In Search of A Real Answer to My Axis & Allies Problem

  • :? snickle, frickle, grickle, crack  :? **I had taken Cairns & Brisbane & almost had the Central Beachhead Secure. I had eliminated my little island operations to gain money & had reduced My Primary Island Base of Operations by half for the same purpose. I had 2 additional Corp HQ’s on Australia, with Armor, Infantry & Mech Support in addition to a Complete Navy Force that I was using for Aerial Bombardment. I managed to take Cairns & Brisbane by a Combination of Banzai Attacks by Paratroopers that I had landed in the rear lines & had them attack each city simultaneously while those Cities & British Bases were being Bombed from the air. I had just lost 2 Complete Contingents of Massed Armor, Mech & Infantry & Paratrooper Banzai Charges on the Big British Base in the Center Rear & was sending in a 3rd Wave……And then the Computer Screen Froze Up & the game shut down…3-1/2 Hours of battle & now I have to do it all over again.

    But the next time, I know what NOT to do.**

  • TripleA '12

    Cool, nice posts. Yeah, this game is pretty much not very realistic, historically. But hell, is it fun!

    When I played the level you mentioned, I built 3 Core HQs to get that cash rolling in quick - two on the mainland and one on an island.

    Keep playing and enjoying it.  :-)

  • This game is set in a 1941ish Mode. I don’t suppose there is a 1940 PC Axis & Allies Game like what I have where I can try My Hand at Operation Sealion, is there?

  • :mrgreen: I Feel BAD Now, because I Defeated The British & Took Over Their Cities in Australia. It was a Combination of Land, Sea & Air that finally did it in for them. The wild part is, I could never make a stand on land with any amount of Landing Forces. It was a Combination of Massive Air Raids while I was performing Paratrooper Banzai Charges at the exact same time, sometimes Bombing My Own Troops in the process. Only took me like 4 Hours (+) that 3-1/2 Hours from last night.

    Now it’s on to Kursk, where I just discovered The Tanks have Headlights that work.

  • TripleA '12

    It was a Combination of Massive Air Raids while I was performing Paratrooper Banzai Charges at the exact same time

    Yep, in this game timing is everything. Keep bombing!  :-)

  • **Well, even though the computer said I successfully defended the Beaches at Normandy & I won the Battle, twice now I haven’t done anything but retreat in order to regroup & the second time I didn’t even get to fight anyone before Rommell’s Forces just gave up & “WE” Lost.

    However, having won “The Battle” the previous day, I was able to proceed to Operation Sealion.

    Today it took Me about 3 Hours, but I Conquered ALL of England & I got to watch The Cinematic End to The British Isles, but not to The Empire, where I now find Myself as Japan Invading India in an attempt to bring The British Empire to it’s Knee’s.

    It doesn’t look like this is going to be easy.

    I also need to go back & see if I CAN Repel The Invaders at Normandy as well.**

  • TripleA '12

    I got to watch The Cinematic End to The British Isles, but not to The Empire

    Are you saying that the campaign has different endings according to how well you did with each mission’s objectives? I’ve played through both Axis and Allies campaigns many times, but always completed all objectives, so in effect achieving nothing less than full victory.

    Yep, Normandy is a hard one. Good luck with that.

  • **I don’t know. If you accept the fact that you won the campaign when the computer says that you have & you stop right there, which I don’t, because I Desire to Completely Annihilate My Enemies to the Last Man, I don’t know if there is an Alternate Ending to the End of The Campaign Film.

    I Defeated The Russians at Stalingrad but did not completely Destroy all of Chukov’s(?) Forces, but still managed to Win the Campaign & Move to the Next Mission.**

  • **I wonder if there is a way to Bypass India? The British are Determined to stay there & since it’s only India, what’s the Big Deal? I mean, eventually The Indians will Revolt against their British Oppressors, right?

    Maybe a New Approach is in order. Surrender perhaps?

    Something tells me though I need to try that BOMBER Approach & see what happens.**

  • I have tried everything I can think of to do & I can’t make any headway against the British in Burma. I finally figured out that India is after Burma. Obviously John Wayne is Fighting on The Brit Side, as that would explain my not being able to get anywhere.

  • TripleA '12

    The British are Determined to stay there & since it’s only India, what’s the Big Deal? I mean, eventually The Indians will Revolt against their British Oppressors, right?

    I don’t think you can skip chapters (missions) in the campaigns. You have to complete each in succession in order to move on to the next. I don’t think that last bit is simulated in the game though. :)

    I have tried everything I can think of to do & I can’t make any headway against the British in Burma. I finally figured out that India is after Burma. Obviously John Wayne is Fighting on The Brit Side, as that would explain my not being able to get anywhere.

    Then some advice for you. Build Mechanised Infantry brigades on this level as it is very large and you will need the fluid mobility for attack and defence. Also, build TONS of Anti-Aircraft Guns around your bases. I didn’t have any problem with John Wayne though; I think he evacuated along with the British High Command in India when their forward sappers could hear the low rumble of my mechanised units approaching Calcutta…

    Crack on with it my son, you’ll get there!  :-)

  • @Lozmoid:

    Also, build TONS of Anti-Aircraft Guns around your bases. I didn’t have any problem with John Wayne though; I think he evacuated along with the British High Command in India when their forward sappers could hear the low rumble of my mechanised units approaching Calcutta…

    Crack on with it my son, you’ll get there!�  :-)

    Well now, you see, there is only one problem with that bit of advice, although I did do something interesting about the 8th time in Burma, but Building an Excess of A/A Defences cost a LOT of Money, Ammo & Supplies & I have to wait for everything to recoup before I can make any serious damage elsewhere.

    Now, about the 8th try in Burma, I kept thinking about that little hill that you had to cross to get into Delhi(?), well, the Brits hads to cross it to get to your Base as well, so I built a Half Moon Shaped Defensive Line made up of as follows: A/A. Pillbox, Artillery, A/A, Pillbox, Artillery, Etc,…. Until I went from the Beach, up the hill & back down again down to the stream, with intermittent Artillery & Pilloxes placed in other Strategic Places.

    In the end, I Lost again, but it took those Brits a while to punch through that Defensive Line.

    Now in England I surrounded My Entire Base with A/A Guns & I shot down every plane that came my way.

    Now, being the Ruthless Leader that I am, Yesterday I Sacrificed 3 Tank Brigades & about 10 Regiments of Infantry Attacking a British Tank & Halftrack Army that was coming down the Hill with a Combination Banzai Charge & a Zero Kamikaze Plane which pretty much took out the whole ensemble in that area.

    I hate to admit it, but it was Funny.

    (To The Mods, I Apologize if My Posts Seem Like Spam.)

  • Lozmoid: The A/A Guns cost Money & Supplies that are needed elsewhere, but I will give the Mechanised Infantry Idea a shot & see what happens.

  • **Well, today represented a turning point for Me with this game. for a little over 3 hours I was able to Build a Serious Base of Operations in an attempt to Defeat The British in Burma. I Built Up a Series of Serious Supply, Ammo & Oil Depots, as well as 2 Airfields, 2 Infantry HQ’s, 1 Paratrooper HQ, 1 Mechanised HQ & 1 Tank HQ & a Myriad of A/A & Artillery Emplacements.

    I was able to knock out Approximately 3 British HQ Corps, 6 Airfields, 10 A/A Emplacements, 2 Pillboxes & 2 Artillery Pieces, as well as 2 Paratrooper HQ’s & about 10 Ammo Depots, as well as 1/2 a Dozen Bundles of Economic Aid.

    I also managed to obliterate 3 Armies of Troops & Armor with 3 Kamikaze Strikes.

    However, after going through about 4 Mixtures of Armored & Infantry Armies of My Own, the inevitable happened. The British Forces or rather The Computer got tired of my presence & produced about 200 Tanks & other Armored Vehicles as well as about 100 of their own troops & wiped Me & my entire force off the map down to the very last Soldier.

    Tomorrow is a new day & we will see how it plays out.

    I’m curious though, is there a way to obtain more than 20 Regiments?**

  • TripleA '12

    Nope, 20 regiments is your maximum. But you can mix 'em up however you please.

    A word of advice: whenever you destroy the enemy’s Core HQ he will have the ability to recruit/deploy a new one almost immediately. Be ready for that and have your Bomber squadrons standing by.

    Now get in there and knock the British out of Burma!  :-)

  • Yeah, I know when the enemy builds a new HQ, because it appears on the Map as a Bold Square just as a New Airfield appears as the shape of a Plane.

  • TripleA '12

    Good, just be aware that as you are detroying the last of his base buidlings (and his Core HQ is already gone) there’s always a good chance that he’s started a new base somewhere else on the map. I’ve seen it many times when you thought your foe was vanquished only to find him building up again in some remote corner of the map. Scout about and find him!

  • **grumble, mumble, snickle, frick……3 Hours & 48 Minutes into the Game & WINNING, The British Armor came after me & within 7 Minutes they Defeated Me.

    I had Destroyed at least 8 British Airfields, Untold Infantry, Armor & Airborne HQ’s & at least 6 Corp HQ’s as well as numerous Depots of all shapes & sizes. I even Destroyed Stocks of British Economic Aid, but it didn’t matter.

    My Banzai Warriors Kicked Butt for a while though, but not even My Forces could stand up to Flamethrowing Tanks.

    The Next Battle will be The Last.**

  • Well, I’m not entirely sure how I did it, but at 1:35 AM this morning, I Conquered India & now my Joint German & Japanese Forces are Marching on Moscow.

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