Yes so I know… Too much of us think that you are Frasier’s from “Due South”… OF course not me… :)
…you forgot the BQ.
I would certainly vote for them because i think Québec should be a country of it’s own… (Not that i have anything against the English people). While i know the BQ is federal, they help the province of Québec to get a little “attention”.
The liberal party is not left wing?
I don’t know the parties, someone explain them to me?
The liberal party is not left wing?
I don’t know the parties, someone explain them to me?
You don’t need to knowl, you’re not Canadian!
I throw my hat in with the Alliance then. I happen to like off the wall ideas! :P Not a Canchuk (sp), but I go there A LOT and have relatives and friends up there so I can get away with it.
so Moses, you are right wing ?
:-? Psst… depends on your definition of right-wing.
The liberal party is not left wing?
I don’t know the parties, someone explain them to me?
Personnaly, but this is an european vision, i think of the liberal as being right-wing. In Canada i don’t know but in Québec it is the center-right party… But right and Left are not very clear terms… What is consider center-right somewhere can be center-left somewhere else. Amyway i did’nt stay in Canada really long so i am not aware of all the subtility of their politic.
I don’t think there’s a lot of definition… From what i know the Alliance is the right-wing party of the Canada (less interventionist, more for decentralization)… But i was thinking you were a theist communist (quite strange… but anyway). Seem like i was wrong.
I’m with FinsterniS on this one too. I think that Quebec needs to be divided into regions that are pro-federalism vs. the non-fed regions. Those cancerous anti-Canada regions need to be severed from the rest of the country like a tumor. I’m tired of tax money being poured into those areas just to appease people who thumb their noses at the rest of us - especially when that money could go to people who actually NEED it. Then my mutual funds start to crash when one of those lunatics tries to force another referendum with ambiguous wording . . . i wish they would just go already. Unfortunately the BQ is losing popularity fast and Quebeccers are tired of politicians telling them that being a part of Canada stifles their destiny. Ahhh well. One day. (mind you, i hope that Montreal would stay - i like that city).
Oh yeah - and the Liberals have up until recently been considered “left-wing”. With the right-wing vote split between the Alliance and the PC’s the liberals can pretty much be anything they want to be at this point, and only Cretin can lose them an election (but even that bumbling fool won’t!).
Flame on my fellow Canucks :lol:
I don’t think there’s a lot of definition… From what i know the Alliance is the right-wing party of the Canada (less interventionist, more for decentralization)… But i was thinking you were a theist communist (quite strange… but anyway). Seem like i was wrong.”
Well if I were to rewind in time, Conservative would actually be in favor of centralization – not decentralization (in a American Federalist sense). But is the Alliance Right-Wing in the sense of Republican political [anti-abortion, pro gun rights… ect] ideology or economic ideology [pro-capitalism, anti-socialism… ect]? There’s a big difference. I’m a theist, but not a total Christian.
I’m all in favor of a seperate Quebec country (recent elections within the past decade show that the country is virtually divided on this issue, though the slight majority is against this). But hey, and I’m sounding like a Conderate [CCC] here, if they want to be independent so badly and this is WITHOUT threatening the lifeblood (economy and such) of Canada… so be it.
BTW Cystic Crypt, what part of Canada are you from?
I’m going to go with a kegger party but a hunting party would be a close second followed by a fishing party.
Just like Ghoul, I’m a Winnipegger - look at the country, and find the exact center of it (100 km north or so of the US border). Thats pretty close to where i live. The great, vast Canadian prairie. As we are west of the Ontario border, we are considered too to suffer from “western alienation”, although i don’t REALLY buy into that.
The province i live in is much more sharply divided into “liberal and pc” at the national level, “pc and ndp” at the provincial level. We’ve nearly got a 1:1 ratio of right:left.
Please correct me if i’m wrong on this ghoul . . . .
the Bloc have 38 seats thats gives them a voice in federal matters but there porvintial counter parts teh PQ are losing suport and i wont be surprised if they lose the next election to the Democratic action party and they do not have plans for a refarendom.
here are the rest of the standings in the house of commons.
NDP 13 seats
PC 12 seats
independint 3 seats
ind. conservitive 1 seat
Alience 61 seats
Bloc 38 seats
Liberal 167
I don’t know the parties, someone explain them to me?
Ok the Liberals are center-right and led by Chretian of Shawinigon our current prime minister. they try to apese every one. but it’s hard not to notice there own personal agenda. if Chretian was not a compulive lier i may vote that way.
the PC or Prgesive Conservitive ( thats an oxymorron in it’s self) are right wing and led by Clark of Calgary Center. i don’t know much about the PC only that when ever they do take power they usaly leave very unpopular (last time they left in 93’ they had 2 seats).
the NDP or New Democratic Party is left wing and they used to be led by McDonough of Halifax but they do not have a leader at the moment. becase they are the only left party they try to apese all the voices of the left by constintly changing policies and tactics which make them loose suport in the long run.
the Canadian Alience led by Harper of Calgary west is vary right wing infact i would almost consider them borderline fachist. they are homophobic although they do not admit it. and the have a platform simalare to that of the repuplican party but a little more extreme.
The Bloc Quebecois is hard to define on the political spectrim it’s led by Duceppe of luaurier- sainte-marie it is the Quebec sepertist party and they seem to ocupy there time by wining and complaining about canada.
well thats our beloved country in a nut shell
Hmmm… smells like they’re all bad (but then again, what major party in America isn’t?). I’d stick with the Alliance due to their strong poltical agenda, even though I may not support it. For most of the others, it’s the classic tale that when you try to appease everybody (and this is how you wrote them as), you end up appeasing nobody.
Hmmm… smells like they’re all bad (but then again, what major party in America isn’t?). I’d stick with the Alliance due to their strong poltical agenda, even though I may not support it. For most of the others, it’s the classic tale that when you try to appease everybody (and this is how you wrote them as), you end up appeasing nobody.
You dare dis the green party?
wait a moment…
Just like Ghoul, I’m a Winnipegger - look at the country, and find the exact center of it (100 km north or so of the US border). Thats pretty close to where i live. The great, vast Canadian prairie. As we are west of the Ontario border, we are considered too to suffer from “western alienation”, although i don’t REALLY buy into that.
The province i live in is much more sharply divided into “liberal and pc” at the national level, “pc and ndp” at the provincial level. We’ve nearly got a 1:1 ratio of right:left.
Please correct me if i’m wrong on this ghoul . . . .
I think you got it pretty close.
I hate the NDP!
wow, i’m pretty lost… you said on one post you were supporting a communist association ? no ?
Now you are saying you are supporting the right-wing canadian party ?
Not a little incoherent ?
Well I asked before if it was right-wing in ideologoy or economics, so far no answers. Beside, it looks like the Alliance is the only party with any coherency, it seems like the parties are too much, “Well lets try to appease everybody.” Parties will that often try that, like Mini said (constantly changing policies and tactics), which will make them loose support in the long run.
moses shouldn’t be a commie! but then ahgain any true communist society would allow you to own a gun…
right-wing in ideologoy & economy
and… so what ? you are a communist with right-wing ideology ?