@Intrepid cool i learned something new today : )
New Version of phpBB
“Well it was either upgrade immediately to the ugly white or use the old broken one while I figured out how to change the graphics. They made it a bit more difficult in this version.”
White is not ugly at all! The board is much easier on the eyes then the old blue splash with humongous lettering. I think that the change was for the better.
:) -
Hey, hey, hey I happened to like that “old blue splash” with the giant sized white font!
(not all of us have perfect vision unlike a certain somebody… :o) -
If you go into preferneces you can actually change the color scheme.
Thanks sir yourbuttocks, but I like this color scheme the best. :)
Wha– you can change the color scheme!!?? Consider me sold! Time to ditch techno-white for old school blue! :P
yeah, i switched to the classic blue too…
btw horten, thanks for getting rid of the cartoon. i can actually see everything now!
Sorry guys, I got rid of the classic blue because it had some problems on certain browser, like the text fields were white on white.
However, you can switch to the CoolBlue theme (which used to be called axistest2). I’ll work on a classic blue theme over the next few days to weeks.
The Cooblue theme is much easier on the eyes.
I have to agree – nice work DJ! :wink: