i don’t know that, as the “average spewer of hate” is already way ahead of the average “silent hater”.
Already way ahead in terms of what? :-?
By what you say, you all claim it all comes down to materialistic jealousy.
There is so much more that materialistic jealousy -prestige, power, ect. A lot of it is simple thumbing of the nose rebellion without cause. I see a lot of those.
I don’t think that Saddam can hide everything forever. And, more important, it keeps down the scale of his production capabilities. So, i think he will try, and the UN will do its best to hinder him. That’s a fair deal to me, whoever is better, wins.
You didn’t answer me. Do UN weapon inspectors have unrestricted access to anywhere in Iraq or what? Also, what will be the size of such a UN peacekeeping effort?
For pre-WWII Germany: there were no inspectors there,
You seriously believe this? “Germany Disarmed and Rearming, 1925-1935” by Berenice Carroll and tell me other wise. Go ahead.
This tells us something. Will the UN rigorously check to make sure Saddam has NBC weapons or become lax after a while?
As fine as the US preaching the destruction of Saddam, as fine as Reagan’s joke about bombing the Kremlin. As fine as GWB judging the UN by “what they do and not what they debate”.
Talking is the first step usually, you are right in that, but talk doesn’t necessarily lead to action. Saddam has to keep his face, he can’t allow to give to easily, just as GWB nearly has to fight this war, because he already said he would do it regardless what the Iraq does.
Perhaps you did not understand my question: is Iraq a perfectly stable country except for George Bush’s tough talks? Has Saddam been directly and directly responsible for the deaths of thousands (maybe even millions)? Has Saddam used chemcial weapons before on his own people? Has Saddam purposely ejected UN Inspectors from Iraq and endured UN sanctions on his own people? Has Saddam violated the Cease-Fire agreement after the Gulf War?
I bet you don’t want to see Americans grow up in Iraq
Why not? If Iraq does become a place different from today, I could see it happen.
In that time, we needed a war to overcome that. Does that mean you will need one now?
The wars to fight of the invasions have been done. The gassing is long ago, fighting solely for that reason now would be hypocritical.
No, it proves what Saddam has done in the past and what he’s capable of doing again. And to amend past mistakes.
Never pay back more than what was done to you. Never pay back less than what was done to you.
The so called game theory is flawed. So should I have Americans hijack one a plane and crash it into one of their buildings?
And even if they did the above: you wouldn’t have done that. That would have been the END OF THE WORLD. Nothing more, nothing less. What you would have done is “send in some terrorists of your own”.
And what would’ve happened? Let them get away with it? Guess what, yesterday Pearl Harbor was bombed. I say we sit buy and watch it happen over and over without doing anything about it. :roll: Now who is worse off? So our so called “terrorist” didn’t belong in Europe, didn’t belong in South Korea, didn’t belong in Vietnam?
So, that leaves open only the harboring of terrorists. Why do you think a war is a must to (1) proof and (2) end that?
There has already been proof of this, and I would end it. And your alternative would be? Let them openly arm and train terrorist for future operations?
Are you USies such cowards that you couldn’t stand the thought of someone having weapons close to you?
And I sure ICBM’s didn’t matter much, did they? Sure… :roll: I would never give the Soviets a chance of pre-emptive strike. As Ghoul said, missles pointed at Russan and they wanting them gone – they must be cowards too! :roll:
You claim to be the “heros” and cry and whine over a lost war, which in retro-respect you call police action, just to keep your “war balance” a bit cleaner?
At least our actions were condoned by the UN. Did the Russians and Saddam every bother to do that?
(And i don’t think that Saddam is a threat to the world!)
I am sure you would’ve said the same thing 10 years ago.