Thanks a lot!
Now it’s clear! :-D
House Rules
What are some good house rules. Me and my friends have tried to make up rules that would spice up the game and make it both more challanging and intresting.
-when airplanes attack squares infantry and artillery only get half their defense.(which is a role of one) We kept tanks at a D of 2 because they are worth more and already have taken a Defensive cut with a role of 2 instead of the attacking role of 3. We thought that the planes did not have the advantages that they should have and this was the best option even though it is not likly for a tank to shoot down a fighter or a bomber.
-Multiple anti-aircraft guns in a single space. They each got a shot at any passing planes. Didn’t work because germany had a huge advantage against US and UK adavances. The Germans put in 10 AA guns in Germany and Northern Italy which eliminated bombing runs, and so the US and UK could not attack the germans they easily took out Russia
-Subs can submerge before being fired upon by enemy ships as long as the enemy ships were in a square that touched the sea zone the subs were in at the beguining of the turn. So if you were 2 zones away and moved to attack a sub the sub could submerge of fight. Did not work because you had to corner the subs and it took multiple ships to take them out while the other 9 german subs roamed the seas and picked of the ships that were not in large groups.
I haven’t changed any rules for A&AE.
I think its fine the way it is.
Not to say that changing some rules isn’t a good idea, if it makes you happy.
I played various forms of A&A over the last 15 years and tried all kinds of rule modifications.
Nowadays I prefer the games I play to “light” so, I like to keep things simple.
Not Risk simple, though.If you want, check out
Its a new gaming company that is very soon putting out an WW2 boardgame.
All their other games have great tactical level combat.
Its not just throwing a bunch of dice, you actually move your units from flank to flank and to and from reserve areas.
If you want fresh combat options, check it out. -
what about paratroopers? they can help funnel infantry to russia
We use the rule that you can place out as many Anti-Air guns as you like, but each gun can only fire at just one plane, instead of one gun to all planes!
has proven to be fun.
:evil: Thoes426