@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
I don’t take advice from a japan player who failed me!
It’s time to chop up some meat for the BBQ.
I hope you’re ready cow. :P
Mess with the cow and you get the horns!
I will trample over your corpse with my hoofs!
Battle you must,
going we shall.HMMM.
I’m shaking in my boots…
Tournament night at Cow’s place…
Was Utterly amazing.
In you disappointed I am.
Death by Dice defeats Brothers in Arms
Good game boys!
Who’s next?
Cow’s Dismoopointed!
Yes, I am disappointed in how long you are making me wait! This is a huge delay, QQ.
Didn’t you make like a no stalling rule, like 1-3 turns a week or something?
I am willing to play a game over the lobby, close it off with a password. I do my turns fast, some people take like 10-15 minutes… lol.
Cow, which side would you say is favored, and what bid do you think would properly balance the underdog?
Axis of course. Unit count at start of the game is tight, income becomes even relatively quickly, positioning carries them to the VC win.
The axis have a wider array of strategies to choose from.
For beginners allies usually win, because the longer the game goes the better with their income advantage.
Mid tier players such as yourself might find the allies at an advantage, because it is easy to do a little bit of everything, defend russia and win.
Experienced players tend to win with axis and tend to prefer the axis over the allies, because they don’t have to play it a specific way tailored to their opponent.
I seldom see players wanting to be the allies.
In a low luck game, axis hands down. The axis have too much of an advantage for low luck games.
It’s a dice game, experienced players will find axis winning a little more than half the time. The axis is a pocket pair and the allies are ace kings. You got to be lucky here and there.
Mid tier players such as yourself might find the allies at an advantage, because it is easy to do a little bit of everything, defend russia and win.
Mid tier, huh. There truly is no bound to the idiotic manure that buzzes around your empty cow brain and cannot help but tumble out onto your keyboard for the rest of the world to see. You take pride in being the village idiot, and for that, at least, you are to be commended. You are self-aware and you are one of the lucky few that found something you are good at and you have embraced it. You know that we are laughing at you and not with you and you relish in that fact.
Cow, you are a no tier player. You have never won anything except the title for most posts per hour on this site between May 2012 and the present. Your failure to take your ADHD medication on a regular basis keeps you from being able to finish any tournament or a league season. Hell, oft times you cannot even finish games that you start after running your mad cow mouth up and down this website ad nauseam.
Don’t worry folks. He’ll disappear again soon just like he has done in the past. He’s all moo and no beef. Just an empty cud.