@Midnight_Reaper Hello good sir… I am not able to get into my BGG mail, so please let me know in here once you have been at the postoffice to check for the shipping price of the French/China sheets we have talked about :)
Thank you in advance :D
Well let’s see some detailed pictures!!
My pieces arrived today. Â Clearly this is HBG’s best set yet with regards to detail. Â Every sculpt is on par with the Tiger that was included in the German set. Â Since nobody has detailed photos to share, I thought I’d provide some myself. There is a slide bar at the bottom of this post so that you can see the entire picture. Alternately, you can click on a picture to see it full size.
Aircraft Carrier:
Heavy Battleship:
Heavy Cruiser:
Light Cruiser:
Dive Bomber:
Medium Tank:
Light Tank:
Overall, just an amazing job. Â Doug, please don’t leave the base Japanese set on the backburner too long.
I agree whole heartedly, it is the best set to date. I think this British set is going to be an awesome set and could surpass it. I can’t wait for all these new sets, the American, French, German and Facilities set, as well as the Global Sets.
It is good time to be a fan of axis and allies! :-)
I agree whole heartedly, it is the best set to date. I think this British set is going to be an awesome set and could surpass it. I can’t wait for all these new sets, the American, French, German and Facilities set, as well as the Global Sets.
It is good time to be a fan of axis and allies! :-)
wow these are awesome! thanks for posting the pics of the pieces close up! we just get too see the design pics on the website. I am itching to get my set…living up in Canada we always get the cool stuff dead last :cry:
Agreed, the british are a much needed addition that every A&A game needs! finally a hurricane mould! I been using OOB p40 warhawks and painting them in british colors as they are the closest too looking like a hurricane
One thing that I noticed in particular with this set is how well the battleship turrets are molded. They actually look like individual turrets as opposed to raised boxes from the deck. Very, very good improvement.
Thanks for the great pictures – the new sculpts look very impressive. Mine should be arriving any day now, so this really gives me something to look forward to.
One thing that I noticed in particular with this set is how well the battleship turrets are molded. They actually look like individual turrets as opposed to raised boxes from the deck. Very, very good improvement.
I noticed the turrets as well. This set has great detail.
I noticed the OOB medium tanks are bigger than the HBG ones.
Was this on purpose to bring everything back to scale?
It is good time to be a fan of axis and allies!
Yes, this is a good time to be an A&A piece junkie. When I compare all the goodies we have now (both OOB and from HBG) with the limited range that we had in the early days (both OOB and from folks like Table Tactics and Xeno Games), the difference is worlds apart. Back then, when I wanted to give an existing nation a unit type that didn’t exist OOB, or when I wanted to create an equipment set for a country that wasn’t yet officially part of the OOB game (France, for example), I had to make do with sculpts cobbled together from other sources – usually with very unsatisfactory results. Over the years, as more and better pieces (representing more unit types and issued in more colours) have become available, I’ve been able to correct a lot of those deficiencies. The inventories of the primary nations have been upgraded, while the “make do” sculpts have gradually been withdrawn from those inventories: they’ve either been reallocated to minor powers or retired altogether. It’s a bit like what happens to military equipment in real life, come to think of it. When (as an example) America’s military equipment starts showing its age, it’s replaced with new and better material and the old stuff gets given to the Marine and the National Guard, or it’s given or sold to allied countries. Those countries in turn sometimes re-sell the stuff as it ages even further, and so on, sometimes to the point where the weapons leave state control entirely and end up in the hands of revolutionary groups or similar organizations. I guess you could say that a very rough index of a military force’s status in the world is how many times its hand-me-down hardware has changed owners before they acquired it. Hmm…that’s a potential idea for what to do with all my retired-from-service sculpts: give them to the little revolutionary/nationalist groups that originated during WWII and that started campaigning against the colonial powers once the war ended. :wink:
I already finished painting some of mine,
they came out pretty good
then some more, havent started the navy pieces yet
It is good time to be a fan of axis and allies!Â
Yes, this is a good time to be an A&A piece junkie. When I compare all the goodies we have now (both OOB and from HBG) with the limited range that we had in the early days (both OOB and from folks like Table Tactics and Xeno Games), the difference is worlds apart. Back then, when I wanted to give an existing nation a unit type that didn’t exist OOB, or when I wanted to create an equipment set for a country that wasn’t yet officially part of the OOB game (France, for example), I had to make do with sculpts cobbled together from other sources – usually with very unsatisfactory results. Over the years, as more and better pieces (representing more unit types and issued in more colours) have become available, I’ve been able to correct a lot of those deficiencies. The inventories of the primary nations have been upgraded, while the “make do” sculpts have gradually been withdrawn from those inventories: they’ve either been reallocated to minor powers or retired altogether. It’s a bit like what happens to military equipment in real life, come to think of it. When (as an example) America’s military equipment starts showing its age, it’s replaced with new and better material and the old stuff gets given to the Marine and the National Guard, or it’s given or sold to allied countries. Those countries in turn sometimes re-sell the stuff as it ages even further, and so on, sometimes to the point where the weapons leave state control entirely and end up in the hands of revolutionary groups or similar organizations. I guess you could say that a very rough index of a military force’s status in the world is how many times its hand-me-down hardware has changed owners before they acquired it. Hmm…that’s a potential idea for what to do with all my retired-from-service sculpts: give them to the little revolutionary/nationalist groups that originated during WWII and that started campaigning against the colonial powers once the war ended.  :wink:
Yes, several people have showed me pictures of the old pieces, and you can tell a world of difference between the pieces then and now. I guess you could use your older pieces for nations like Portugal, Siam, Iraq and Brazil, until the Global sets fill those needs. Romania and Hungary will be getting a Global set in the near future as well as Brazil, so it is not far off. :-)
Wow George, you’ve painted a bunch of units there. When did you get yours? :-D
I received them last week, I had ordered 6 sets.
I received them last week, I had ordered 6 sets.
You must of started painting them, immediately. Your like the US war machine, pumping them out of the factory as fast you get them and getting them ready for war. Nice! :-D
Thx John I appreciate your kind words, lets say I ve had a lot of free time the last 3-4 days,lol
Hey Guys. Sorry it took me so long but I got a few pics. I got my sets during the work week so I didn’t have a lot of time to play with them until now.
First, this is a complete set of the Japanese Expansion in all 4 colors.
Next, here are our new Kikka jet fighters alongside some of the Me262 fighters from the German Expansion.
Now we got the different new ships along with OOB pieces. New HBG pieces are in the front.
Upper left are heavy cruisers, we have 2 types now. The HBG Mogami is just a little longer than the OOB Takao, but with much better detail of course.
Upper right are the destroyers, we have 3 types now. The HBG Kagero is similar in size to the OOB 1941 Akitsuki and both are a little longer than the OOB Fubuki. It seems to me like the Kagero has similar features to the Akitsuki. I wonder if they spawned from similar classes.
Lower center are the submarines, we have 3 types now. While the OOB “I” Class and OOB 1941 Kaichu Class are similar in size, HBG’s I-400 is quite a bit bigger. Personally, I would use the I-400 as a Super Sub.
Next are the Capital Ships.
Upper center are the Fleet Aircraft Carriers, we now have 4 different types. The OOB Shinano we are all very familiar with. The OOB 1941 Akagi is a very nice ship. The HBG Kaga is outstanding and the best in my opinion. The HBG Unryu is an excellent carrier sculpt and seems a little shorter than the Kaga, like it sits a little lower in the water. I am guessing the reason for this is that the Kaga was converted from a battleship design in accordance with the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922 while the Unryu was built as a straight carrier. The Unryu is a fantastic sculpt, I just like the Kaga a little better.
Lower Left are the Yamatos. As you can see, HBG’s beautiful new Yamato is significantly larger than the OOB Yamato. WOTC never should have used the Yamato for Japan’s basic battleship sculpt as it was considered a “super” battleship and not in the norm for Japan’s battleships of the time. The HBG sculpt is absolutely gorgeous in my opinion. I love that you can see individual gun barrels even at this scale.
Lower right are the standard battleships. We have 2 or 3 depending on your playing style. The HBG Fuso (top) was designed smaller to represent lesser powered early war battleships. While I understand HBG’s idea and logic behind this design, I personally don’t care for it. I think the Fuso should have been bigger than what it is.
The HBG Nagato is a fabulous battleship sculpt. Excellent detail and good size, right in line with other battleship sculpts. In the middle is the OOB 1941 Kongo which itself is a pretty decent sculpt even if it does lack the detailing of HBG’s pieces. I was using the Kongo in my games, but will switch to the Nagato now.