Question about Russia terriotories at the pacific map

  • Hi

    When Russia and Japan is not at war, may the americans not move land units into russian territories at the pacific map, because the are seen as neutral territories.

    But what happen is Germany capture these territories. May the americans attack them with land units, if Russia and Japan is not at war.

    If yes. may the americas then go over land and attack into korea or Manchuria from the russian terriotories.

    If yes will this start a war between Russia and Japan. Can Japan then attack american units standing in russian territories

    How is the situation if Moscow still are in russian hands?, and the germans just bliz though these areas

  • Official Q&A

    I assume you’re talking 2nd Edition.

    Axis powers with which the Soviet Union is at war may move units into or through any Soviet-control-led territories normally, regardless of where they’re located.  Axis powers on the other map may not move units into or through any Soviet-controlled territories.  Allied powers at war may move units into or through Soviet-controlled territories only on the map on which the Soviet Union is at war.

    In your example, the Soviet Union is at war with Germany and Italy, but not Japan.  German and Italian units may attack or fly over Soviet-controlled territories on either map.  However, Japan must still treat the entire Soviet Union as a neutral power, and may not move units into or through any Soviet-controlled territories.  Allied powers at war may move units into or through European Soviet-controlled territories, but not Pacific ones.

    This is a slight change from the Alpha rules, and will be included in the upcoming FAQ.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I think what he’s asking is if Japan can land on German occupied soviet territories…

    Say Germany landed in Nenestia, and then for 3 turns blitzed the entire back door of Russia all the way to soviet far east.  Japan could then walk onto those German Territories.

    Alot of people use this trick as Italy, to ensure Germany gets the +5 -not at war- NO whilst still advancing into italian conquered russian territory the first turn the axis chooses to attack Russia.

  • Official Q&A

    Sorry, I slightly misspoke.  Let me try again:

    Axis powers with which the Soviet Union is at war may move units into or through any Soviet-controlled territories normally, regardless of where they’re located.  Axis powers on the other map may not move units into or through any original Soviet or Soviet-controlled territories.  Allied powers at war may move units into or through original Soviet and Soviet-controlled territories only on the map on which the Soviet Union is at war.

    In your example, the Soviet Union is at war with Germany and Italy, but not Japan.  German and Italian units may attack or fly over Soviet-controlled territories on either map.  However, Japan must still treat the entire Soviet Union as a neutral power, and may not move units into or through any original Soviet or Soviet-controlled territories.  Allied powers at war may move units into or through European original Soviet and Soviet-controlled territories, but not Pacific ones.

  • Hi

    I know that the allies may not sovjet teritories at the pacific map if Russia is not at war with japan, because it is consider neutral. I do also know that japan may treat this teritories when not at war. I am clear with this movement restrictions.

    The questions are? Russia is not at war with Japan and Moscow is still under russian control.

    Germany blitz though hole russia with a tank and ends up in sovjet far east. That means it is now a german territorium. Germany is at war with USA, and USA are able to liberrate Sovjet far east from the Germans. May they do that?

    2. The USA, liberate Sovjet far east with a lot of land units, and move them towards manchuria. May their land units move into manchuria from liberated sovjet territorium, and may the japanese attack the americans in territorium without getting into war with russia.

    1. May the blitzing german tank from sovjet far east move to japanese controlled china without getting to with china.
  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Sorry, I slightly misspoke.  Let me try again:

    Axis powers with which the Soviet Union is at war may move units into or through any Soviet-controlled territories normally, regardless of where they’re located.  Axis powers on the other map may not move units into or through any original Soviet or Soviet-controlled territories.  Allied powers at war may move units into or through original Soviet and Soviet-controlled territories only on the map on which the Soviet Union is at war.

    In your example, the Soviet Union is at war with Germany and Italy, but not Japan.  German and Italian units may attack or fly over Soviet-controlled territories on either map.  However, Japan must still treat the entire Soviet Union as a neutral power, and may not move units into or through any original Soviet or Soviet-controlled territories.  Allied powers at war may move units into or through European original Soviet and Soviet-controlled territories, but not Pacific ones.


    So to clarify…  IF Italy declares war on USSR seperately, lets say on I3, and captures eastern poland.

    Can Germany enter Eastern Poland on G4? WITHOUT declaring war on the USSR? Or not?

    I’m sorry to be so specific, but this move happens everyday in the PBF section lol…

  • Official Q&A


    The questions are? Russia is not at war with Japan and Moscow is still under russian control.

    Germany blitz though hole russia with a tank and ends up in sovjet far east. That means it is now a german territorium. Germany is at war with USA, and USA are able to liberrate Sovjet far east from the Germans. May they do that?



    1. May the blitzing german tank from sovjet far east move to japanese controlled china without getting to with china.

    Yes, but China will then be eligible to declare war on Germany.


    So to clarify…  IF Italy declares war on USSR seperately, lets say on I3, and captures eastern poland.

    Can Germany enter Eastern Poland on G4? WITHOUT declaring war on the USSR? Or not?


  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Got it.

    The crux is entirely dependant on which maps are engaged in conflict -or not-.

    And I’m going to guess this stems right from the fact that Russia would declare war on Japan J1 otherwise, to play total sea-lion prevent.

    Cool with me.

  • @Krieghund:


    The questions are? Russia is not at war with Japan and Moscow is still under russian control.

    Germany blitz though hole russia with a tank and ends up in sovjet far east. That means it is now a german territorium. Germany is at war with USA, and USA are able to liberrate Sovjet far east from the Germans. May they do that?


    May the americans liberate sovjet far east from the germans, if moscow is under axis rule, and japan is still not a war with russia

  • Official Q&A


  • Not that it should matter anyway.  Russia (or any country) is free to declare war but not actually perform a combat move (as I don’t think this changed from 1st Ed, and was still the case with Alpha 3).  This can be simply to get fly-over access.

    Russia can (and should from a strictly abusive game mechanic position), on it’s first turn, declare war on Japan, even if it has no intention to ever attack any Japanese territory, simply to open the US up for landing spaces.  There’s no reason not to as Japan can do the same if it needs or wants to do fly-over passage.

  • @Krieghund:

      Allied powers at war may move units into or through European original Soviet and Soviet-controlled territories, but not Pacific ones.

    I think this rule is totally nuts. What does it add to playability ? Nothing, it just cludder up and make the rules complicate to newbies.

    The mistake you designers do is to treat Global40 as two separate games, when it should be treated the same way as the original 42 game. Imagine a rule that denies US to land a plane in Sovjet Far East in the basic 42 game.

  • I think the above rule is historical uncorrect. When Sovjet was allied with Germany in 1939-40, they let German ships use ports in Murmansk to attack Norway, and the port in Sovjet Far East to attack british shipping in the Pacific. When Sovjet got allied to USA, they would send 50 % of the Lend/Lease stuff through Sovjet Far East, even before Japan was at war. But even if this mad rule is made for playability and balance, even then it stinks. I love political rules but they should be streamlined, and be the same for every player. Special rules take away from the fun

  • @kcdzim:

    Not that it should matter anyway.  Russia (or any country) is free to declare war but not actually perform a combat move (as I don’t think this changed from 1st Ed, and was still the case with Alpha 3).  This can be simply to get fly-over access.

    Russia can (and should from a strictly abusive game mechanic position), on it’s first turn, declare war on Japan, even if it has no intention to ever attack any Japanese territory, simply to open the US up for landing spaces.  There’s no reason not to as Japan can do the same if it needs or wants to do fly-over passage.

    There is no reason to not declare war with either the USSR or with Japan. There is no longer a penalty for being the one to declare war, and being at war doesn’t cause other countries to enter the war.

  • yes, but that makes the rule redundant

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