Thanks djensen!
New T-Shirt Designs (including Canadian roundel)
I’m working on some new t-shirt designs. They’re simple but I think they’re elegant in their simplicity.
I have a few more designs to work on before I’ll be “done.”
Knowing who visits this forum, I’m surprised I have sold 100 of these t-shirts yet. :wink:
Since it’s not really in the game, the only reason why I included Canada is for you guys. :-D
Nice to see the new shirts. i must say however that ringer T is not for me, but that’s just me. My navy blue US roundel with soldier fits me just fine. Had a couple people recognize the silhouette.
You can customize the shirt to be something besides the ringer. I just thought the ringer looked cool. If you get a “Value T-shirt” it’s about $15. Zazzle regularly has sales, like today, so you can probably get it down to $12 or so.
Good to know, thanks DJ.