs Summary :
Carthage : 97 / 116
RomanRepublic : 73 / 73
GreekCityStates : 64 / 65
Macedonia : 6 / 19
Egypt : 56 / 56
Seleucid : 8 / 0
Parthia : 106 / 129
Numidia : 31 / 34Dice Statistics:
1 was rolled 5 times
2 was rolled 8 times
3 was rolled 9 times
4 was rolled 8 times
5 was rolled 7 times
6 was rolled 8 times
Average roll : 3.622
Median : 4.000
Variance : 0.250
Standard Deviation : 0.500
Total rolls : 45Macedonia Combat
4 was rolled 1 times
Average roll : 4.000
Median : 4.000
Variance : ?
Standard Deviation : ?
Total rolls : 1RomanRepublic Combat
1 was rolled 3 times
2 was rolled 7 times
3 was rolled 5 times
4 was rolled 5 times
5 was rolled 7 times
6 was rolled 7 times
Average roll : 3.794
Median : 4.000
Variance : 0.485
Standard Deviation : 0.696
Total rolls : 34Carthage Combat
1 was rolled 2 times
2 was rolled 1 times
3 was rolled 4 times
4 was rolled 2 times
6 was rolled 1 times
Average roll : 3.000
Median : 3.000
Variance : 1.333
Standard Deviation : 1.155
Total rolls : 10 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :10
Purchase Units - Macedonia
Macedonia buy 1 hoplite, 3 peltastss and 2 swordmen; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - Macedonia
12 hoplites, 26 peltastss and 5 swordmen moved from Thessalonica to ByzantiumCombat - Macedonia
Battle in Byzantium
Macedonia attack with 12 hoplites, 26 peltastss and 5 swordmen
GreekCityStates defend with 1 city, 5 hoplites and 8 slingerss
5 swordmen owned by the Macedonia , 12 hoplites owned by the Macedonia and 22 peltastss owned by the Macedonia retreated to Thessalonica
GreekCityStates win with 5 hoplites remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8
Casualties for GreekCityStates: 8 slingerss
Casualties for Macedonia: 4 peltastssNon Combat Move - Macedonia
Place Units - Macedonia
1 hoplite, 3 peltastss and 2 swordmen placed in ThessalonicaTurn Complete - Macedonia
Macedonia collect 6 PUs; end with 6 PUs totalTerritory Summary for Macedonia :
Thessalonica : 1 city, 25 hoplites, 26 peltastss and 7 swordmen
Production/PUs Summary :
Carthage : 97 / 116
RomanRepublic : 73 / 73
GreekCityStates : 64 / 65
Macedonia : 6 / 6
Egypt : 56 / 56
Seleucid : 8 / 0
Parthia : 106 / 129
Numidia : 31 / 34 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :10
Purchase Units - Egypt
Egypt buy 16 axemen and 1 chariot; Remaining resources: 2 PUs;Combat Move - Egypt
1 chariot moved from Paraetonium to Siwa
Egypt take Siwa from Numidia
1 chariot moved from Siwa to ParaetoniumCombat - Egypt
Non Combat Move - Egypt
9 spearmen moved from Alexandria to Paraetonium
2 chariots moved from Jerusalem to Memphis
6 archers, 5 axemen and 21 spearmen moved from Jerusalem to Pharan
1 axeman and 1 spearman moved from Sidon to SZ 60
1 axeman, 1 spearman and 2 triremes moved from SZ 60 to SZ 63
2 axemen and 2 spearmen moved from Sidon to JerusalemPlace Units - Egypt
9 axemen placed in Alexandria
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Removing units owned by Egypt from Damascus: 1 spearman
EDIT: Adding units owned by Egypt to Jerusalem: 1 spearman
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
7 axemen and 1 chariot placed in JerusalemTurn Complete - Egypt
Egypt collect 58 PUs; end with 60 PUs total -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :10
Combat Move - Seleucid
2 biremes and 3 triremes moved from SZ 62 to SZ 63
3 legionaires and 2 peltastss moved from Tarsus to Tavium
1 peltasts moved from Attalia to Pessinus
3 hoplites and 1 legionaire moved from Attalia to Sardis
4 peltastss moved from Attalia to Sardis
3 cavalrys moved from Tarsus to PessinusCombat - Seleucid
Battle in SZ 63
Seleucid attack with 2 biremes and 3 triremes
Egypt defend with 1 axeman, 1 spearman and 2 triremes
Seleucid win with 2 biremes and 3 triremes remaining. Battle score for attacker is 30
Casualties for Egypt: 1 axeman, 1 spearman and 2 triremes
Battle in Tavium
Seleucid attack with 3 legionaires and 2 peltastss
Parthia defend with 2 cavalrys and 1 spearman
Seleucid win, taking Tavium from Parthia with 3 legionaires and 2 peltastss remaining. Battle score for attacker is 11
Casualties for Parthia: 2 cavalrys and 1 spearman
Battle in Sardis
Seleucid attack with 3 hoplites, 1 legionaire and 4 peltastss
GreekCityStates defend with 1 city and 1 slingers
Seleucid win, taking Sardis from GreekCityStates with 3 hoplites, 1 legionaire and 3 peltastss remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for GreekCityStates: 1 slingers
Casualties for Seleucid: 1 peltasts
Battle in Pessinus
Seleucid attack with 3 cavalrys and 1 peltasts
GreekCityStates defend with 1 slingers
Seleucid win, taking Pessinus from GreekCityStates with 3 cavalrys and 1 peltasts remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for GreekCityStates: 1 slingersNon Combat Move - Seleucid
10 cavalrys moved from Attalia to Sardis
1 cataphract and 7 cavalrys moved from Tarsus to Pessinus
12 cataphracts and 4 cavalrys moved from Tarsus to Sardis
13 hoplites and 24 peltastss moved from Tarsus to AttaliaTurn Complete - Seleucid
Territory Summary for Seleucid :
Pessinus : 1 flag, 1 cataphract, 10 cavalrys and 1 peltasts
Tavium : 1 flag, 3 legionaires and 2 peltastss
SZ 63 : 2 biremes and 3 triremes
Sardis : 12 cataphracts, 14 cavalrys, 1 city, 3 hoplites, 1 legionaire and 3 peltastss
Tarsus : 1 city and 1 peltasts
Attalia : 13 hoplites and 24 peltastssProduction/PUs Summary :
Carthage : 97 / 116
RomanRepublic : 73 / 73
GreekCityStates : 54 / 65
Macedonia : 6 / 6
Egypt : 58 / 60
Seleucid : 22 / 0
Parthia : 102 / 129
Numidia : 29 / 34 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :10
Purchase Units - Parthia
Parthia buy 3 cataphracts and 27 cavalrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - Parthia
2 cavalrys and 2 spearmen moved from Antioch to Tarsus
5 cataphracts moved from Melitene to Tavium
28 cavalrys moved from Melitene to Tavium
11 archers moved from Melitene to Tavium
30 spearmen moved from Melitene to Tavium
1 cavalry moved from Edessa to Tavium
12 horsearchers moved from Amida to Tavium
5 horsearchers moved from Hatra to Tavium
3 horsearchers moved from Satala to Tavium
10 spearmen moved from Melitene to Sinope
2 cataphracts moved from Melitene to Sinope
3 cavalrys and 8 horsearchers moved from Satala to Sinope
3 cataphracts and 1 cavalry moved from Edessa to Sinope
2 cavalrys moved from Amida to Sinope
8 spearmen moved from Melitene to Satala
1 spearman moved from Amida to Satala
5 spearmen moved from Seleucia to Ctesiphon
3 cavalrys moved from Seleucia to Amida
1 bireme moved from SZ 86 to SZ 85Combat - Parthia
Battle in Tarsus
Parthia attack with 2 cavalrys and 2 spearmen
Seleucid defend with 1 city and 1 peltasts
Parthia win, taking Tarsus from Seleucid with 2 cavalrys and 2 spearmen remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
Casualties for Seleucid: 1 peltasts
Battle in Sinope
Parthia attack with 5 cataphracts, 6 cavalrys, 8 horsearchers and 10 spearmen
Neutral defend with 3 archers, 1 axeman and 5 spearmen
Parthia win, taking Sinope from Neutral with 5 cataphracts, 6 cavalrys, 8 horsearchers and 6 spearmen remaining. Battle score for attacker is 18
Casualties for Neutral: 3 archers, 1 axeman and 5 spearmen
Casualties for Parthia: 4 spearmen
Battle in Tavium
Parthia attack with 11 archers, 5 cataphracts, 29 cavalrys, 20 horsearchers and 30 spearmen
Seleucid defend with 3 legionaires and 2 peltastss
Parthia win, taking Tavium from Seleucid with 11 archers, 5 cataphracts, 29 cavalrys, 20 horsearchers and 29 spearmen remaining. Battle score for attacker is 13
Casualties for Seleucid: 3 legionaires and 2 peltastss
Casualties for Parthia: 1 spearmanNon Combat Move - Parthia
1 spearman moved from Antioch to Melitene
1 cavalry moved from Antioch to TaviumPlace Units - Parthia
3 cataphracts and 8 cavalrys placed in Antioch
Parthia undo move 1.
2 cataphracts placed in Edessa
1 cataphract and 10 cavalrys placed in Antioch
3 cavalrys placed in Edessa
5 cavalrys placed in Hatra
9 cavalrys placed in SeleuciaTurn Complete - Parthia
Parthia collect 118 PUs; end with 118 PUs total -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :10
Purchase Units - Numidia
Numidia buy 8 archers; Remaining resources: 2 PUs;Combat Move - Numidia
1 cavalry moved from Paliurus to Siwa
Numidia take Siwa from Egypt
1 cavalry moved from Siwa to PaliurusCombat - Numidia
Non Combat Move - Numidia
4 archers moved from Cyrene to Paliurus
4 archers moved from Leptis Magna to Berenice
1 archer and 1 swordman moved from Thenae to SZ 37
1 archer, 2 biremes and 1 swordman moved from SZ 37 to SZ 39
1 archer and 1 swordman moved from SZ 39 to Oea
2 swordmen moved from Sabrata to Oea
2 spearmen moved from Thenae to SabrataPlace Units - Numidia
4 archers placed in Cyrene
4 archers placed in Leptis MagnaTurn Complete - Numidia
Numidia collect 31 PUs; end with 33 PUs totalTerritory Summary for Numidia :
Oea : 1 flag, 1 archer and 3 swordmen
Siga : 1 flag
Berenice : 4 archers
Cartenna : 1 flag
Caralis : 2 archers and 1 spearman
Sabrata : 1 flag, 2 spearmen
Banasa : 1 flag
Cyrene : 1 flag, 4 archers and 1 city
Auzia : 1 flag
SZ 39 : 2 biremes
Leptis Magna : 4 archers and 1 city
Paliurus : 4 archers, 41 cavalrys and 2 swordmen
Tingis : 1 flagProduction/PUs Summary :
Carthage : 97 / 116
RomanRepublic : 73 / 73
GreekCityStates : 54 / 65
Macedonia : 6 / 6
Egypt : 56 / 60
Seleucid : 13 / 0
Parthia : 118 / 118
Numidia : 31 / 33 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :11
Purchase Units - Carthage
Carthage buy 1 bireme, 4 cavalrys, 1 spearman, 4 triremes and 3 warelephants; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - Carthage
1 swordman moved from Croton to Tarentum
Carthage take Tarentum from RomanRepublic
3 swordmen moved from Croton to Capua
2 spearmen moved from Lilybaeum to SZ 34
2 biremes and 2 spearmen moved from SZ 34 to SZ 35
2 spearmen moved from SZ 35 to Capua
2 warelephants moved from Massilia to Genua
12 cavalrys and 2 warelephants moved from Nemausus to Vindonissa
1 warelephant moved from Mediolanum to Verona
1 swordman moved from Mediolanum to Verona
1 swordman moved from Mediolanum to VeronaCombat - Carthage
Battle in Capua
Carthage attack with 2 spearmen and 3 swordmen
RomanRepublic defend with 1 city, 1 legionaire and 2 velitess
Carthage win, taking Capua from RomanRepublic with 2 spearmen and 3 swordmen remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10
Casualties for RomanRepublic: 1 legionaire and 2 velitess
Battle in Vindonissa
Carthage attack with 12 cavalrys and 2 warelephants
Neutral defend with 3 archers and 1 swordman
Units damaged: 2 warelephants owned by the Carthage
Carthage win, taking Vindonissa from Neutral with 12 cavalrys and 2 warelephants remaining. Battle score for attacker is 16
Casualties for Neutral: 3 archers and 1 swordman
Battle in Verona
Carthage attack with 2 swordmen and 1 warelephant
RomanRepublic defend with 2 legionaires and 1 velites
Units damaged: 1 warelephant owned by the Carthage
2 swordmen owned by the Carthage and 1 warelephant owned by the Carthage retreated to Mediolanum
RomanRepublic win with 2 legionaires remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for RomanRepublic: 1 velites
Battle in Genua
Carthage attack with 2 warelephants
RomanRepublic defend with 1 cavalry and 2 legionaires
Units damaged: 2 warelephants owned by the Carthage
2 warelephants owned by the Carthage retreated to Massilia
RomanRepublic win with 1 legionaire remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8
Casualties for RomanRepublic: 1 cavalry and 1 legionaireNon Combat Move - Carthage
2 warelephants moved from Massilia to Mediolanum
4 cavalrys moved from Barcino to Massilia
4 hoplites, 18 swordmen and 5 warelephants moved from Croton to Tarentum
2 spearmen and 2 swordmen moved from Messana to SZ 35
2 spearmen, 1 swordman and 1 trireme moved from SZ 35 to SZ 44
1 bireme and 1 swordman moved from SZ 35 to SZ 44
2 spearmen and 2 swordmen moved from SZ 44 to Tarentum
16 spearmen moved from Messana to SZ 35
3 biremes, 16 spearmen and 10 triremes moved from SZ 35 to SZ 44
16 spearmen moved from SZ 44 to Croton
1 hoplite and 1 spearman moved from Lilybaeum to MessanaPlace Units - Carthage
1 bireme and 4 triremes placed in SZ 34
1 spearman and 3 warelephants placed in Massilia
4 cavalrys placed in BarcinoTurn Complete - Carthage
Carthage collect 112 PUs; end with 112 PUs total
5 units repaired.Territory Summary for Carthage :
Croton : 1 flag, 16 spearmen
Barcino : 1 flag, 4 cavalrys and 1 city
Thenae : 1 flag
Tolosa : 1 flag
Vindonissa : 1 flag, 12 cavalrys and 2 warelephants
Tarraco : 1 flag
Messana : 1 flag, 1 hoplite, 11 spearmen and 2 swordmen
Mediolanum : 1 flag, 2 hoplites, 3 swordmen and 3 warelephants
Castulo : 1 flag
Narbo : 1 flag
Massilia : 1 flag, 4 cavalrys, 1 city, 1 spearman and 5 warelephants
Carthago : 1 city
Syracuse : 1 flag
Capua : 1 flag, 1 city, 2 spearmen and 3 swordmen
SZ 35 : 2 biremes
SZ 34 : 2 biremes and 4 triremes
Lilybaeum : 1 city
Tarentum : 1 flag, 4 hoplites, 2 spearmen, 21 swordmen and 5 warelephants
SZ 44 : 4 biremes and 11 triremes
Nemausus : 1 flag
Valentia : 1 flagProduction/PUs Summary :
Carthage : 112 / 112
RomanRepublic : 60 / 73
GreekCityStates : 54 / 65
Macedonia : 6 / 6
Egypt : 56 / 60
Seleucid : 13 / 0
Parthia : 118 / 118
Numidia : 31 / 33 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :11
Purchase Units - RomanRepublic
RomanRepublic buy 1 fort, 3 legionaires, 4 onagers and 9 velitess; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - RomanRepublic
1 bireme moved from SZ 50 to SZ 45
6 legionaires and 1 velites moved from Larissa to Dodona
1 velites moved from Philippopolis to Pella
1 ballista, 9 legionaires, 5 onagers and 41 velitess moved from Roma to Capua
1 cavalry moved from Arretium to CapuaCombat - RomanRepublic
Battle in Capua
RomanRepublic attack with 1 ballista, 1 cavalry, 9 legionaires, 5 onagers and 41 velitess
Carthage defend with 1 city, 2 spearmen and 3 swordmen
RomanRepublic win, taking Capua from Carthage with 9 legionaires, 5 onagers and 41 velitess remaining. Battle score for attacker is 9
Casualties for RomanRepublic: 1 ballista and 1 cavalry
Casualties for Carthage: 2 spearmen and 3 swordmenNon Combat Move - RomanRepublic
1 legionaire moved from Genua to Arretium
2 legionaires moved from Verona to Ariminum
1 velites moved from Patavium to Verona
1 ballista moved from Arretium to Ariminum
1 legionaire, 1 onager and 5 velitess moved from Patavium to Ariminum
3 velitess moved from Arretium to RomaPlace Units - RomanRepublic
1 fort, 4 onagers and 4 velitess placed in Roma
3 legionaires and 5 velitess placed in Patavium
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Removing units owned by RomanRepublic from Patavium: 3 legionaires
EDIT: Adding units owned by RomanRepublic to Patavium: 3 cavalrys
EDIT: Turning off Edit ModeTurn Complete - RomanRepublic
RomanRepublic collect 67 PUs; end with 67 PUs total -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :11
Purchase Units - GreekCityStates
GreekCityStates buy 6 archers and 10 cavalrys; Remaining resources: 1 PUs;Combat Move - GreekCityStates
2 cavalrys moved from Pergamum to SZ 71
6 slingerss moved from Pergamum to SZ 70
2 biremes and 2 triremes moved from SZ 69 to SZ 68
6 slingerss and 2 triremes moved from SZ 70 to SZ 69
2 cavalrys and 1 trireme moved from SZ 71 to SZ 70
1 hoplite and 2 slingerss moved from Odessus to Thessalonica
5 hoplites moved from Byzantium to Thessalonica
3 archers, 5 cavalrys, 10 hoplites and 42 slingerss moved from Dodona to Thessalonica
2 archers and 11 slingerss moved from Larissa to Thessalonica
11 cavalrys moved from Athens to ThessalonicaCombat - GreekCityStates
Battle in Thessalonica
GreekCityStates attack with 5 archers, 16 cavalrys, 16 hoplites and 55 slingerss
Macedonia defend with 1 city, 25 hoplites, 26 peltastss and 7 swordmen
GreekCityStates roll dice for 5 archers, 16 cavalrys, 16 hoplites and 55 slingerss in Thessalonica, round 1 : 19/92 hits
Macedonia roll dice for 25 hoplites, 26 peltastss and 7 swordmen in Thessalonica, round 1 : 21/58 hits
21 slingerss owned by the GreekCityStates and 19 peltastss owned by the Macedonia lost in Thessalonica
GreekCityStates roll dice for 5 archers, 16 cavalrys, 16 hoplites and 34 slingerss in Thessalonica, round 2 : 19/71 hits
Macedonia roll dice for 25 hoplites, 7 peltastss and 7 swordmen in Thessalonica, round 2 : 20/39 hits
7 swordmen owned by the Macedonia , 20 slingerss owned by the GreekCityStates , 5 hoplites owned by the Macedonia and 7 peltastss owned by the Macedonia lost in Thessalonica
GreekCityStates roll dice for 5 archers, 16 cavalrys, 16 hoplites and 14 slingerss in Thessalonica, round 3 : 17/51 hits
Macedonia roll dice for 20 hoplites in Thessalonica, round 3 : 12/20 hits
12 slingerss owned by the GreekCityStates and 17 hoplites owned by the Macedonia lost in Thessalonica
2 slingerss owned by the GreekCityStates , 5 archers owned by the GreekCityStates , 16 hoplites owned by the GreekCityStates and 16 cavalrys owned by the GreekCityStates retreated to Larissa
Macedonia win with 3 hoplites remaining. Battle score for attacker is 84
Casualties for Macedonia: 22 hoplites, 26 peltastss and 7 swordmen
Casualties for GreekCityStates: 53 slingerss
4 hoplites and 4 slingerss moved from Salapia to Capua
1 hoplite moved from Roma to Capua
2 cavalrys moved from SZ 70 to Byzantium
6 slingerss moved from SZ 69 to LarissaPlace Units - GreekCityStates
6 archers placed in Sparta
4 cavalrys placed in Delphi
1 cavalry placed in Dodona
5 cavalrys placed in Athens
GreekCityStates undo move 3.
1 cavalry placed in Athens
GreekCityStates undo move 2.
1 cavalry placed in Athens
3 cavalrys placed in DelphiTurn Complete - GreekCityStates
GreekCityStates collect 54 PUs; end with 55 PUs totalTerritory Summary for GreekCityStates :
Sparta : 6 archers and 1 city
Larissa : 5 archers, 16 cavalrys, 16 hoplites and 8 slingerss
Corinth : 1 flag
Byzantium : 1 flag, 2 cavalrys and 1 city
Athens : 7 cavalrys and 1 city
SZ 70 : 1 trireme
Delphi : 3 cavalrys and 1 city
SZ 69 : 2 triremes
SZ 68 : 2 biremes and 2 triremes
Capua : 5 hoplites and 4 slingerss
Odessus : 1 flag
Nicaea : 1 flag
Dodona : 1 flag, 1 cityProduction/PUs Summary :
Carthage : 105 / 112
RomanRepublic : 67 / 67
GreekCityStates : 54 / 55
Macedonia : 6 / 6
Egypt : 56 / 60
Seleucid : 13 / 0
Parthia : 118 / 118
Numidia : 31 / 33 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :11
Purchase Units - Macedonia
Macedonia buy 3 peltastss; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;Combat Move - Macedonia
1 hoplite moved from Thessalonica to Philippopolis
Macedonia take Philippopolis from RomanRepublic
2 hoplites moved from Thessalonica to PellaCombat - Macedonia
Battle in Pella
Macedonia attack with 2 hoplites
RomanRepublic defend with 1 velites
Macedonia win, taking Pella from RomanRepublic with 2 hoplites remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for RomanRepublic: 1 velitesPlace Units - Macedonia
3 peltastss placed in ThessalonicaTurn Complete - Macedonia
Macedonia collect 12 PUs; end with 12 PUs totalTerritory Summary for Macedonia :
Pella : 2 hoplites
Thessalonica : 1 city and 3 peltastss
Philippopolis : 1 hopliteProduction/PUs Summary :
Carthage : 105 / 112
RomanRepublic : 61 / 67
GreekCityStates : 54 / 55
Macedonia : 12 / 12
Egypt : 56 / 60
Seleucid : 13 / 0
Parthia : 118 / 118
Numidia : 31 / 33 -
TripleA Turn Summary for game: 270BC, version: 1.1.2
Game History
Round :11
Purchase Units - Egypt
Egypt buy 9 axemen and 5 chariots; Remaining resources: 3 PUs;Combat Move - Egypt
1 chariot moved from Paraetonium to Siwa
Egypt take Siwa from Numidia
1 chariot moved from Siwa to ParaetoniumCombat - Egypt
Non Combat Move - Egypt
9 axemen moved from Alexandria to Paraetonium
2 chariots moved from Memphis to Paraetonium
9 axemen, 1 chariot and 3 spearmen moved from Jerusalem to Pharan
6 archers, 5 axemen, 1 chariot and 21 spearmen moved from Pharan to MemphisPlace Units - Egypt
9 axemen placed in Alexandria
5 chariots placed in JerusalemTurn Complete - Egypt
Egypt collect 58 PUs; end with 61 PUs total