Im not talking about a digital Map, but a real one. I consider myself very artistically minded so I think I could do it without it looking too bad. What materials would I need, how much time would it take? I wanna do a global map from about 1920.
How you guys making your maps
So, seeing all these A&A spin-offs coming down, I wonder how you guys making your maps? I designed a Cold War game years ago, but never got around to making a map. I have no background in graphic design so am really at a loss of where even to begin. Any good programs that a novice like me could use?
I’ve used Paintshop Pro with pretty good effects personally. It takes some getting used to if you havn’t used many graphics programs though.
Pencil and paper are my mediums. I don’t have any expensive programs and I’m really cheap with printer ink. Two pieces of ristol board are $1 at the dollar store. I made an anniversary map by hand by finding a simple anniversary map and printing it off small size, I think it was 4 8 1/2 x 11 sheets and gridded it off and drew grids on the Bristol and drew it box by box. Dollar store paints and a sharpie.
I use Photoshop Elements. Its not the best but it works.