If nobody knew the severity of the situation, I still probably would of done it. Otherwise I would just be a sadist in letting man suffer his own fate. A similar incident like this did occur in real life.
Some time ago, a small ship was about to go under. The only problem was there was only one lifeboat! That was when one strong man took hold of the situation, loaded the lifeboat with as many people as he could and departed just in time for the ship to sink. However, the inevitable suction of the downed ship caused the lifeboat to return close to the original location amid many survivors. However, each time someone would try to climb aboard, the man would take his paddle and whack him/her in the head. Thus, the occupants of the lifeboat were able to survive, while everybody else drowned.
Upon returning home, the man was brought to trial for the murder of those he had hit in their attempts to board. The lifeboat survivors testified that even though what the man had done was wrong, by doing so he had saved their lives since the lifeboat was already filled to capacity. Nevertheless, the man was convicted of murder and was imprisoned. If it were up to me, I would’ve given that man a medal.