I’m relatively new to the AA world, so forgive me if this concept has been posted about and/or beaten to death in the past, but while playing my fifth game I thought of a possible modification to the rules.
For some reason unknown to me and my friends, Avalon Hill decided to give us more than the necessary amount of industrial complex pieces (at least in my copy). I wonder, for those who have played more, and are more accustomed to the dynamics of AA, would it disrupt the game too much to allow each force one industrial complex to build in an area they so choose? My version of the house rule would read as follows:
Every force (Germany, Russia, UK, US) has the ability to place 1 additional Industrial Complex in addition to their existing complexes. To place a complex, a force must have control of a territory for at least 1 full turn, and on the PLACING phase of the next turn he/she may place an industrial complex. The extra complex may NOT be placed on turn zero. A fair price for the complex would be agreed upon, perhaps somewhere in the range of 20-30 IPCs. I was also considering a ‘building’ turn for the complex, i.e. you can place the complex if you’ve owned the territory for 1 full rotation, but you must also allow for another rotation to actually place resources at that complex. This way, opposition has one turn to conquer this territory (in which case the complex being constructed would be discarded from play). As usual, if a complex has been ‘completed’ and the territory it is in is conquered, control of the complex would pass to the conqueror.
My friends and I thought this may add a new dimension to the game, and make Northern Africa a much more valuable asset, to both Axis and Allies, because whoever gets there first has a clear advantage to either invade Russia or Germany. It could be used as a diversionary tactic, as well, to create the illusion of a future assault. We have not had the opportunity to play with this rule, so I hope more experienced players may provide insight, criticism and/or commentary. I’ve yet to truely think through this rule, so any amending/adjusting/tweaking is also welcome.
Extra ideas/amendments include:
- Must have at LEAST 3 (or more) INF present in the same territory during the entire ‘building’ phase (to actually build the damn thing)
- Can’t ‘start’ building a complex on turn 1, to ‘symbolize’ mobilization of the resources necessary to build it
- Can’t build on an island territory (Malta, Crete, etc.) to be fair to allies
- (Or better yet) Can’t build on a territory with no industrial production value (for example, Vyborg)
- The entire Alliance gets only one extra complex, instead of each force getting one
Any input/suggestions/critique/criticism is appreciated!