first @Ansbach again: 16+ inf against eastern Europe means a weak Caucasus, so I would prefer an agressive conterstrategy against Russia now: Needing transported inf in Caucasus/Ukraine the only battleship-job is to sink UK-battleship and keep UK-fighters out of Karelia for 2 rounds of play.
I wouldn’t play above stategy now, so don’t discuss it here
1.) without taking africa you have to imagin there’s nearly no pressur from UK or US to Europe meanlands for 3-4 rounds of play, if you sink UK-homefleet a second time.
And Japan would be faster, if UK deforces India
2.)If you change strategy in GT2 to take africa attacking AES (only if UK-sub doesn’t block next to Italy) you have to ad one German inf more. (1 Lyb, 1 Centralafrica, 2 by trn from ALG and Gibr.)
Maybe (I don’t know rules here) you can ad one Battleshipshot sinking sub with other air/naval units first.
But I think I wouln’t attack them now if they as strong as you force them, I prefer to sink UK-sub and inforce western africa first.
@TG Moses VI:
1.) With RR all German strategys are much more easier. (but my Axis&Allies-friends including me wouldn’t allow it, we just play it 4-5 times)
With RR Germany got 5th fighter to attack AES in T1 or somthing else.
You recive 1 fighter attacking UK-homefleet with Baltic-sub, and you can transport some inf between Finnland and European Meanland. Now I’m nearly sure this will normaly work for the beginning of Game.
- Cause we played only with allied factories in asia I’ve got no experience about Japans speed without them. So I respect your Opinion about it. Maybe just try it with extra navals in italy and against defencive russian player.
But imagine: Would you as UK-player purchase an AC, if a strong german naval- and airforce is in reach. If not Germany can strike into africa now.
3.) ALG-inf can transported with Gib-one together imeadeatly T2, or conterattack UK-tank, if it had attacked lonly G-inf in Lybia or Centralafrica
In this strategy the value of conquering Gibralta is to keep UK fighters away from my battleship.
Strongest arguement of my strategy is, you can change strategy easily, if luck wasn’t yours in T1.
But together with sub, trn, bs, bmb and 3 fght against ac, 2 fght and 2-3 trn there´s also a realy good chance of German suvive with bmb and 2 fght.
Remember Germany has to risk somthing to win the game!
@Ansbach: If strategy works I’ll try to win game by blocking UK/US reaching France/Norway/Karelia or somewhat, not in africa at al costs
@ F_alk: Yippieee someone on my side
Little point: ALG-inf is not going south, it goes sout-east to front AES and Lybia in one time